Can Hogg get anymore woke?

These kids are helping make the world more left wing and progressive and there's NOTHING you can do about it. No one likes Nazis.

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he would make a good solid snake


Litterally every other country in the world requires an ID and a voter card in order to vote.

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why does david hogg pretend he isn't a politician

>its hard to get ID

>I'm totally not a teen actor being fed lines.

How about we stop bullshitting and just make it harder to vote


Everything after via is jumbled feels talk
What a retarded faggot



>Jews: make it as easy as possible for women, niggers, and children to vote early and often

Are you getting it yet white man? The Darkies are not the threat. They are work horses and sex pets. The real threat is the Jewish Masters and their Good Goy White Enforcers. Take out those two groups before you mop up the rest.

The only thing Cruz did wrong was not shooting this little shit.

Friendly reminder that every single post that puts one of these kid's faces in front of your eyeballs is part of a coordinated campaign to anchor them, and by proxy gun control, in your awareness, in order to keep you from focusing on other shit like The Memo

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>Why the fuck would we keep track of who has and hasn't voted you stupid mujik.. I mean fellow american

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we can't do that because blacks are too poor and lazy

>Let's allow everyone to drive
>Need to pass a simple test and get an ID.
>They is suppressing the rite to drive

Lol who is writing this stuff for him. Drivers license immediately refutes that whole argument

>Too stupid/poor to make it by the DMV once in a 4 years.
>Qualified to vote on matters.

Do you want to shut up the whiners, she skinny jeans commie faggots, the pink-haired cat ladies, every victim class, every "Senators Son",
just like Israel. Prove me wrong! Protip: You can't

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He continually displays a shitty grasp of the English language. I'm embarrassed to be American.

>These kids are helping make the world more left wing and progressive
Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right.

Logic makes sense. I should provide identification when driving, going to clubs, when buying or renting a home. But voting? Who cares.

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Is it really that hard to get a valid ID, I am legit autistic and figured out how to do it by myself.

Is he saying people of color are too poor to get an ID? I’m poor and have an ID. Maybe he is saying people of color are too lazy to get an ID?

They never taught us how to get ID's in school!! There should be a class on how to get ID's

is this kid still struggling to get into a college?

An ID costs like $12, and these "poor" people have 3 HDTV's in their homes.
And many of them have felonies and can't vote anyway.

emma has 3x the number of followers.

I bet that pisses him off.

They already had to pull the microphone from his hand during the rally.

>require responsible behavior to vote
>republican gets elected

Read "achieving our country" from Rorty an you’ll see that leftist are nazis best friends, in the long run.

How the fuck are there still people that believe having to show ID is racist? How?



Do you want to get rid of the dead-wood, the perpetual professional victim-class? None, NO, Zero, Zilch, Zip, Nada, No Possible benefits and especially welfare until after honorable completion of 6 years active national service
just like Israel; the right-wing capital of the galaxy

i agree, but only cuz im too old to be conscripted kek

This bitch is more like raiden

>black people are too dump and poor to get a free voter ID

Damn, I did not know the Hogger was a racist

>"facts" from my ass

pick one

Action : Whenever you see an article / tweet / post on normie media that makes you want to sperg out, but you can't act for fear of revealing your power level, simply reply with the following statement :

>"Thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."

If they try to start an argument, simply keep repeating :
>"As I said, thanks for pushing normal people even further to the right."
to whatever arguments they try to make.
Whenever you see the comment, upvote / like it.

Goals :
- Demoralization. Make them realize that every action they take is counterproductive.
- Subtly imply to bystanders that 'ordinary' people are already right wing. Remember, the major social currency among normies is conformity. If they believe that everybody else is moving right, so will they.
- Point out that the rise of the right is a consequence of the actions & voices of the left.
- Show 'the left' and the normies that we are everywhere, and that we are watching. Again, this plays into the normie desire to 'fit in'.
- Embolden those who are already on the right but are kept silent by fear of social repercussions (see previous point).
- The comment is polite and violates no 'guidelines'. They can't shut it down.
- Short comments are more likely to be read, often more so than the actual article / post / story.
- Create an atmosphere that discourages leftists to post in the first place.

This is solid enough that you could even post it on real accounts. If you ever have to walk it back just say “I AM a leftist myself. It was sarcasm. I meant that stuff like that damages OUR cause.” Even then, the statement has value as a divide and conquer strategy (ie. “a real leftist doesn’t believe that stuff”).

It doesn't matter whether you believe any of the above or not - the purpose is to make *them* believe it.

Ignore divide & conquer shills and demoralization shills (anybody who ‘dismisses’ the plan without providing genuine criticism is a shill.)

Rember to sage

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>Showing ID effects poor people and blacks.
Being this fucking stupid

high IQ

In a thread a few weeks ago people said he is dyslexic and apparently he only learned how to write and read in 7th grade.
Don't know if that's true or not.

And I thought the 56%-face was just a meme...

>implying he's the one coming up with these tweets.

it's all smoke and mirrors user. there's no way in hell he's even in control of that twitter. someone in deep state will be. could even be a family member in on the whole thing. but it's definitely not him.

