What are the best languages to learn for the future in America?
What am I missing?
What are the best languages to learn for the future in America?
What am I missing?
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Other than that, learn the languages of your ancestors.
English. Because we will exterminate foreigners.
I already know English and Spanish, and I was going to learn a Slavic language, eventually, so I may as well get started on Mandarin Chinese. Then, I can be a versatile interpreter.
Ayy lmao, also known as ancient demonic Babylonian.
Hillary lost but they aren't out yet.
learn chinese since they are buying everything left and right.
spanish is the language of the ghetto, unless you want to do business will uneducated wetbacks.
I plan to learn German and French. Possibly Spanish
Nope, got them all. You've even got them in the right order. Although if you're in the right industry, learning Chinese can get you a pretty swanky position out there. I hear working there pays well, but it's Hell.
I'd rather learn Hebrew, because I am partially of Jewish descent, but Arabic must be quite similar in many ways.
Spanish is a beautiful European language but in our case it's not good to learn. Most people don't learn Spanish to learn about Spain or their magnificent culture, they learn it because a bunch of le 56% goblins jumped the border and flooded our country. I refuse to learn Spanish because of this. I'm learning German, Russian, or Greek.
get out of here cuck. OP german, russian, and chinese are all very useful if you ever plan on working in the international market
French. Africa speaks French.
why would you learn Greek ? Its completely useless in todays world.
A lot of people do learn Spain Spanish as opposed to Mexican Spanish.
If you are wanting to learn a second language for America it would make the most sense to learn Spanish.
I learned Spanish from a girl from San Sebastian. Mexican Spanish sounds awful to me but maybe I'm not used to it.
>Somali and Arabic not on the list when they should be well ahead of Chinese and Rusian
no it doesn't. no one wants to talk to some beaner fuck who doesn't speak english. no one wants to leave america to work in mexico. stop repeating awful advice that you've heard other retards give to other retards before.
Spanish, and French cause you have neighbours that speak those languages.
Chinese is definitely ahead of somali and Arabic.
In some cities there are rich people who speak Spanish. Amazing, I know. It is a good idea to learn to communicate to them. I already named two languages I am planning to learn first, so fuck off kike
If your only exposure has been Chinatown in NYC or some shit, sure.
clearly you're someone who is going to be successful someday and not a slew of bottlenecked emotions waiting to explode like an emotionally stunted nuke.
You'll need it when the ZOG taps your entire home with mics.
But really the answer is whatever is the language of the culture that most interests you. The only way you'll get good at a language is by living in it. You can move somewhere you can use it in your daily life, or read news articles, books, internet forums, listen to music, radio and watch movies, youtube videos etc. If you hate the way Chinese sounds, no amount of discipline will help see you through the task. If you're a weeb, learn Japanese.
t. native English, C2 Spanish
American English is the only acceptable language on earth.
It's degenerate to speak in the foul tongue of lesser men.
It was fucking heroic what we did to the English language. We can actually speak it in a manner that doesn't sound faggy unlike those weirdo Brits and Australians. And don't even get me started on the Kiwis. Christ almighty they sound like low class faggots when they talk.
>only one person has suggested German
wtf Sup Forums?
Population whise, it'd be smarter to learn Chinese, Hindi and Spanish. And maybe Arabic but who the fuck wants to learn muzzie language. Also how many somalis do you know? I've met zero.
1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
Chinese isn’t a language retards
They probably mean Mandarin Chinese.
Don't fucking learn Chinese unless you want to deal with the Chinese.
Shady bastards they are, you don't want to do any business with them.
Learn American because we speak American in America
>I've met zero.
You don't live in a significant population center then. They're everywhere in the cities. Whenever I have to ask for an interpreter for a patient at the hospital, it's always either Arabic or Somali. I think I've only ever asked for Spanish twice and Chinese never.
it is awful
what an awsome picture? what’s the artist?
There are tons of Chinese in the upper middle class suberbs where I live.
MFW your entire life is dedicated to subverting other countries trying to take over the world.
It's good to be King.
you forgot 日本語, newfriends.
China and Mexico are approaching critical mass. People know what they want and the governments are just trying to do their best to act like they still have a handle on things. Once they can't even do that, Juan and Chang will be enjoying what we did throughout the 20th century.
Do you love the US, or the ideas behind it? I'm more attached to the idea, so I'm learning Spanish and heading south when there isn't anything left here.
If anybody has a picture of Juan standing on Trump's wall, looking at the degenerate US, and turning around with a beer in hand to fireworks over Mexico City, it would be hugely appreciated.
and only English
you're delusional
all these language traitors learning non white languages.
Everyone who said Chinese ITT is a sorry disgrace. You should only be learning the languages of Europa, primarily German, French, Russian as the big ones. Take up latin too if you want to go above and beyond.
Why would you want to learn Chang? Those stats about Chinese being the largest language is utter lies, since half of those Chinese speakers are retarded rice farmers you never want to talk to.
Is Japanese still of much value, for Americans, especially on the West Coast? I probably won't have a reason to visit Japan, unless it is at a later stage of life, but it has long been one of those languages I've wanted to learn some fluency in, just to have it. I also have an interest in Japanese pre-modern history, Enka music, and some literature.
Why would anybody want to learn Russian or German for modern purposes? The only conceivable reason is to read classic works in their original language.
on a global scale has no prospects
has no prospects because of hieroglyphic writing has no future
prospects are higher because we are a country-civilization, russian is spoken by all post-Soviet countries and many in eastern europe, and we are expanding our influence in all spheres.
drawback - complicated to study than first two.
Whatever language niggers speak. It's easy though, they only have two words: ooga and booga.
Language of the NWO
not even a joke, really
Future speak you fucking goo back
Filipino. Don't you wanna speak the language of the most powerful race?