David Hogg Admits NOT At School

I uploaded the clip but I've linked to the YouTube version below of David Hogg not being at the Parkland school in Florida


at 4:20 in this video


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Other urls found in this thread:

cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/How to act in a crisis.html


kike first post, typical

nobody cares
just move on already



He what?! Why weren't you at school, Hogg-boy? Waiting for the "all clear" from your daddy?

The absolute fuck?!

America needs another revolution, like now.

Gotta cover up that he wasn't there.
I hear the asshole is 22 years old, and finished high school in California.

Dude this was funny on saturday now its just gay as the hog is.

Friendly reminder that every single post that puts one of these kid's faces in front of your eyeballs is part of a coordinated campaign to anchor them, and by proxy gun control, in your awareness, in order to keep you from focusing on other shit like The Memo

I love how right after the bitch says "this isn't about us, this isn't about us, this was never about us"

Bitch please, it's all about you and the fucking script you're being paid by Soros to act out. Those niggers are having their minute of fame and love every second of it, and somehow it's not about them.

Fuck those filthy animals

Cap this.


what a fraud

I can already see the news now, that poor little failed patsy
>David Hogg found dead in his house
>reports speak of a colorless, odorless substance found inside his lungs

the fug? So he biked to the school, hid in a closet and did interviews?

I still think Hogg is the real shooter. He did the shooting, framed Cruz, and used it to launch his political career.

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>Police declare suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head
Lol I wish

I am 100% convinced that if you bump this or start a new thread when it dies Tuckers people will see this.

entire thing stinks, plus that teacher wondering why the police are here shooting

Was he returning some video tape?

Wtf. how did this slip past us...

>"this isn't about us"
then you wouldn't have stepped in front of the cameras



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digits confirm

>n-nobody cares, goyim!

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So, wait. He wasn't there at school, but he was interviewing students about the shooting in a closet at the school?

If my memory is correct, not only was he interviewing a student in a closet at school, even though, apparently he was not at school that day, but the interview in the closet happened hours before the shooting began.

Don't think smug faces of retards is quite the effect they're going for. Then again, lefties have thrown in with retards.

>school shooting survivor
>wasn't even there


Comments like this turn normal people even further to the right.


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The fact that not a single one of the thousands of students he would have met growing up at different schools for 12 fucking years has come forward with so much as a yearbook proves you're a faggot.

Hah I remember that thread

So what about these "fire drills" he was there for earlier, eh?


Need context behind thia your brainlets was he at the school during the shooting or not.

>I grabbed my camera and road my bike as fast as I could to get interviews
>as to why he was not at school, nothing was said

Most likely bc he graduated 6 years ago.

haha what the fuck

No, after he heard about the shooting he rode his bike to school to interview people about it and push his antigun angle.

he went home after the shooting and then later on cycled back to school to get b-roll footage and interviews outside the school.

Sup Forums really does make it too obvious

Imagine believing the CIA would hire such shitty actors they just admit not being there on live tv

i see what you did

Senior David Hogg was in an AP Environmental Science class at about 2:30 p.m. at Stoneman Douglas High School when he heard a gunshot.
The fire alarm then went off for the second time that day. Students started to run out of the school. Hogg said he saw a “flood of people” running toward him.
He said students had been warned the school would hold a code red drill at some point in the future, and thought maybe that’s what was happening.


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Big if true

One way or the other he is lying. The day of the shooting he said in an interview that he was there for prior drills, heard an alarm, and heard the first gunshot. youtube.com/watch?v=AKvOFylrK9c

from what I read he wasn't at school at all on that day, and then went to school after he heard about the shooting

guess this isn't the original thread but the pasta is up here

He's directly contradicting himself, in other interviews he says he was in AP Enviornmentalism


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thats why the media has been pushing the tranny on us

hes a real student. hes been at that school since his freshman year even another student says he goes there and hes been trying to get hogg or that cameron fag to do a live debate but they wont

Fuck this anime.
>David hogg can go suck a chode. Then my chode.

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>"On the day of the shooting. I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could 3 miles from my house to the school "

Previously David Hogg said he was in AP Environmentalism class when he heard gun shots

Could this mean that after the shooting + all clear, Hogg went back to the school to get interviews? But even then, wouldn't the entire fucking premises be a fucking crime scene?

