Are you ready for war? I think soon will begin. The British are doing everything to start a war. They killed the old grandfather of Skripal, whom he had long forgotten, he does not need anyone, an excuse for expelling diplomats. Accused Russia. Further a few more scandals will come up and the war will begin.
World war 3
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a radio, back up power supplies/solar, wikipedia and tons of survival manuals on thumb drives and a fallout shelter stocked with 4 months of food and water.
I will be able to transmit Wiki articles to those others with radios and computers (I keep a spare in a farday box with some other gear). I will enjoy the end of the world.
I'm really hoping this actually happen, tired of this gay era. WW3 will be gloriously gruesome.
Also, if you want to be really safe, come to Brazil or Argentina. We will be very far from the nuclear shit. Also we will have the last resources of humanity not poluted by radioactive material. Our economy will boom.
>The British are doing everything to start a war.
This is not true.
We are building diplomatic bridges.
Maybe if you stop killing people on our soil we won't need to rally the troops to smoke you.
I don't think war will start over Skirpal, but it is part of the buildup
Syria, Iran, or North Korea will be the spark
We're retaking the Crimea again faggot.
Your country has not provided evidence. If you kill a Briton in Russia and say that he was killed by the British, is that enough?
You are ambitious)))
We provided it to the EU and they came to the same conclusion as us. Why would we give our evidence to a bunch of snakes who will obviously twist the narrative to make themselves look innocent? I think Putin let his wealth and position in Russia get to his head and he started to think he was a big player on the global stage, and he just fucked up.
I wish i knew more about your setup. HAM radio?
Good shape: I have basic bug out gear (knives, camping gear, paracord, water filter), several rechargeable flashlights, 2 firearms, a Geiger counter, iodine pills for nuke fallout, a couple survival manuals, and that's about it.
Bad shape: No food supplies and a 14 year old sedan with 150k miles. Will be hard to get my gear in it and I'll be stuck on highways and streets with it if it doesn't break down first. Also escaping from the suburbs within a major chimpout zone feels like a lost cause, so I might just bunker up in my house and fight off chimps and looters first.
If Russia wanted to kill him, there would be no traces left. He could be attacked by a migrant and killed, he could knock down a car ... Many ways of killing without traces. You falsified this murder)) Next time, another of the grenade launcher, and next to you will find a picture of Putin and a spy certificate)))
>old car with 150k miles
Don't worry about it. The electromagnetic pulse renders cars useless. Unless they're parked deep underground.
>there would be no traces left
You act like this wasn't do to send a message.
Putin even warns that this shows Britain is unsafe for defectors.
What could he possibly mean by that?
Or from the 70s?
Machines with a carburetor, a mechanical fuel pump and without a computer will survive. It is necessary to disconnect the battery.
car accident would be a clear enough message for the defectors.
Car chassis ground is not strong enough? I doubt a man made emp from a distant nuke would be able to wipe an engine control unit's memory.
>car accident
Would leave doubt though wouldn't it?
Anyone could have arranged a car accident, could even have been a genuine accident.
Certainly woudn't have provided Putin with the opportunity to warn against the dangers of living in Britain.
How many spies has he killed already? And why would the Tories want to start a cold war with Russia, having to invest billions in it when they are already under attack from Corbyn to invest more in our NHS and police services among other things. The last thing we needed was the fucking Russians to drop a nerve gas in a town that forced us to react and spend money on retaliation.
Putin said that Britain can not protect its citizens from terrorist attacks. Your press very badly translates. More precisely translates as it is profitable. And our press translates as it is beneficial to them. And we will suffer, ordinary people. Still hate to start each other))) Englishman! Do not listen to anyone! I am sure that you are a good man, let's not go on a leash with the government of our countries?
everyone knows that KGB can get you anywhere.
Russians were doing it entire cold war and suddenly they'd poison a guy like complete retards?
If they're under attack to spend on something they don't want, wouldn't it make sense to funnel the money into a war instead? These people are psychos who would definitely cut off the nose to spite the face.
>These people
They do want money to spend on services, that's why they implemented the austerity measures which have just recently balanced the books and we are no longer running a debt and tax covers government spending. We have spent years getting to this point and we are finally able to invest logically in services and we are seeing more investment. A war is not what we need now, no matter who is in power. The Tories are the business party and they are doing a decent job of bringing jobs and future planning. We don't need to invest in war or cold wars right now.
It's to show off the horribly painful way they can kill you I think.
And to be headline grabbing.
Apparently 14 Russians have died in suspicious circumstances in recent years.
I only remember hearing about a couple of them.
You need to invest in expelling all Jews and non whites. That's the biggest untapped business in the world.
Ok, but in terms of the actual topic, why would our government want to provoke a cold war with Russia and invest billions when we are only just getting to a point of societal growth?
See you in hell lad...
>British PM considering MORE moves against Russia and gives new deadline
>"Britain and the EU could take further measures against Russia by June, Prime Minister Theresa May’s official spokesman has said. The statement came after May said that 130 plus people could have been exposed in Salisbury incident."
Friendly reminder that it is two minutes to midnight, anons.
Thread theme:
It's not the British, its the global deep state.
