Have Dutch mom

>Have Dutch mom
>Converted to Islam voluntary when she was 14
>Wears hijab, but does not cover her face
>Accepts that her grown up children have decided to not stay muslim
>Works full time, contributes to society
>Shit ton of muslim friends who are exactly the same and pretty much make up most of western world muslims

Why do you hate muslims, Sup Forums?

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Becouse they will overrun europe and make it a new middle east.

wow dude cool story join our dutch pol discord we must talk about this together /SfhgBY7

>doesnt cover face

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Arabia hasn't been turned to glass yet. Why should we have to host its culture among us, thereby sidelining our own and demanding all manner of compromises and unnecessary adjustments for zero benefit?

Islam is a one way ticket straight to hell

Because it's not the moderate Islam. That's a super westernize Muslim that would be cool

Sage, sage

because it's a backward monkey idiot religion

look up the enlightenment

I assume your dad is some shitskin?

Your mom is a race-traitor whore lol

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Because it benefits the Dutch citizens who have converted, or married the muslim citizens I suppose. You have to know I do not support mass immigration. I'm talking about just Islam here.

Exactly. I feel like there's nothing wrong with choosing to be muslim while being a normal, friendly, and functional citizen. I know (I was raised in the community) that there are barely any extremist muslims compared to these "regular" muslims. That's why I don't really understand the need to be Islamophobic.

props to your mom, she found the way

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>Dutch are retarded
nothing new for me

I'm an American living in Cuckanada. Obviously I can trace my roots back to Europe but I wasn't born there and unfortunately cannot claim any culture or heritage.

The fact that she had such a thing and threw it away on a religion/culture in a case of what was most likely exotic fetishism is a fucking atrocity that makes me weep for your ancestors.

>it benefits the Dutch citizens who have converted, or married the muslim citizens I suppose.
Who do not benefit the Dutch culture, which they are shitting on, along with generations upon generations of their ancestors. Treason is universally reviled.

The fact you used Islamaphobia unironically renders your arguement invalid since it's a made up word with no definition and only used to slander

There's everything wrong with the Quran and Sunnah from it's barbaric philosophy and dualistic attitude towards Muslims and Kaffirs where the Kaffir is to be hated

In a Sharia country she'd be stoned

What does the enlightenment have to do with Islam? And yes my father is a filthy Moroccan. I cut contact because he is an asshole and yes I am slightly racist towards Moroccans but that's not really political, more some sort of daddy issue and experience based.

My Dutch ancestors are dead except for my loving grandma and pa en neither them or my dead ancestors care (note: they are dead thus they cannot physically care)

Can't wait untill all West cucks are muslim slaves. The conquest against the hordes from the south and west will be glorious.

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Not political.

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>they are dead thus they cannot physically care
You scorn any sense of continuity. You are rootless and simply do not belong. A wind will come that will blow you away.

Imagine actually being the product of a coal burning slut mother bahahaha oh nononono

Muslims this, Muslims that, muh Islam blabla. Muslims will find out they have been worshipping Satan soon and that will be the end of it, for eternity

What do you mean they do not benefit the Dutch culture? There aren't many muslims who shit on Dutch culture. They have to work and make do just like everyone. They do not celebrate Christmas, then why not work during Christmas week, and take their holiday during the Feast of Sacrifice? It benefits us all.

Whatever term I use or is exactly correct, I'm just talking about the verbal harassment and hate westernized muslims deal with. Oh and she would most definitely not be stoned, haha. Have you ever been to a Sharia country? Haha I don't understand why you think she would be stoned. Do understand that I absolutely do not support the spread of Sharia law

opkankeren met die onzin.

What makes you think that toothpath bro?

Your mom is whore and since she hasn't aborted you should kill yourself

I'm just trying to have a healthy discussion on this peaceful monday evening

Aaahw fuck kanker sterk argument. Thread gesloten jongens, ik haat nu moslims

You're mum's an attention whore.

>They do not celebrate local traditions
Yep, exactly, they are a dead weight, preventing the natives from fully actualising their culture when they don't actually hinder it.

Your whore of a mother suppirts an ideology that calls for rape and murder of unbelievers.

It has no place in modern society. She might hide under "moderate muslim" but she soes nothing about extremists.

If extremists take over, she will willingly serve their intrests. Moderate muslims wont deal with the scum of their own people. They defend them.

