What happened to antifa? They seemed to have sort of just... vanished...
What happened to antifa? They seemed to have sort of just... vanished
The jews had no use to keep funding them so they stopped.
Stock market is down so Soros is being conservative with his spending.
They realized it was counter productive.
Lefties can never organize anything very well and keep it going over a long period of time. Short attention span from all the weed.
Soros realized he'd be charged with domestic terrorism and cut funding.
>Lefties can never organize anything very well and keep it going over a long period of time. Short attention span from all the weed.
Antifa and the alt right aren't organic movements. They're kike funded psy ops. Why do you think e-celebs are getting tens of thousands of dollars in single payments being sent to their bitcoin wallets?
I hung out with crusties for the better part of the 2000's.... NOT ONCE did I ever hear about ANTIFA and communism was nothing more than a subject they were reading about at a coffee shop.
It's all been pumped up in the last 2 years.
We are still here and we are going to take down every single one of you Nazis. The anti-fascist movement is here to stay.
there aren't mass organized alt-right protests anymore for them to break up, because all the brave warriors of the white race are actually massive bitch-ass cowards terrified of being punched and doxxed.
Soros always bets on currency. He unleashed his hordes on us and our money never took a significant hit so he didn't really gain anything. Make no mistake. It's always about the money and U.S. communists takes more to buy than in other places.
>Trump failing to deliver on most crucial campaign promises
>Current administration is taking away your guns more than Obama ever did
>Dems winning almost every special election in red states since 2016
>Imminent GOP slaughter in November
Who cares? Their work is done.
Sound like Butt-hurt to me, Jefe
trump didn't fail on any of his promises
you and your party have been promising his defeat since before bloody 9/11 even happened.
They won.
The people they protested (Richard Spencer, Milo, Laura Loomer) have stopped doing public speeches.
they converted to islam and changed tactics so there's even more of a media blackout on them now as it'll be racism by association.
It's almost as if.....
They barely ever existed......
In the us............
In the first place.........
But remember, they completely destroyed every large american city on inauguration day, killed 60 people in las vegas, shot up a church in texas, and almost killed a US senator. Never forget. You should probably buy a gun and live in fear
what did you win exactly?
do you have any idea how many of your pawns are rotting in jail?
Evil never vanishes, there's just no purpose for them right now. When there's elections or some relevant decision to be made, they'll stir shit up, alright.
People started beating the shit out of them because they are stupid and annoying. When a pussy gets punched a couple times he backs down.
none of the pantyfa protests were legitimate protests just a bunch of screaming paid off harpies. They lost the intellectual and political debate and their organizers have no money, are in jail literally getting raped and shanked as we speak.
if getting raped in jail is victory than pantyfa please wear the grudge you own like a crown
This desu
It's up 600+ points today.
they were all busy at march for our lives
once that's all over they'll put their masks back on and be back to becoming our most useful source of propaganda against the left.
personally I have everything I fought for.
there is nothing I regret. none of my friends are in bad places either. everything and everyone I care about are just fine sleeping easy and comfortable. can you pantyfa say the same? no you really can't. you all have close friends in jail getting new pussies installed where their asses and mouths used to be.
Probably between 10 and 20?
Antifa has always been a very reactive movement, if you can even call it a movement at all.
If Matthew Heimbach gets out of jail and tries to do a march like Charlottesville then I'm sure a lot of people calling themselves Antifa will be there.
What the fuck does the Las Vegas shooter have to do with Antifa
Got their ass kicked in the states too many times. They are safer in Europe with those cucks.
He is still doing rallies, he just said they aren't fun. Milo started his own touring company too btw.
this desu
>being a kike goes against nature
I prayed diligently morning and night....day after day... please god! Please send Antifa to my state of Oklahoma! They never came. There is no god.
Sorosian funding ran out.
you won numbers? what the fuck kinda loony bin did you fall out of this morning? shit man you're not making any sense at all. why are you rambling like this?
Antifa is far more organized and active than you give credit for. Try following some of their twitter accounts, they have handles set up for every major US city. They are also sending people into Syria to get combat experience. It's coming anons.
antifa existed long before Sup Forums, for some reason you guys demonized them for a while then just moved on to whatever else was in your (((newsfeed)))
All the crusties I know are too busy living that train hopping hobo life to keep up with the times.
glad someone else sees it
This, ironybros would rather play video games and post racist memes online
Yeah, they swapped out their Crass patches for ANTIFA and gay flag pins almost overnight. Sad!
No moar funding
looks like one party is still active and operating and the other is eating dick sandwiches in jail for a few years. it's not a meme. people really dick eachother in jail.
Who cares?
What's to protest? We won
Is that a joke? Trump just did a 180 on us and approved the Omnibus budget that puts caps on ICE and makes it illegal to use any of the wall prototypes. And that's a law he signed. Not a budget.
Like BLM, public backlash was not garnering support for the left so they lost some soros buckz
The CIA dumped a cache of vapes and fidget spinners, and that's the last we'll ever hear from them.
Trump did the muslim ban, holding daca hostage, elected more conservative judges, and had tax reform. No one cares about bump stocks.