Mentally Ill transgender League of Legends Semi-Pro Regrets Transition

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Post pics of this faggot

here is penor

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here is bob

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discord gg/XuevgZq

add a .

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This faggot could suck my dick just to show how fucking gay they are.

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This is a fucking cult. This person regrets being trans, but they cannot process that.

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Damn..I'm not gay but you know..


It's not okay to be a faggot that's for sure.

brainwashed by the kikes

>stay strong sending positive vibes
I can't even process this attitude.

those are some nice bobs...
im not gay

>do you want to milk my feminine penis, user??

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me irl


Nice bobs.
So this fag regrets that he cut off his dick. Heh. Now he understand. Traps without dick worth nothing. Zero.

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why are trannies so based?

And this is what happens when you get suckered into becoming a guinea pig and piggy bank for doctors who only see you for money.

>do you want to milk my gaping hole, user??

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part of the 45% for sure

Yep. Silly faggots.

SRS needs to renamed to something factually appropriate like "Penis removal" or "Permanent Wound Creation". Sexual Reassignment Surgery makes it sound like you're replacing a penis with a fully functional vagina, but you're not. You're making a hole.

I am confused

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Its from 2013... he had it chopped off since then.

even better

>First girl in the LCS

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You have to understand that you CANNOT help these people. You can show them the evidence, the stories, the confessions like in the OP, nothing changes their minds. They are absolutely convinced that chopping their dicks off will fix all of their problems.

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Reminder that Dota 2 is the true man (regardless of the race) game

Someone should start a suicide pool. You know xhe will off ximself at some point.

s(he) only regrets it because apparently the doc fucked up and now s(he) is in pain all the time. i see nothing about wanting to live as a dude again

how do you actually get duped by this pseudoscience? you have to be an absolute retard to not realize they are just using you as a walking atm.

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The ones that are rushing to do this are idiots. Lab grown vaginas are a thing and won't stay experimental for all that long. It doesn't help that the left is flooding the very small number of legit mentally disordered trannies with a bunch of pretenders.

Cállate simio peruca estúpido. Vete a vender papas serrano imbécil

This guy knows the deal.

That's not Bob, I'm Bob.

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jesus christ

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That's just the normal procedure. You can't amputate a penis and create a gaping hole that needs to be "dilated" daily and not have pain.

typical trannies

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Can someone explain to me why promiscuous faggots remove the thing that gives them pleasure and why they wonder afterwards why their life sucks? Can't they think like a week after their mutiltion ahead? What the fuck man

because once they start to see the frankenstein's monster they are being purposefully transformed into they can no longer deny the kikery that's been thrust upon them.

I aint gay but...

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welp... at least it can't reproduce.

Why do gays think they're normal?

Normal person:
>want to be this thing that I can never be
>Oh well
>moves on

OCD tranny:
>want to be this thing that I can never be
>obsess over it every waking second
>take dangerous drugs and mutilate self

At least it can't pass on its genes anymore

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George /ourguy/ Wojtyla

>need a warning label on "cutting your dick off"

>knowing its a guy
>still saying you would fuck him
>not gay
why are you guys supporting this shit? it is not helpful, for both sides. on one hand you promote this shit and give latent fags the idea to go for it on the other hand you defile your soul with it. baka

Lmao it isn't and hasn't been since your cancerous kind invaded the game.
I literally left it because of you retards. Valve needs to IP ban your country.

the power of the echo chamber got to them

Constant pain for the rest of life.

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Heh, how does it feel Mexico? How does it feel?

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They never said they regret being trans, they said they regret getting SRS. I don't know how people in this thread think this shit is funny. This person is mentally ill to the point that they thought permanently mutilating their body would make them feel better. It's like laughing at an anorexic person for starving themselves to death. It's not funny, it's just sad, and trans activists are enabling this shit.

>be tranny
>reee i want to mutilate my penis
>goes to thailand
>underground doctor
>pays 5000 cash, no records, anything
>pain and disease for rest of life
Jesus I knew fags were delusional and retarded, but never this much.

I don't think it has to be botched. They're all like that.

