I have an idea for a new pornsite called TRUMPED.com. It will be about strong masculine Trump supporters having hot sex with cute sjw feminists while her leftist cuck boyfriend watches. It will also have fashy goys fucking the brains out of commie jewesses.
Sounds good?
I have an idea for a new pornsite called TRUMPED.com...
Biggest viewbase will be his jealous haters!
I thought you disliked porn Goyim
Trump is literally mind-raping women right now, what are you doing, user?
anybody have the trump sex dreams compilation?
fucking saved lmao
get out your women will get TRUMPED
how will the rabbis even compete
>implying OP is not a Jew
get out shill Israel #1
>that pic
>implying you wouldnt smash this
>Huge Hogg
she is not wrong
despite the crassness of a woman publicly speaking about penises and forcing out cuss words.
however i assume it is the feminist woman's need to be contrarian rather than objective which made her write that
I'll be a cuck in your films. Sounds hot.
Sounds good.
I love jewesses.
I wanna be the guy that fucks the girls.