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Why is that nigger wearing a WP shirt?
He was the leader of the Hammerskin Nation
Lol no, nice try mountain jew
we're not all nazis here kid. in fact actual neonazis like him make up a very tiny percentage here
You are getting manipulated. Listen to the podcast.
>nazi larp gangs
top kek faggot fuck off. That retard is a strawman
Let me guess, you are only "alternative pan-european ethno-nationalist identitarians"?
Manipulated by whom? Those that tell me "diversity" is good and has a historical precedence ?
1-If you are a shill, open this link, there is the pastebin choice if you are afraid of someone logging you.
1.1-If they dont allow you there is something shady going on and you should be afraid of it.
1.2-The text is called new order of barbarians, if they tell you the site have virus, ip logging or something like that, search at your prefered web search site and read it at another site, there are more than one with the text. There is also the pastebin, I posted before.
2-Read the entire text.
3-The text is not so huge, this was not made to make sure you read something and stop working while doing it, you can do both at the same time.
3.1-If they dont allow you yo read the text saying you can't read external links at work time, read at home, remember the text is called new order of barbarians, again, new order of barbarians.
If they aren't telling you everything they wont allow you to read the text.
If somehow not even them, know everything, and allow you to read it, then read it anyway, the way you act will be influenced by the text and they will force you to quit or whateaver and you will see they werent telling you everything.
>we will smear people using a strawman
Our arguments are pretty simple and the only way they can smear is with this strawman picking of the lowest IQ and dumbest expression of it.
The murder rate and rape rate increase in Germany not to mention the enormous economic burden imposed on taxpayers is not a fantasy of "le evil skinheads". The 85 Year old jewish woman stabbed, raped, and burned to death by muslims in Paris yesterday wasn't a "le kkk hate islams cuz brown".
>A jewish nation is important for the future of our people
>Diversity is a strength
call us whatever but 99% of people here aren't going out beating up random shitskins or going to demonstrations
Be intellectually honest for a moment of your pathetic life.
Look at the situation in Palestine between Jews and Muslims. Compare this to Europe and USA.
Gaza Strip vs Minnesota or France
but yes, German citizens should suffer high crime, public safety erosion for girls, and pay for it all. People with any common sense on these issues or who understand that genetic and cultural differences matter are just idiotic with no argument, simply skinheads screaming out of idiocy.
It's possible to be concerned with immigration and the migrant crisis while at the same time:
-not believing in jewish conspiracies
-not generalising and exaggerating the problem
-not wanting ethno-states
>jewish conspiracies
>not wanting ethno-states
without ethnostates there is no argument against mass migration that will hold
how about believing the same things that basically every single one of our ancestors believed?
- What conspiracy? You can look up the intellectual backing for why globalism and multiculturalism is being pushed. It is also being pushed in very real ways. It's not even a conspiracy that is hidden, it's openly talked about. Look up the idea of super-states and the push for NAFTA / TPP etc. It's not like we are saying lizard people are behind it all you fucking strawmanning idiot.
- The problem is worse than it appears due to birth rates, over-confidence in integration over time (look up swedish 2nd/3rd gen immigrants for statistics on how well it works), and the crime is being covered up by media and politicians in those countries.
- Why exactly is that a horrible thing? Do you want Japan to become 20% japanese?
>there is one race, the human race
Genomic advancements would disagree. Look up the heritability of IQ. We also aren't selecting individuals, all the immigration is simply mass illegal border crossings that if anything selects for criminals.
There is literally nothing wrong with ethnostates.
are jews not behind immigration? do i really need to start googling all their NGOs? are jews not behind promoting faggotry? look at what sam harris himself believes rofl, a fucking jew who openly supports faggots and non white immigration is gonna tell me that it's not actually the jews or what?
Not to mention they all have specific case exceptions for why Israel must be a Jewish state. They don't seem to mind in all other cases though.
Somehow diversity would work everywhere but Israel so they need the walls and exclusion.
I wonder what sort of faggot listens to this kike?
Sam Harris utilizes a lot of techniques to fool retards. He control his voice and talks in a slow rhythm to seem more intellectual.