Stop thinking an ideology is the same as race.

>Ik haat nu moslims
Confirmed full-blooded Arab conducting Taqiyah, abandon thread.

I personally do not think so. She's actually quite introverted and just wants her children to be happy in life :)

i hate arabs not muslims

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Because you are religious nut cases.
To be a part of a religion is one thing.
But to be controlled by it so much that you do things as it says is just nuts.
This head garb is the first and most apparent step such nut case activity.

Hey in the bible Exodus 31:15 it states that anyone who works on the sabbath is to be put to death.
Guess what I am not going to go down to the corner store and shoot the clerk for working on a Sunday.

get that shit out of my country

>This head garb is the first and most apparent step such nut case activity.
Didn't Mary the virgin (AS) weared the veil?

Seeing as how she fucked a nigger and made a little mutt, I think that qualifies her as an actual whore

Actually, my "moderate muslim" family is taking very active steps against extremism. These few individuals who are supportive of Sharia law are pretty much spitted on at the mosque. They are pretty much ruining it for every body. Most muslims absolutely don't want to associate themselves with these people.

Wtf is Taqiyah?

What's wrong with personally not taking part of fucking Christmas? No seriously

I don't care if she's christian or muslims as long as she protects the white race

So you are admitting to the fact that your people are still in the stone age?
Don't even answer as yeah you just admitted to that.

Is your dad muslim?

>Actually, my "moderate muslim" family is taking very active steps against extremism. These few individuals who are supportive of Sharia law are pretty much spitted on at the mosque. They are pretty much ruining it for every body. Most muslims absolutely don't want to associate themselves with these people.
you slipped up there, shitskin.

>>Converted to Islam voluntary when she was 14

I bet youre ok, your mom is just crazy

I don't know, are you christian brother by any chance? I tough so when you cited the bible?

>Don't even answer as yeah you just admitted to that.
How old are you user?

>Shit ton of muslim friends
trying to exagerate a number of 4 or 5 people
>pretty much make up most of western world muslims
try to live in a country with a majority of buslims like londistan and see if will really like them

>Why do you hate muslims, Sup Forums?


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We don't specifically hate Muslims, we hate the ideology that is Islam.

What do you hate about it aussie bro?

Muslims are Satan worshippers user.
Satan whispered the koran in Muhommads ear, not the angel Gabriel.
Ever wondered why Islam is so evil?
Your mom is HellBound

I don't hate the religion, I hate the race. Non-whites that live in white countries and race traitors deserve to be gassed

because our society has failed when a dutch woman unironically converts to an anti-woman religion. this is subversion and indoctrination at its finest.
it's communist russia all over again


So why every surah of the quran begins by: "I seek refuge with Allaah (God) from the accursed shaytaan (satan)"?

Lmao MoKro Jesse Klaver is that u ??

>What's wrong with personally not taking part of fucking Christmas? No seriously
It's part of being Dutch, or European in general. When a growing proportion of the population don't do something, it tends to fade away. It's already somewhat sidelined, in an effort to accommodate dead weight foreigners like yourself. Imagine a homogenous Netherlands and how different such a holiday would be... no, just ask your grandparents.

A Briton really ought to hate his 19th century rulers for that. Russia, Bulgaria and Greece were close to recapturing it SEVERAL times, but were prevented from doing so by the Royal Navy.

Christian by birth but a think of my own.
Hence as my example showed I do not blindly follow a book as Muslims do.
I am 46 and know that you cannot follow a manual of how to conduct yourself in the world or towards other living things. .

Lack of personal freedom (no don't go slippery slope on this one, I'm talking about listening to music, freedom of disbandining the religion or even drawing Mohammed), the required adherence to outdated scriptures, the fact that it is in essence an expansionist ideology, so when expanding stops at some point, internal turmoil will fuck up the system (see all different interpretations of the religion), the volatility to extremism, having a warrior prophet, instead of a philosopher prophet (like all other major religions), etc. I can go on.

>it's that Iranian guy in Binland
get out of their country, shitskin

Because massive immigration from muzzie countries causes them to try to change our culture, rather than them changing to suit our culture.

Also, welfare and crime, because they lefties in government in western countries are using them to try to gain and-or continue control over the reins of power.

They are oblivious to the fact that the muzzies, once in majority, will make a world they can't live in, but I can.


