Semitic religions are garbage.
Prove me wrong.
Semitic religions are garbage
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Semitic flag, yes go on..?
the star of david is a rothschild flag, also jews aren't even semites, they just call themselves that
read the bible pleb
They're not Semitic religions, religions are from the indo-china region before the bronze age and they moved into the Middle East region because of droughts in their region.
The plan of attack is always the same; take old legends and craft religions out of them, make a religious order that undermines the tribal or feudal order of the land and eventually after the race mixing is done the civilization collapses.
Happened in Mesopotamia, then Egypt, then Rome.
You may recognize the name, Tribe of DN, they were the sea shipping and religion creating division of humanity and existed before the great calamity of the comet strike 12k years ago, and the reason the world is a divided mess of languages and religions for they too created Babylon as well.
So you see my dear Khazar, we've all been fucked for a long, long, long time
Semitic religions are God-tier.
>Judaism: Made Jews rule the world economy
>Islam: Turn Muslims into a fearful dominant empire
>Christendom: Largest white empire ever
>Atheism: Faggotery and more faggotery
I pray in my lifetime I get to see Mecca and Jerusalem burn off the face of this planet
it's true, i like asia more with their dragons and crane birds and stuff
Join the semantic religion instead
who says we need atheism, we just need dragons, tigers, firebirds, cranebirds.
Fuck your dragons
Ypu pray for the birth amd death places of jesus chrisrt burn?
Talk about autism overload
Fryan Metaphysics- Protection Against Weaponized Ideologies
The culture war is a mislabel of the real war Whites are in, which is a result of weaponized ideologies. Whites are divided not by culture, but by ideology. To unify our people we must start with the basics. How do a people become tricked into taking the enemy's doctrine? It is essentially done by the corruption of education.
Where did it begin for us?
During the 1st century BCE, King Adel of Frisia made a decree that all men abandon formal education. “According to my ides, we ought to leave reading and writing at present to the maagden and wise people. I do not wish to speak ill of our forefathers; I will only say that in the times so vaunted by some, the Burgtmaagden introduced disputes into our country, which the mothers were unable, either first or last, to put an end to.” Word of Frya
The end result of this was the destruction of the Nation. The reasons why our ancestors celebrated our religious traditions became misunderstood and forgotten by not having a standard of teaching. It allowed foreign priest to come in and misrepresent what those traditions meant. The last of the Fryans didn't lose to standing armies they lost to weaponized ideologies. When the believers of the false teachings outnumbered the educated people they were wiped out completely ending our true religion. Today we are seeing the same thing. Whites are being raised in the enemy's doctrine. That is why we are divided. The method of indoctrination may be somewhat different due to access to educational institutions not being blocked. All that needed to be done was for them to expose the lies and
false teachings of the religion our ancestors were tricked into believing was true 2,000 years ago. Because of how we are inclined to use logic and reason, after they have destroyed the old worldview they get us to believe in their new false doctrine. Since the education system is taught not using the basics of logic there is no defense for that void not to be filled with something that is equally false.
This is where we are at today. Divided by a multitude of non-theistic and theistic religions all came about by bits of truth being discovered. A false religion will give birth to more false religions due to conclusions having to follow premises. All false religions are created from false premises. When a bit of truth exposes that the premise is not correct or at the least inaccurate three things will take place. 1. The premise and conclusion is completely abandon leaving a void to be filled. 2. The premise is changed to meet the conclusion. 3. A new premise is created to protect the original premise. The division continues to grow and worsen, until the powers at be who were using these lies to subvert and enslave, can no longer keep control.
Fryan Metaphysics
Fryan Metaphysics comes from the ability we inherited at birth to know right and wrong, true and false. The word of Frya teaches this truth. “Eva means that sentiment which is implanted in the
breast of every man in order that he may know what is right and what is wrong, and by which he is able to judge his own deeds and those of others; that is, if he has been well and properly brought up.” “We derive this disposition from the spirit of our Father Wralda, which speaks strongly in Frya's children, and will eternally remain so.” Our ancestors way of applying logic is the way to protect ourselves from the false teachings of the enemy.
The one thread that all these false ideologies have that links them together is that the first premise is based on abstract thought alone. Aristotle never intended for metaphysics to be pure imagination without substance. “At least one hundred years after Aristotle's death, an editor of his works (in all probability, Andronicus of Rhodes) titled those fourteen books “Ta meta ta phusika”—“the after the physicals” or “the ones after the physical ones”—the “physical ones” being the books contained in what we now call Aristotle's Physics. The title was probably meant to warn students of Aristotle's philosophy that they should attempt Metaphysics only after they had mastered “the physical ones”, the books about nature or the natural world—that is to say, about change, for change is the defining feature of the natural world” (Ref 1). This shows that metaphysics practice without physical evidence is a subversion. Just as our consciousness is born from our structure, all truth is born from the contemplation of the physical World. You cannot have one without the other.
A + B = C
Physical Evidence + abstract thought = True Premise
True Premise + Abstract thought = True Conclusion
“Men may see a great deal, but with
Wralda nothing is hidden. Men can understand a great deal, but with Wralda all things are understandable. Men can discover much, but with Wralda everything is open.” “In the progress of time all creation alters and changes, but goodness alone is unalterable; and since Wralda is good, he cannot change” Word of Frya. Wralda is the root word for World.
Defending against false premises
The On/Off Method of Logic is the method of classifying logical inferences into two categories true premise and false premise. True premise being on and false premise being off.
What is On (true premise)?
Physical evidence is On. What constitutes physical evidence? Any physical material that is external of your consciousness that can be observed and or tested.
What is Off (false premise)?
Abstract thought without physical evidence is Off. What constitutes abstract thought without physical evidence? Any abstract thought that cannot be observed and or tested external of your own consciousness.
How to Apply this Method
When applying logic one must start with a premise to use logic. The on/off method of logic addresses how to start with true premise so a true conclusion can be made. Starting with a false premise leads to a false conclusion. Here is a procedural guide to using the on/off method.
1. Does the premise in question have any physical evidence? Yes or No
2. Can the premise in question be observed? Yes or No
If you answer yes to any question you mark it down as an ON which means it is a true premise.
If you answer no to both questions you
mark it down as an OFF which is a false premise.
Any logical conclusion built upon that a false premise is illogical.
A + B = C
Imaginary Evidence + Abstract thought = False Premise
False Premise + Abstract thought = False Conclusion
Any ideology that starts with a false premise is a false ideology. All Abrahamic religions, theistic and nontheistic, start with a false premise, therefore all Abrahamic religions are false ideologies.
1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy- Metaphysics
paganism: Whites so dominant that you had to jew their culture with ((christianity))