It's like the people who wear glasses and dress the part of a hollywood sceintist. He can fool people into thinking he is rather intellectually elite. Whereas his actual reasoning is all over the place and extremely bias topic to topic. His conversation with Dan Carlin showed clearly he had no idea about geopolitics of basic history.
>The problem is worse than it appears due to birth rates.
The "birth-rate" projections simply don't work. People have been predicting France becoming a majority muslim country decades ago. Even Sam Harris himself made these kind of predictions, and they were completely wrong.
Can you see how it's difficult to talk about facts when if the other side brings statistics that don't confirm your bias you can simply say "covered up by the media"?
-I don't support ethno-states whenever I find them, whether japan or israel, but american or european ethno-state concept is even worse because it requires purging non-whites, which is completely different.
Also people would eventually get obsessed with racial purity, and dividing "whites" in other sub-races, like it happened in the roman empire, where the idea that all europeans belonged to the same "white race" was ludicrous.
Look, I repeat, I am definitely concerned by the migrant crisis, and I definitely don't think that anybody worried and talking about this problem is necessarily a nazi. I'm just saying that you should be careful with false and dangerous ideologies
lol I know more about heritability and IQ than you.
Some of the facts are correct, but they don't validate the concept of "race" and "race realism", as any geneticist today would tell you.
Some of the facts put in context are correct ( differences in overlapping distributions), it's the conclusions you draw from some of these facts that are retarded.
Like ones that deny evolution and genetic differences?
Do you think Islam is a good culture for Europe?
These arguments you make are stupid. The birth-rate predictions you say I am wrong on is a false argument. I never posted specific predictions you fucking dunce. Again, you use strawman to imagine I said something wrong then attack it.
I simply stated birth rates are higher in the muslims, meaning any importation of muslims results in a higher % of the population being muslim in following generations than it is now. Hence the problem in that time will be worse than it is now.
Again, you have done nothing but assume things about me and my arguments by using strawmanning. I am frankly tired of replying to your idiocy. Think more maturely and in a more intellectual way in the future.
I'll use a bad argument
Tenured professor at Harvard
There's definitely a need for a purge Chocolate Man.
>lol I know more about heritability and IQ than you.
I love the strawman as well. Do you ever for a moment use legitimate arguments?
Sam Harris hasn't even been famous for decades. I challenge you to find him claiming France will be majority Muslim by 2018, or even 2020. I don't know when the consensus is that France will be majority muslim, but I would guess it will happen in the next few decades. They continue pouring into the country and they have more kids than non-muslims. If the projection is that it will take four decades for muslims to be a majority, and it's been a decade and a half, that doesn't mean the projections "simply don't work." Again, I dare you to find where Sam gave a concrete projection on this that was wrong. I'll wait.
The person we are talking to can only argue with imaginary strawman positions. He seems to make them up as he goes instead of responding honestly.
another nobody with no actual strategy to save our people
Some of the genetic differences you talk about are due to environment, since we know that the flynn effect for black people has been stronger than for white people (the gap between white and black has been decreasing) some of the difference is definitely due to environmental deprivation).
A good article about race - IQ summarising the science.
We still don't know how much the differences are due to environmental factors or genetics. it's tricky.
About the muslim thing, I was just pointing out that you need to be careful before jumping on board with predictions based on birth rates, because in the past they have been wrong, I didn't necessarily say you were making that claim.
I just hope that people don't get caught into false narratives.
this guy is supposed to be white? lol. why is it that these skinhead groups are more often than not people who aren't even white?
i've listened to about half the podcast. the guy has nothing insightful to say, and i don't believe for a second his stat about how 79% of terror attacks in this country are committed by white supremacists or whatever bullshit it was. i'm confident they won't get into the fact that nigs are a huge drain on the tax system and commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime, are a huge net negative on our society, etc. it's just supposed to be a big feel-good faux-intellectual discussion on how diversity is our strength and any white identity means you are a misguided, low self-esteem, abused, confused, pathetic miscreant. sorry, jew and brown man, i don't buy it.
>vox article
I've read it. I've seen all of your arguments. Also your example of black-white gap narrowing is false. The only place that is the case is in extremely early development tests. Look up adult IQ differences. You do know the genetic effect increases with age right?
