ITT: Characters that ruined their respective series.
ITT: Characters that ruined their respective series
Ironically he's also a great character trapped in a shit series.
This fucking skank cat ruins an okay show
Can't even entertain the thought of watching this thanks to him
>Villian is a Mary Sue
Literally the worst idea in a list of bad ideas
>fanfic donutsteel comes out of the screen to kill everyone who shit talked the creator
>anime hero stereotypes have to team up and stop the mary sue
that's an amazing idea, it was executed poorly
>It's another episode of "user doesn't know what Mary Sue means"
>his only pull is to be an edgy psychotic murderer who can raise the dead
>kills everyone and anyone else more interesting and relevant
>has the most stupid and boring death
They really dumbed down everyone to have this gay naked rabbit live too long.
>implying this faggot is dead
I swear to god, he better be... because if he isn't, I'm saving up my neetbux, and shitting on the studio that produced this shitshows fucking doorstep.
Him being able to raise himself will be just as stupid as his original death in this war.
Every useless female character that just screams the main characters name like an annoying cunt
I just muted the show any time they were on screen so I didn't have to hear their fucking voices.
atalanta a cute
Why the fuck is anyone even watching this
>ITT: Series that ruined their respective characters
And they had very strong competition too.
This seems more accurate if you've watched the show.
Nobody who wasn't in the trenches watching E7:AO with us understands how painful those twenty-six weeks were, or why we kept coming back.
this bitch
Literally carried the series.
it was the snake. everything went downhill from here
She became good later, in case you haven't watched that.
Only because he killed everybody.
Monkey could have saved it
I'm not mad that Monkey died.
I'm mad that Monkey died before she could tell anbody her plan.
I want to know what her plan was.
Can't polish a turd
I lost my enjoyment a couple episodes ago, his powers are way too convenient
now I just watch to see how inevitably shit the ending will be
No, really.
She's still a despicable human(?) being, but at least she's an interesting character and not just imouto loli bait.
Her first arc was shit, agreed, that one really spoiled the otherwise magnificent Bakemonogatari, but she's a good enemy in S2.
>/fit/ men make me feel bad about myself
Forgot to attach pic.
Yeah things really went downhill after horses death.
Nah, it was because of her that we got more of best girl
Fuck off.
Designs that look like deviantart rejects make me feel bad about everything
Guess what . . .
This little shit.
>I let everyone step all over me: the character
Little fucking shit.
I hate this meme
Sengoku is an obsessive emotionally repressed little girl who has an actual arc. Fuck your "muh waifu" bs
No no, he's a good character. He's the only warrior that actually tried to win. The others stood around talking, and most never used their powers at all. What a shitty show.
Didn't like her first arc, but the second one (and Hitagi End) sure made up for it.
Without this bitch the show would be far more watchable.
The only real answer.
Salty user, the ending and endgame is what made this series readable.
this WAS the endgame
The premise said otherwise. It would also be ravaging for Midori's character development if she didn't won.
You should have posted Meteora though
This piece of shit
>implying the real series-ruiner wasn't Boring Junko, the """main antagonist"""
This is pretty much Jar Jar Binks.
Retarded, annoying and unnecessary.
I like her. She's like a study into how much screentime you can give a character without her mattering to the plot what so ever. Even when she's fighting she may as well not be there.
>Implying the show wasn't fucking garbage from day 1
I can see what you mean user.
But I'm pretty sure this piece of cardboard did far more damage.
There was a cool premise, potentially interesting cast of characters, and a decent roster of Servants. All ruined so that the narrative could twist itself to focus on this piece of boring garbage.
The retarded Vampire ruined a mediocre show.
When I saw that bullshit, I dropped the show like a hot potato.
I thought Kuuko was FAR worse than the shota
In the anime, at least. In the VN she was far better
I don't know what that is, but how can a doggo ruin a series?
This annoying cunt
For one there was no dog in the original manga.
Ah yes, that reminds me of another.
>Just want cute shit between Hakuya and Kobeni, with cute loli support from Mashiro
>Instead we have a molester who ruins any scene she's in
Benio a shit
10 bucks to anyone who knows who this cunt is
Jesus fuck, every single episode i wished they'll be somehow killed off in a gruesome manner to supply the characters with a crisis to get over with.
E7 was bad, them being there made it atrocious.
Screw his seiyu.
How does that relate to this, Miserable louise fag
Bad joke hater faggot
He really was a fucking doormat.
Did the OP really have lewd Mashiro?
Dropped that shit when Monkey died. Fuck this faggot.
but he's the best boy
you fucking wot m8? MC is the one who used her as his personal onahole, pretending she was kanna the whole time.
Kanna is the worst imouto I've ever seen.
No the thing that ruined this show is showing the outro credits in order of the people who die throughout the show. So nothing it a surprise anymore and Rat will probably win, then wish to do it all over again setting them into a groundhog day loop which is why everyone says he looked eerily familiar
Fuck, this triggers me. And they just wouldn't shut up about it, even in situations in which it made no fuckin sense.
Amen, fucking hate cockblocking brats