March For Our Lives is a recruiting operation for Antifa.
Kids were being distributed anti-white, anti-cop propaganda at the event.
The deep state is now trying to swell its Alt-Left paramilitary group ranks with underage kids. SPREAD THIS INFO EVERYWHERE.
>What this means:
SES (Senior Executive Service): an army of no-background check required for the hire executives with access to ALL INTELLIGENCE, who nobody knows how much they make (and they are the most well paid federal employees there are), that the POTUS CANNOT FIRE.
This right here, those 10000 parasites are a very important part of the deep state.
Intro and link to info dumps:
More on SES:
Even more on SES:
Groups of deep statists create group to support Trump..
Ham Radios can take -90 dBI RFI and an EMP will be -70 dBI. Wire it for data and use free software and you can send data at about 200 kbs all over the world with the power of a light bulb. You can also relay messages from Point A to Point C in emergencies.
I think my suggestion is on topic. Jews are always starting wars to enrich themselves at the expense of the host. Shine more light on the kike factor in these developments and you will uncover a lot I bet.
the government does not care about people, they do what is personally beneficial to them.
That's weird that your government didn't expel our diplomats.
I think your government is at fault here. I'm not saying our government is perfect but I think in this instance it's Putin and his rich friends projecting power to the West. I have nothing against Russians in general, in fact I've been to Russia and you are good people but Putin is looking to power grab.
So a ham radio transmitter can be damaged by an EMP. But why run your ham radio during an emp blast? It will survive an emp more likely when it is not powered and better if in a faraday cage.
No, it can handle more RFI than an EMP would create, combined with grounding, a lightning arrestor and surge protection, it will be fine.
Yes, hopefully it's off when an EMP strikes just to mitigate potential damage but radio will likely be the only functioning comms system after an EMP.
Because if we are not destroyed now, then tomorrow you will not have such an opportunity. The West feels its superiority at the moment and wants to use it.
>world war 3
What the fuck did Putin do this time?
"Kill" a spy ... + an act of terrorism in england. So far, everything, but the week has just begun.
fuck it OP
just make we sure we win this time
Oh many reasons. Reduce Russian influence in Europe that could grow after brexit. Increase internal support using the fear of external threat - good old 9/11, always works. Use it as an excuse for extra military budget and extra sanctions against Russia. Even make a market for US that started to gather their oil and gas, previously conserved. Yeah, there should be some economic reasons as well.
What is the vatnik position on what happened?
What is the official Russian position and are there any alternative positions as to what happened that have any credibility.
Also, lots of other countries seem to be backing the official position of the UK, by expelling diplomats for example. How has that been interpreted in Russia?
Russianbro I don’t want whites to kill each other again. Can we let in 2 million more muzzies to Britain. Maybe that will cause enough crisis to destroy the country and we can avoid this
I fucking hate Britain. They have pulled us into two of their world wars already. I don’t want them to kike us into the third one.
I am.
This. The UK has ALWAYS fucked us. One way or another.
There is nothing comfy about nuclear Armageddon. First if you’re very very lucky the nuke incinerates you before you know what happened. If not prepare for the worst 2 months to 2 years of your life. Immediately after being bathed in gamma radiation your internal organs will start to disintegrate, your blood will become cancerous, you’ll have radiation poisoning. Then comes the black rain dousing everything in more fallout killing most vegetation and poisoning more people. The ash produced by the nuclear forest fires will blot out the sun and we will enter a global ice age. Crops that weren’t irradiated will die. Billions will die. The fallout will be carried all about the globe. No one is safe when the mushrooms start growing. What few survivors exist will be elites and genetic monstrosities who’s offspring will live short painful lives.
The USA was the biggest beneficiary of ww2 and only entered the after the attacks by the Nips
I want a true genocide of the eternal Anglo. Gott strafe England
You cucked our economy into it during the first one and second. Had you let the Germans have Danzig that would have been the end of it. No 80 year commie menace. Had you not cucked the Kaiserreich the Russians would have avoided 100 years of misery, Europe would have been better off. People talk about kraut autism, but British autism will destroy the fucking world
Damn right
Yes the American loves America secretly
Thank for explanaiton but I already know all of it. I just don't care anymore. New world order will win anyway. Either dead or slave with rfid chip in my hand and life in a smart city with 24/7 full surveilance.
calm your tits dude, brits are to busy with niggers weddings this days.. da fok yo drinking??
I hate the black pill more than anything. If I die I’m taking them with me
As act of sycophant. US kill some poor bastard in UK and hang that on russia. Then US start screaming louder than anybody.
And for us it's look like circus. Cause we dont really care about UK.
leave cities first
then heading to antarctica, is my plan, inshallah
You think the US had him killed. Why ?
Nobody cared about that guy. If the US or the UK wanted a pretext to cause tension with Russia, better choices could be found than poisoning some old no one.
Do your media or politicians propose this idea or is this your own theory?
Launch the nukes already, we're with ya.
>What is the vatnik position on what happened?
