D-don't make fun of Emma Gonzalez!


>D-don't make fun of Emma Gonzalez!

>The Right Has Launched a Vile New Smear Campaign Against Parkland Survivor Emma Gonzalez. If you thought a teenage victim might be off limits, you'd be wrong.

>Emma Gonzalez's words have already become iconic, adorning countless placards at this weekend's March for Our Lives rally across the country: “We call BS." Now the right is attempting to weaponize the Parkland survivor's newfound fame in the form of a photoshopped image of her tearing up a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

>The fake image, which first appeared on the website Sup Forums in a “‘politically incorrect’ board,” according to CNN, received a "signal boost" from actor Adam Baldwin on Saturday and has been making the rounds on social media ever since. Gab, the preferred network of the alt-right, tweeted out the gif with the caption, “Not gonna happen.”

>This is hardly the first attack on the Parkland shooting survivors, or even Gonzalez herself. Over the weekend, right-wing commenters disparaged the activist for sporting a Cuban flag patch on her jacket during her rally speech. Prior to that, pundits and even a handful of politicians accused David Hogg of being a so-called crisis actor.

>“The attacks being lobbied against Emma follow the all-too-familiar patterns: she’s an opinionated woman, she’s Latinx, she is queer," notes Teen Vogue's Phillip Picardi. "Some say those are strikes already against her when confronting the establishment.”

Attached: Emma Gonzalez Crying.jpg (915x660, 47K)

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If you thought a teenage victim might be off limits, you'd be wrong.

If they don't want a teenage "victim" to be picked apart, they shouldn't put a teenage victim on a stage to push their radical politics. It's upsetting that we have to direct our anger at her but if we knew the money behind her for certain, perhaps we could direct it there more easily.

>Emma Gonzalez's words have already become iconic, adorning countless placards at this weekend's March for Our Lives rally across the country

The left loves victims and emotions. It's the only card they have to play. What they don't like is logic or facts.

>If you thought a teenage victim might be off limits,
lol, after you turned her into a public figure.

low iq mutt

>Uses kids to make their point
>Kids dumb as fuck, do stupid shit
>Get ass pained when people pick apart stupid kids logic and destroy your whole argument.
Fuck I love this timeline sometimes.

Attached: h97f.jpg (840x1129, 251K)

I don't feel bad about attacking her. Not one fucking bit. She's a hypocritical cunt and a goblin on top of that. She deserves what she gets.

Attached: B7647EC64BA7470C811AD608FC22F921.jpg (2208x1242, 2.17M)

The Left uses these kids the same way IS or Al Qaeda uses school yards to launch rockets out of

Salt Mines

archive.is/AhHEm -CNN
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archive.is/Ej6t4 -Buzzfeed
archive.is/FDI51 -Snopes
archive.is/0iWz4 -NY-Post
archive.is/x5G2g -Telegraph
archive.is/afaqG -DailyMail
archive.is/gDCit -Washington Press
archive.is/xEuah -Mashable
archive.is/aEBPz -The Hollywood Reporter
archive.is/pmAjO -NY-Mag
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archive.is/0BFEq -Yahoo
archive.is/FwNUK -Glamour
archive.is/v83Ff -PopCulture

If they didn't want to get attacked they shouldn't have used tragedy to boost thier image.