>You’re are being manipulated
Says the guy who has mainstream viewpoints. No one cares about the Turner diaries and all that other shit. What we care about has more to do with freedom of association and an ability for whites to at least have the option to live amongst their own people without diversity being rammed down their throats. If you want to live in a multicultural society, go right ahead; however, you shouldn’t force everyone to follow in your footsteps.
>be white man
>movement that's as explicitly pro white man as possible
>"you're being manipulated into supporting your own interests!"
Keep in mind there is more noise in this data than you think. As any mixed race person is considered black.
The Flynn effect has mostly left g-related subtests untouched and is largely the result of better results on specialized elements of intelligence.
Not gonna listen to Autismo Harris, can someone summarize the points to me?
Yes, and the improvements in black education are largely entirely when raised by higher IQ parents. Although the effect diminishes over time. Just like headstart programs and pouring resources into education in such areas has some short-term impact but by the age of 18 it largely is gone.
If we had a way to produce High-IQ people via environment control every society on earth would be doing it. Largely the effects are very small per extra dollar spent. For real gains we have to start changing genetics.
>no error bars
>Sierra Leonne
I still love the image. Think of it as a portent.
>they were completely wrong
>-I don't support ethno-states whenever I find them, whether japan or israel, but american or european ethno-state concept is even worse because it requires purging non-whites, which is completely different.
What about Palestina
> I'm just saying that you should be careful with false and dangerous ideologies
I agree but i also think if you don't open up the window you are fried, the more time we keep enclosed in the progressive system of logic the more we approach a situation that will make the nazi sentiments grow strong, we are way past absurdist policies now, the second a high profile case reaches the normies its a hard swing to right as the market for clown-world denouncing media grows and normalizes itself
>In 2017, all identity politics is detestable. But surely white identity politics is the most detestable of all.
>t. Sam Harris
I didn't post the vox article, I posted the quillette article criticising it and summarising what we know and what we don't know.
First of all, the first thing I said is that yes, there are differences in average IQ among groups if categorised based on their identification to a general racial category (overlapping distribution, so you should still judge people as individuals), but this doesn't validate in any way the concept of "race", a construct that doesn't make much sense in genetics.
Also, it's still not clear what percentage of the variance is due to genetics and environment, although some it's definitely heritable.
For example, new evidence suggests that environmental factors play a bigger role than previously thought.
"Across 142 effect sizes from 42 datasets involving over 600,000 participants, we found consistent evidence for beneficial effects of education on cognitive abilities, of approximately 1 to 5 IQ points for an additional year of education. Moderator analyses indicated that the effects persisted across the lifespan, and were present on all broad categories of cognitive ability studied. Education appears to be the most consistent, robust, and durable method yet to be identified for raising intelligence."
you said Sam was wrong about the birth rates and france becoming majority muslim. i'm still waiting for a citation of him saying that. or did the little mountain jew realize he was getting BTFO in this thread so he ran off?
Sam Harris thinks some people should be punched for their political opinions. Namely whites who prefer to be around whites. Last podcast of his I ever listened to. What a fake moralizing hypocrite piece of shit. Completely written off.
>supports the state of Israel
I definitely do agree with that, if rabid SJWs make certain uncomfortable facts and topics taboo, it just makes the alt-right feel like they are discovering hidden truths ("red pill"), and they won't get countered by a nuanced discussion on the facts and avoid the wrong conclusions.
I'm pretty sure he said it in "the end of faith".
I love Sam, but that was one of the few things he got wrong.
I'll find you the quote.
What? I'm pretty sure he never defended that.
In the podcast I posted (the most recent one) Sam and Christian both make it clear that you SHOULDN'T punch or physically attack anybody for their political opinions, no matter what they are.
There you go.
All I said is that many people made these predictions and they simply don't work.
This is our public enemy #1 currently. Idiotic fucks gallivanting on saying they know the way while they make our entire movement look like a freak-show.
Maybe we just don't deserve life and prosperity after all... maybe the left is right. Maybe white identity just can't compete anymore. :(
If by "white identity" you just mean appreciating your friends and family white skin and blonde hair, browsing the internet to learn history, or visiting museums I have no problem with that.
If it involves purging minorities, ethno-states, patently false jewish conspiracies, on the other hand...