Even though Hogg is literally a Nazi

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you don;t have to be right-wing nor Jewish to be a Zionist; but you have to complete 6 years of conscription. If they don't like it; it's a big planet.

Whites are finished

Give up your guns white boys

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In that case, we should raise it to 25.

Why can't coloreds or poor people get id?
A few years ago i was a homeless meth/heroin addict on the Surrey Strip and even then i still had an id (cops treat you much better when you're a street junkie and have one)
What the fuck is their excuse?

>you need an id for literally everything else in life
>not voting tho

Even South Africa requires voter ID and we are literally a African country, why is America so backwards?

>right wing capital of the galaxy

>he doesnt know about zornax 7
wew lad

Those silly little leftist stooges never know when to stop. First it was a about guns. But due to their avarice they can't help themselves and have now branched into muh people of color, muh poor. Soon it will be muh lgbtqrst2+ and #metoo. And so on and so on.

And then normal people will get bored with them.

Well every country thats serious about protecting from election fraud
In germany you can do fuck-all without your id


I don't understand how it's seen as unreasonable to require people to prove their citizenship to vote.

>i know ive been talking about gun control but WAGE GAP AMIRITE ?
>i know ive been talking about gun control but SLAVERY IS BAD AMIRITE ?
>i know ive been talking about gun control but POLICE BE RAICIS AMIRITE ?
>i know ive been talking about gun control but ISLAM IS THE RELIGION OF PEACE AMIRITE ?
>i know ive been talking about gun control but OPEN BORDERS AMIRITE ?
this guy is such a fucking leftist puppet

>nogs and poor people get id for some reason

Blacks are busy working for their masters all day so they don't have time to vote

I still don't understand this meme. How exactly does requiring voters to show ID suppress minority votes? Literally the only people who would be affected would be people who can't obtain ID, which would be illegal aliens, whose votes should be suppressed.

but user... i am jewish


Because we oppressed our blacks. If we only give reparations to blacks this would end.

it's worse. He's ashkeNAZI globalist trash indoctrinated into the us v. them, "I'm better than you old man, because I'm smarter than you even though I still wear diapers" genius because they've done nothing mentality

Who the fuck wants to make it easier to vote?

>you must provide an ID and pass a background check to buy guns
>an ID to VOTE?!! what kind of nazi are you?

Typical white person response

>need to be able to prove you're actually a citizen to be allowed to vote

How is this racist?

Nobody is fapping to him. Everyone is fapping to Emma.

That retard should stop typing. Those mistakes are embarrassing.

does he know the right to bear arms and the right to vote originate in the exact same document????

They just want illegals to vote, plain and simple. No nigger seriously walks around without ID unless he's being a nigger.

asks white ppl if voter id is racist, then asks blacks...

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Yeah, and by openly posting these tactics you blunt their effect. People don't like to think they're being manipulated (even though the vast majority - in fact I'd argue 100% of all humans - are now or have been manipulated in the past) and posting stuff like this only teaches them to look out for and resist these techniques, overcompensating and pushing back further in the direction you don't want them to go.

They read these boards.

>doing so much for the least productive part of society

truly the grand faggot of his generation. sad.

Fuck yeah, we don't need laws, let anyone vote. Russians too.

>zornax 7
Mizar 5 is still more right wing tho. they won't even look at a Skreptoid

Service guarantees citizenship

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but David Hogg hates niggers

He is a totally average kid, never that his dad is employed as a weapons designer and worked for the FBI.

>OP worshipping a teenager on social media with no accomplishments

No wonder why he has such a following. Bunch of faggots like the OP get out of bed to see what he posts.

Even fucking Angola requires ID to vote. After you vote, you paint your finger with an ink that lasts a week so you can't vote again. I thought you Americans were fucking with me when you said you can vote without ID.

Post shit about (((The Memo))) pls

Politicians had to create a system that disproportionately effects people of color and the poor because most poor & color people MAKE HORRIBLE DECISIONS, CAN BE PAID OFF BY SOROS & THE DNC TO VOTE FOR THEIR CANDIDATE, AND ARE A NIGHTMARE TO DEAL WITH.

That sounds cool.

>but user... i am jewish
make Aliyah to the most magical, most holiest of holy GPS locations in the galaxy that the goyim have been so kind to create for you

You need an ID to open a bank account, but not to vote. Strange...

How is spreading far left narratives doing anything but preaching to the far left? Any "young people" you are "swaying" are already on your side. This fucking and the other shaved head gollum are litterly only on the msm, how are they apparently swaying the youth when the average age of those shows are like 60? How is the march any different from the other antifa idiots that they provably ship in and pay for, the rest are lazy liberals who wanted a day off from having a day off. Anyone with a brain sees this stuff, anyone who isnt far left sees this as the propagandist media using these kids to further their narrative

USA is the only first or second world country that doesn't require proof of identity to vote.

Nazis are leftists, they are the right hand of progressivism. Communism and Nazism are two sisters fighting over their inheritance.

I am mexican, I Had an ID but I dont renew it and because of that I cant vote

I cant think the corruption storm that the elites will made if we dont need a ID to vote in mexico.

>American intelectuals

I think the racist little turd is saying that people of color are too STUPID to get ID. That's why lack of ID prevents them from voting.