Browsing on grindr when I came across this.......
They're in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
See how far the pedo rabit whole goes
How should I proceed
ask if they have any pizza or hot dogs
Holy shit this is a good idea by using their language
dox him on Sup Forums
although it might look like you're genuinely interested in acquiring some (and thus, be illegal), so be careful about that
Be a hero and get a pic of the guy
> Sup Forums finds out who he is
> gets arrested
> confesses and exposes international pedophilia network
you could save the world OP. Just ask for a hookup and discretely take a pic or recording.
Make a new account and pretend to be a kid and see what they say and then screenshot and report to local authorities. In Cambodia I bet they get the death penalty.
Not if you report them to local authorities they would probably be very grateful.
I did the global search thing, it won't let you talk to people you find on there unless you pay money
Why I hate grindr
Imagine being retarded enough to out yourself like this, this retard could disappear pretty easily and he does this to himself, it's quite funny how fags thrill seek this fate.
You guys dont have a jewdicial mind
>don t ask him if he likes pizza of hot dogs
>ask him what got him into it
>or for how long did he like pizza
Thats the difference between interest and curiosity
Not illegal there. Nice try fag
Spoof your GPS.
Here's the whole image btw
I may be retarded or something but why is everyone saying this guys a pedophile, is it because he’s gay? Someone fill me in here
Wow, you found pedophiles on a gay hook up site. Who would've guessed...
What is this? Are these pagan homosexuals?
How do i do this
Haha right, I'm surprised it took me a whole two hours before I found one
>temp tattoos
>not old enough to get real ones or a esgelord faggot
pizza gate
When I went to Cambodia I stayed in a hotel that had a menu by the phone:
1) Woman
2) Man
3) Girl
4) Boy
>that one long nail
nigga if you dont give some hard evidence you should leave this place faggot
Maybe the soyboy doesn't even know what the tatoo means.
Picretaled, Italians love this icecream brand.
It's illegal to travel to SEA to engage in those acts. He'd get arrested on the way home.
Guys I did it!
Pedoscum will be hunted
>2361 miles away
user tell us your address so we can’t find this fucker!
Nothing to do then if it s Cambodia.
Policemen bearly know how to speak their own language let alone collaborate on an internatiinal scale
If you get a pic of their faces it will pretty much be over for them, although to get a conviction you'd need actual evidence of a crime. Good luck brave faggo.
>Miles away
Check again and try reading the words this time.
Look at a pizzagate thread sometime.
>grindr in cambodia
Enjoy the aids, fagit.
Op literally a fag
Ain't that a coke nail?
It’s for easy coke bumps
OP here, I messaged him, what do now
Yup, especially the Pope. (This is right by the Vatican)
Send nudes
>Gay Sup Forumsack takes down international pedophilia network
Imagine the headline
say "how long have you been into pizza?"
I saw a few hours ago apparently Sup Forums was gonna raid /s4s/ what if this is just them getting us back
small chit chat, then
>i like your tatts, a LOT ;)
Report to interpol
Obama signed an executive order. Trump kind of repealed it, but kind of not as it got changed to "human rights abuses." Its not as ironclad as the Bush or Obama era zero tolerance sex slavery orders, but its wider in scope. I think i remember Sup Forums sperging out about how it could be used to take out the clintons and the deepstate.
He needs proof first you retard he needs to get him to reveal himself
Rat them out to Thai police. They will fuck them up with canes to the soles etc.
Based gaylord!!!!
> casually browsing grindr
> browsing grindr
> grindr
Did not read any further. Do not need to read any further. No one is there ironically. Worst kind of depravity. No need to come here. No need to kill yourself consciously, your lifestyle choices will have that taken care of for the rest of us in no time. The ending is all but certain.
say that you noticed the symbol in his hands.
Say it in a demeanor way so that he understands that you are in the same cult.
why so you can remind them of their business?
get it out of your head that any agency is there to protect you or children because the opposite is true.
OP don't fuck around, it could be a trap
Ask him if he thinks he's hot shit, won't ya?
OP here, I'll update you guys if he responds, but he hasn't been online yet
Cheese Pizza, after all, I'm a vegetarian.
Ask him if he knows what that symbol means. I seriously doubt it, but maybe it's a coincidence
The left would go into a meltdown. As far as they're concerned, we're all natsocs.
Document what you find for an image collage later.
See how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Don't say you can meet immediately, rather say in a few days or a week, then you can probe for info.
I'll try, but why specifically?
You have a US flag but you said you're in Cambodia
also common in austria
I heard the Thai have (or had?) an execution method where they take the condemned and strap him to a wooden chair, then they bring a gattling gun directly behind him and pump 100 bullets into his back directly into the heart. The room is traped off due to the guy being shredded alive.
>based thais, every thai i ever met is super friendly and red thai curry BTFOs my constipation and sinuses because polska can't into spice
Who the fuck asks for a reason to be careful?
I guess you're the right person to be doing this.. Want a carrot?
See if he needs your computer services.
It's a symbol of pedophilia and pedophilic organizations according to the FBI.
They use it to recognize each other.
no surprise we've got it too
Global ice cream pedo ring confirmed
long pinky nail, maybe chinese?
arms and hands dont look like it. soft hands mo manual labour.
Niggas. A spiral triangle used to be a symbol for pedos, but they abandoned that years ago.
Now it’s nothing more than a trendy image.
>then screenshot and report to local authorities. In Cambodia I bet they get the death penalty.
ahahahaha this guy doesnt know shit about 3rd world local authorities
does anybody here remember that the Netflix show Iron Fist had an opening scene in Phnom Penh?
I remember thinking it was weird because I couldn't remember any other movie or tv show that had Cambodia, much less Phnom Penh as a location.
This would've been around the election too
You didn't even try.
What a beta opener
I thought gays were good at flirting...
MHe is probably just a troll profile
>being on Grindr
>in Cambodia
Damn imagine what kind of exotic diseases you can catch
Many ways. We are at a discreet advantage. Offer to meet up and insist your younger brother goes with you. :)
Not surprised gay guy is a pedo
Please tell me you fucking know that's a Pedo symbol
Homosexuality is a fetish.
They won’t give a fuck
Look up Svey pak
Cambodia is a filthy degenerate shithole
Op bring it all down to the ground
No he is, I used the global search feature on grindr
Oh welp now that I'm revealed guess I'll take a Vince Foster gunshot or something lmao
Quick rundown on those symbols?
Looks like a Temporary henna transfer/tattoo to me...if you have a suspicion tell the cops, the Cambodian police do like to arrest/bribe and showcase degenerate foreigners....and atm its a big thing there
Pretty suspicious
literally a product for kids
Wiki says the company started in England, making sausages
I do, i know it means boylove
Wish i could teleport to cambodia to fuck this nigga up tbqh
God damn it OP.
>Those the only tattoos on your body or are there more to find?
It may be a shithole but these things wouldn't happen if rich westerners weren't coming there for the express reason of having sex with children. Everybody blames mexico for the drug problem but it's the fucking rich who create the market for it.
ask if you can get walnut sauce
>pedophiles on a website for homos
You're a fucking degenerate along with them to a lesser degree. For your service you'd get a proper service before the rope. Godspeed.
Can anyone make out what book that is?
PP, Hanoi, ho chi Minh City, Bangkok all have huge expat pages on Facebook that hate pedos and love witch hunts.
If you get proof post to some of these and they will spread like mad to relevant locals and the faggot won't be able to flee anywhere as usually this scum hops from country to country. Some nerds on these pages will contact the correct authorities in the countries for you too.
>browsing on grindr
Nor do you I imagine.