Anons I'm trying to play (((devil's advocate))) but damn I can't think of a twist on this. Did he just fucking admit he wasn't at the school during the shooting.

What the fuck?

But I do recall Hogg interviewing students late at night after the shooting so idk

He was also reporting on the shooting 5 hours before it happened.

Footage shows more than 10 shots fired consecutively, contradicting the statement that Cruz had only 10 round magazines.


O yeah i remember him saying that before. Lol little lying shit.

>please goyim, move on! n-nobody cares anymore, heh

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You're saying David Hogg tried to come back and finish the job, saw the tactical teams, abandoned his plans and blended in with the crowd?

hes talking about after the shooting. after they cleared the school and assesed it was only one shooter they let the students leave and hogg after he got home immediately rode his bike back to get footage and interviews since hes a student reporter

My point is his story doesn't add up. Why would he bike to school during a shooting?

so here is the question-
Why change the story? Was Steve Schuck with him too?

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"The best way to defend a school is to never attend a school."


In another video hogg says he was in AP science class when first shit rang. (Linked in op's vid comments)

>it was my childhood dream to work for CNN, the most honest and truthful news network in the world
>implying CNN didn't write this

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He literally says, "because I knew this could not be another mass shooting." He would not have said this if he had been at school DURING THE SHOOTING and then gone home.

Even the official story has him in a separate building than the one the shooting took place in. It’s like saying your survived an armed bank robbery because you were next door in the Starbucks

then he's a filthy kike

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You fucking idiot, David Hogg went to the school in the morning. He even recorded himself there. Not only did he manage to get inside a fucking class room at a active shooting, he was doing 5 hours before the shooting took place.

No one died, because these people know that they would all be considered accessories in a plot to commit terrorism, and they would be fucking lethally injected.

calm down Emma

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This is what happens when you start lying you start believing the lie and add more to the lie the more you tell the story.

Fade away....

>Dozens of students, including Hogg, were gathered into a tiny classroom by Ashley Kurth, a culinary instructor at the school. He praised Kurth’s actions and said “she definitely saved lives.”
>Hogg, a TV production student, pulled out his video camera while on lockdown because he said he wanted people to tell their story.

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some ask him on his snapchat exactly where he was at the time of the shooting. ask him to back it up

i got 17 on count, without trying. and not watching it again. just a 1 time quick view 17.
i played alot of paintball and vidya growing up..
like counter-strike.. counting shots is the name of the game.

Buzzfeed says he told them he was in AP Environmentalism. Can anyone dig up those clips so we can put them back to back?



Kek you lined those up wrong, stupid retard

cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/How to act in a crisis.html

and even without the 3 rounds that sound different, that is 14 shots going off, but they said Cruz use 10 round mags

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How fucking hard can it be to check if he is registered at the school.. Also why isn't he debunking it by showing he paid tuition or something

That's the thing about all of this that stands out to me. That teacher seems like a very intelligent and aware person. Her interview comes across as totally legit to me. So who was this masked guy walking down the hall shooting? He was wearing full body armor, mask, gloves and some gun that she didn't recognize. There's something very, very strange about all of that. Curious if she's done any follow-up interviews. Probably not. She was probably told to shut up at this point.

Lol you want a medal, you decorated veteran?


My name is Hoggletta

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Hogg if true

So he is saying that he
Hears his school is being shot up
Grabs Camera
Gets on bicycle
Pedals 3 miles to school
Gets past police perimeter
And into building
While active shooting is happening
Is that right?

spread it into the wilds.

there's enough evidence in this thread to debunk the hogg now.

>not even at the school
Holy shit wtf
He actually fucking admit it
Is he fucking retarded?

Stinks to high heaven


paid tuition? its a public school

Yep, that's what he's claiming. Don't ask any questions, though. That would be harassing a child victim!



This is from AP do what you can

He looks like a fucking Oblivion character like that.


Interview with Hogg February 14th. You may recognize this story because it is the one he kept fucking up in the other video


Hard at work boys

>every single post
Sometimes people are anchored so they can be drowned.

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