CNN is outraged and stunned after what they have proclaimed is Trump's worst week as President yet his poll numbers have gone up.
How does this man keep winning?
CNN is outraged and stunned after what they have proclaimed is Trump's worst week as President yet his poll numbers have gone up.
How does this man keep winning?
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>outraged and stunned
I don't think you understand what behavior is.
Always do the opposite of what CNN says.
2020 landslide incoming. Wait until he starts locking up the criminals and pedos from the previous administrations.
>2020 landslide incoming
Lol not even
Moar winning, just like '84 all over again.
only if the wall is built, and hillary, obama, rice, pedosta and others get the rope.
What the fuck is wrong with Minnesota?
Mondale was from Minnesota. Reagan didn't campaign in the State at all and he lost by just 8k votes. Technically he was entitled to a recount but he just didn't bother
If he builds the wall, yeah he will get reelected because he did the thing he said he was gonna do
You think that's bad check out Dick Nixon's second run.
Illinois is unfortunately swinging harder left. Our state is currently trying to shorten the gap between us and California.
I would not be surprised if the entire southern half of the state tries to break away over the next four years.
Pic related our "republican governor" who pussed out on our budget and made us a sanctuary state.
Largest European ancestry is from Scandinavian countries. They also have the largest Somalian population in America.
See a trend here?
MAGA 2020
If he breaks ground on the wall, or runs a narrative that the wall requires an influx of Republicans, he might have a chance.
Otherwise, Trump's presidency is about to get a lot more difficult.
To paraphrase I think Andrew Jackson really badly fat bellies and fat wallets deem everything else irrelevant.
Swedes and somalians.
Swedes and somalians.
Go together like a horse and carriage.
Minus the part about "...and Mexico will pay for it." So, not sure if he's keeping that campaign promise.
trump's poll numbers have hovering around 40% give or take 2-3 points for most of his presidency. not really news
Filled with Nordic cucks
How so? You still riding the "should have vetoed the bill" bandwagon?
CNN is starting to realize, again since the election, that just because they say it that it doesn’t make it true
As long as the Dow hits 30,000 by November 2020, Trump could take a dump on RBG's fresh corpse in the middle of Times Square and he'd still get reelected.
Dude's lost Georgia and PA my dude. Not boding well
A lot of things, but Mondale was their beloved local guy
This survey was clearly compiled pre-Bolton/Omnibus
Please leave the racist remarks/photos out of this. No need for it. Thank you.
god damn. everytime trump makes a move against russia the MSM are his fucking best friend
>Worst week ever
Why because some pornstar is saying he paid her hush money? Hardly the first time this has happened a US president.
The gun control thing has been going on since well before Trump was elected and the Cambridge stuff is a non story being hyped up by leftist media and fbs rivals.
I think he's had much worse weeks than this personally