Which one of you idiots did this?

Which one of you idiots did this?

Attached: 09B2BBF8-BCBF-451E-8AF4-E414F175C7CA.jpg (1200x898, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: stop and think.png (851x721, 231K)

>Sup Forums

The UK was just overrun with these mail in over 6 communities

This is definitely Sup Forums material


>nuke mecca

Attached: 1377676642952.jpg (342x380, 122K)

I hope the britbong who did this covered his tracks well. I mean, aren't you on video surveillance no matter where you go in any city in britbongistan?

False flag.

>nuke mecca

Obviously /s4s/ did this.

/s4s/ has managed to fly under the radar with their cyber meme terrorism. Their autism crippled Sup Forums during Sup Forums harbor even yet the only time they were noticed was for photoshopping ISIS militants as rubber ducks.

They are truly master's of the craft.

Attached: Screenshot_20180326-174538.jpg (1069x1233, 549K)

Why isn't this for jews?
>>right because jews did this.

When you nuke mecca, the game is automatically over and the one who pushed the button wins the match.

you know (((who)))!

What can you redeem the points for?

Attached: 1507167874258.jpg (786x632, 61K)


There is so much death rape destruction caused by far left and imigration policys.

And by musslim community

This was probably done by UK government to warn people that far right can be dangerous as well.

No one trusts uk government or bbc media anymore anyway.

>mothers day
> march 11th

what is ment by this?

Oi, what a cheeky cunt.
Hope he didn't print that with his own licensed printer & licensed ink and use his actual envelope & stamp licenses to get the one time use mail license to open the drop box.
If so he's fucked.

1 point = 1 (You)

So what could you get with those points?

You can trade them in at your local Chuck E Cheese's.