General opinion: it's a setup by NATO-related powers, likely orchestrated by US. Backup arguments: using nerve gas to kill a single man is stupid and too complex. Skripal is worthless, there's not reason to kill him. Many of the creators of this particular agent moved to US and the the liquidation of the facility that was making it has been supervised by US chemical weapon experts, so US and Britain have both formulas and means of production. There's no real proof of Russian involvement other than claims in mass media (well, as of now the latter is actually true).
The most hilarious version I've personally heard is that it's Ukranian intelligence trying to sabotage what's left of Russian reputation in EU. Straight from a geo-politics expert that also happens to drive a taxi.
>Also, lots of other countries seem to be backing the official position of the UK, by expelling diplomats for example. How has that been interpreted in Russia?
From what I've seen mostly it's shrugged upon. I mean, Poland and Baltic micronations, come on. They are just russophobic and too eager to lick EU boots. Yeah some European countries also sent out a couple of diplomats each, nothing too serious. It's seen as an act of solidarity but not a real threat. Vatniks don't go to US and UK so they don't care if foreign offices are closed.
that's easy. cause they throw out more diplomats than anyone. and overal they was biggest jerks for last years.
Lol a June Deadline means that they want to look tough and in 2 months people will forget about it when Britain does nothing.
> it's a setup by NATO-related powers
To what end though. To isolate Russia?
>Yeah some European countries
More than 20 countries have aligned with the UK, expelling more than 100 diplomats.
I didn't mean how it will effect Russians. More that if people doubt the UK position how do they evaluate so many other countries supporting it on this issue.
Like if all those countries backed the Russian position, the British people would be like, hold on maybe our government is wrong, no one else supports their view
We should attack the Commonwealth and just get it over with already. All Anglo clay belongs under the American heel
There's nothing Britain can do realistically anyway. What could they do?
They could perhaps ban Russians from settling in the UK, but Russia would probably be happy with that.
The UK only seems to let the rich ones in, so may not want to do that anyway.
oh i remembered the joke. best theory about reasons why we kill Skripal is to increase how much people go to putin election. worth it.
>More than 20 countries have aligned with the UK
60 of them US work and how much? 23 UK work? it really looks like US puppets are dancing.
It was a russian nerve agent that killed him. Putin wanted the world to know it was a russian attack. My big fear is that Putin is suicidal.. that is, it is worth it to him to destroy Russia if it means he can destroy the rest of the world.
Fuck Israel and fuck the queen, I side with Russia and against globalist kikes.
But the idea that he was killed because he was a traitor is not accepted by Russians?
oh russians mystical nerve agent.
well then we kinda want to look on it. maybe there will be evidence for once.
what kind of stereotype is that?
if we got grudge on gim we probably will catch and tortue him. not straight forward kill.
what are you going to power it with?
Solar cells and a 20 cell 13.8 V 18 AH battery wall. It takes 24 hours to drain the wall and it can fully recharge on a cloudy day in 6 hours.
>I didn't mean how it will effect Russians. More that if people doubt the UK position how do they evaluate so many other countries supporting it on this issue.
You were asking for general vatnik opinion, I just summarized it for you. Most of those countries are expected to support anything that goes against Russia for no real reason. So no, it doesn't mean anything special for common Russian folk.
>To what end though. To isolate Russia?
Is that not a worthy goal? You can't deny Putin has been pretty successful in increasing both international influence and military presence lately. I also stand by my original point, there should be economic reasons, the most obvious - preventing Russia from increasing trade with EU.
>It was a russian nerve agent that killed him.
Oh boy here we go. The actual nerve agent samples were never revealed. It's said to be similar to some stuff developed in USSR. But the formula is well known, it has actually been published by one of its creators in his memoirs. It could be produced anywhere. Or stolen years ago.
>Putin wanted the world to know it was a russian attack.
Over the years Putin put serious effort into creating a positive international image of Russia. He even held a fucking Olympics. Why would he suddenly throw everything away? As much as he's a power hungry bastard he's not a moron. Electing mentally weak presidents is your privilege, friend. And, actually, using fear tactics is your habit as well. Putin works differently. Like preventing Turkish overthrow in 2016, that's how he demonstrates the power of his special services.
don't be a retard, why would a professional assassin use such a ridiculous method, you're as naive as most of the country If you believe this shit.
Russia getting their diplomats out has me really worried bros. I'm not ready at all. Give it to me straight, how bad will things get?
I'm wondering how the US government could draft enough people. the left would surely start protesting like with vietnam and the right is anti-war for the moment. and no one really trusts the MSM so even if they rally for war people will blow it off. and with shit like Sup Forums, reddit, facebook etc, its not like the government can hide shit from us like they did with the other wars they dragged us into. you'd see commies, normies, and fascists all saying fuck the government we aren't dying for your bullshit.
>monkey island becomes planet of the apes
RFID chips in humans are already a thing they're called smartphones. I saw a robotic joint implant billboard driving one day and they'll just cram RFID chips into anything like that if you wanna live in deus ex land. By the mid 2020's it will probably be federal law to implant RFID chips into newborn babies I fucking swear...
I'm not worried, for some reason
>We provided it to the EU and they came to the same conclusion as us.
being this naive
must be straight out of college
Hopefully rid society of ur scummy commie bullshit