>I don't know how people in this thread think this shit is funny

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>for the rest of life.
If we go by average tranny lifespan, this won't be much longer.


It's Sup Forums we're not known for being bastions of empathy here
Also helps that a lot of trannies exemplify the worst of the left
Doubt anyone got through gamergate thinking gender dysphoria is not harmless and not a mental illness

that's horrible

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This is making my groin ache. Not in a good way.

He/she will probably commit suicide next 5 years. Incurable pain is hell. I know it because i had problems with my spine in the past.

>"I cut off my pee-pee and it hurts!!!!!111"
no chill in the comments

>why are white women not having sex with white men?

The fact you'd post that over a mutilated man regretting the actions your community influenced him to take , shows you're nothing but callous, shameless mental patients. I hate you so much

totally worth it

this. most traps off themselves before 30, either by OD from being drug addict hookers, or when biology starts taking over regardless and most of them start balding/getting fat/slowed metabolism. they eventually realize they can never be a girl and are just weird looking freakjobs.

This transgender shit is unironically a crime against humanity if there ever was such a thing. Mentally people are offered to be butchered into freaks, pay fucktons of money for it, and are then walking cash-dispensers for pharmaceutical companies because they'll be on all kinds of meds for the rest of their (shortened) lifes. What the fuck, this truly is a sign of how bad things are. And kikes push this as if it was natural and healthy and there was nothing wrong with it...

Traps = not gay
Transsexuals = fully homosexual

>There more LeL player than Dota 2 player
Enjoy your trannies MexicANO

I would feel feel sorry or pity him/her/xir/xer/fighterplane right until
>"I went to thailand to a sketchy surgeon clinic since these operations are 'off-grid'

Right when she knew that she had to go to THAILAND to an UNDERGROUND or ILLEGAL surgeon to get the surgery and STILL went is when I no longer feel bad.

He knew what he was getting into and is now paying the price, forever.

Nigga if he's cute and makes my dick hard he's cute and makes my dick hard. Fuck partisan sides.

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Reminder that traps are fucking gay

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I think this is pretty low-hanging fruit to redpill normies on if only we weren't literally shut out of all but one news network
Ain't nobody sane that can look at the suppressed realities of SRS and not want to puke

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So he exchanged the mental pain of not having the desired genitals for the physical pain of having to live with a non-functional fake one. No wonder these people eventually kill themselves, they're basically allergic to being alive.

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I'm empathetic to people that listen to not just me but more importantly themselves

These cunts refused to self-reflect and see the root of their problem, they can go fuck themselves.

All leftists hate life.

Legit feel bad. Atleast this proof that the trannies shouldn't remove their dicks.

Roleplay as tranny all day, but never remove your dick as is 100% impossible to replicate a vagina.

If anything this proves it's 100% a mental illness and needs to be treated, I'd bet 99% you can fix the tranny with meds to make it to normal gender again

This poor thing is a lost cause however, has a 2nd axe wound that has anal fecal matter induced lube that needs dilating daily basically keeping open an open wound connected to the prolapse and thus causes intense pains.

You'd have to be a fucking retard to cut your dick off and these people need to be put on a watchlist, so many mentally ill people and yet U.S. Will do nothing.

The mentally ill will bring down the U.S. Unless we find cures and force certain mental illnesses to be forced cured

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This is why Trannies that keep their penis are superior. Now she has a literal hatchet wound until she kills herself.

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How come now that odama is gone the media doesnt mention trannies anymore. Its almost as if it was all a giant psyop.

>tfw a guy has better bobs than most women
I know this sounds weird, but the list of things guys can do better than gals is shrinking fast.

>Ouch, that has to hurt.

It's so pleasing to not have to go through that.


Smart traps don't cut off their dick.

>Really sucks for my girlfriend

This person's life is ruined. The first thing that I thought is how much I wanted to fuck them. I hate myself and my T-girl fetish.

poor thing

the only thing that's horrible is that instead of being put in a mental asylum for the rest of his life, people fed his delusions, including physicians, and they helped him horribly mutilate himself and impose upon himself this tortured existence

only the ones that think they're women would

>lab grown vagina
You’re an idiot. Who would fund this and even if they could, how would it even work?