>supports the roaches against russia and the greeks

>You have to know I do not support mass immigration. I'm talking about just Islam here.

"Just Islam" isn't a problem for me, in and of itself. Radical Islam, fostered by the Sunni wahabis, is very much a problem for the whole world.

Even Mohommad himself wasn't sure if it was Satan Or an angel speaking to him.
Thats where the satanic verses come from and what Rusdie wrote about.



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Wat een kut verhaal.

Je moeder is een tering debiel

>It's part of being Dutch, or European in general.

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it's almost as if the problem wasn't islam but the arab mudslimes who rape and kill everyone who doesnt agree with them

Your mom is a fake Muslim m8. If she truly believed there is no way she would be okay with youturning your back on God and sacrificing eternal reward for a few decades of degeneracy.

Your mother should be put to death and you should be castrated. You have no history, and no future.

She isn’t dutch anymore

You and your traitor mom don’t belong in Europe. If it was up to me both of you would be deported or put against a wall.

Sup Forums does NOT hate muslims, see /sg/. We just DO NOT want them or christian shitskins in Europe.

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>I am 46 and know that you cannot follow a manual of how to conduct yourself in the world or towards other living things.
But what if that user manual is delivered by your Creator, wouldn't be awesome to know how you should behave?

>Lack of personal freedom (no don't go slippery slope on this one, I'm talking about listening to music, freedom of disbandining the religion or even drawing Mohammed)
It's not a lack of personal freedom but commandment that you must observe if you want to become pious and reach heaven.
Don't project your desires to as what should be right or wrong, God knows best what you shoul and shouln'd do. This world is an exam, follow the instructor rules and you'll be from the successful.

>the required adherence to outdated scriptures
Quran is not outdated. On the contrary it did bring amazing scientif fact 1400 years before their discovery by modern scientists. Why? Because it is the words of God unaltered. Look it up.

>the fact that it is in essence an expansionist ideology,
Yes Islam is meant to all humankind. Would'n't be unfair to aim it only for one nation our ethnicity, like Judaism and Hinduism? Nowadys conquest are not a thing because everyone can learn about Islam from themselves.

>the volatility to extremism
Extremism can reach every doctrine. Take a look at socialism, communism, capitalism, racialism, etc... But the more muslims learn about their religion the less extremist the will be. Islam is the religion of the just middle. A balanced religion, not to light and not to extremist.

>having a warrior prophet
I urge you to read the bio of our beloved prophet (sws) and learn of what a great man he is. Yes he is a great strategist, leader and warrior, and I think it's a good thing. He had the duty to defend and expend this revelation, but every time he faced war and assasination attempts.

> instead of a philosopher prophet (like all other major religions)
Again read his bio. Besides a lot of prophets in are the two.

So you’re a mutt, kek. Then you’re not a traitor since you aren’t Dutch. We won’t execute you but you must self deport or we will do it eventually.

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I’m a Moroccan and I would have treated you good, regardless if you are a muslim or non-muslim.


>>Wears hijab, but does not cover her face
absolutely Haram.
how have you not beaten her to death with a rock yet?

Sauce potato bro?

Your mom is a traitorous whore like most of white women and needs to be killed along side her offsprings.

Your mom is a virtue signalling whore, whose worldview didn't progress beyond that of a 14 year-old.
Think about it.

Everything about Islam is garbage. Shit theology, shit practices and total shit prophet. The Quran is a disjointed mess and the Hadith are an even bigger shitshow. The fruit of Islam are degenerate societies full of disgusting hypocrites pretending to be pious with no guaranteed salvation outside of dying to spread the cancerous ideology to others.

Islam is literally a fashion accessory for your mom

>ey, isn't my anecdote wholesome how could you ever object?

Changing the face of a nation is something the native population (possibly within their in time alive) might regard as objectionable. :^)

All rag headed goat fuckers are the same they are the inferior race I wish hitler gassed them to

Yeah that's so common.
And you're not a Muslim.
Righttttt.... sure

Islam is Arab Nationalism and culture. Everyone of us who becomes a Muslim is a traitor.
Every Muslim is our racial enemy by default.

>But what if that user manual is delivered by your Creator, wouldn't be awesome to know how you should behave?
Not as I already pointed out that it requires me to do things like shoot someone for working on a a Sunday as if that matters in the first place

lol your fucking mom converted to islam man. thats fucking sad


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