Will 2020 be the last election Republicans have a chance at winning?
Will 2020 be the last election Republicans have a chance at winning?
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Why dont you worry about Mohammad and your rape culture Sven.
this pic is fake fyi
Sven pls
what about this one?
Wow, 29% of the babies born in DC are white? 43% in Florida are white?
Legit surprised. Not surprised about CA and TX.
Skin color does not determine political affiliation. Here in Texas, Hispanics vote overwhelmingly red, while in northern States whites vote blue.
It's actually somewhat lower, because it's done by race of the birth mother, not by race of the baby (which wouldn't always be obvious right away). So you have to subtract the percentage of white moms who race-mix.
>Here in Texas, Hispanics vote overwhelmingly red
LOL. No, they don't. Texas is only saved (for now) because Hispanics are younger and generally don't vote AT ALL. The new generations of Texan Hispanics are NOT old-school Tejanos. This is something a lot of white Texans are having a lot of trouble understanding or accepting. To the extent that they vote, it's a solid blue wall. When's the last time Laredo had a Republican mayor?
b-but you
Republicans will just adapt to the new population. News Flash: latinos can be very conservative as well.
conservative in what way? hate homosexuals and believe in god?
>I live in 56%: The State
feels pretty good, maybe 56% isn't so bad after all
is the hispanic population going down or up?
The USA literally absorbed a quarter of Mexico's population in the last few decades
Yes because then Trump will form a one part state
forgot to add since Trump become president
Republicans will abandon Whites (who they never gave a shit about) and try to hoard power as the country declines? Sounds about right.
>latinos can be very conservative as well
Hating gays and believing in God isn't conservatism. Enjoy your gun control, massively expanded government and taxes to pay for it. At least muh spics hate fags though!
America is dead and conservatism killed it through cowardice.
a lot of it is republicans wanting immigrants to come in so they can keep wages down and use brown people as "the help"
You're just repeating what some closet fag Scandinavian said.
Hating faggots was a positive thing in the states until the last two decades, what do you think conservatives means because changing culture isn't conservatism.
>latinos can be very conservative as well.
No they can't. "Conservative" latinos are at best center left and only conservative by today's insane standards where full blown communism featuring dissenters being sent to interracial breeding grounds instead of gulags is the left wing of the Overton window. Find me a latino paleocon and then we can talk about how one out of a hundred latinos are genuinely conservative by any real metric and the rest are still wildly in favor of política socialista.
Nah the mexicans are getting expelled
Get with the pogrom Sven
enough to off set their fertility rate compared to whites?
some can, the majority won't
Hating faggots won't keep the US a European country with a Constitution, solidified rights and a high standard of living.
Not only are there far more important issues at hand but it's already been decided; conservatives lost the battle on that one. Get the fuck over it.
Yeah I know, they're all traitors.
What part of pogrom don't you understand
You and the rest of Europe needs one of those too
White homosexuals voting left wing like yourself in nothern states won't save this country for these Hispanics you so irrationally hate. Maybe you should get the fuck over the fact this country will be brown soon.
Goodbye, America. Hello, China.
honestly not that worried. Sup Forums has really mellowed me out.
go fuck your fat pig wife, mohammad
I don’t even think Trump will win in 2020, we have so many nonwhites and the fact he hasn’t passed the Raise act proves to me he’s given up.
What makes you think latino's vote Democrat? They're not all retarded you know
Polls and voter records, genius.
You have a lack of understand how cucked the US truly is. Just because we have Trump as president doesn’t mean we aren’t still fucked.
Because they literally DO vote Democrat. We know this from surveys and exit polls. They usually vote around 70%-30% Democrat-Republican. George W. Bush in 2004 got around 38% of the Latino vote, which was considered a "victory" (even though 62%-38% is still a massive landslide loss).
...really makes you think
Oh I don't know. Maybe their voting record over the last 40 years gives us a little hint.
Just accept your kind votes Democrat/Socialist. Take a look at Latin America in general. There may be a few “LE EBIN BASED HISBANIC” people you’d love to show examples of, but they’re absolutely a minority.
research, fact and reality
Holy shit.
I'm not gay and I'm not a leftist. I'm just pointing out what a failure conservatism has been and that hating gays won't keep America prosperous and free.
Enjoy your spics and decline into irrelevance.
>Latin America = North America
you came to the wrong board
Vote Arthur Jones.
Our demographic situation is terrifying.
Be thankful you live in your country.
How about this then: Look at the countries south of the U.S. A bunch of poverty stricken socialist shitholes filled with brown people who want the same in the U.S.
you have to go back
Are you telling me to go nursing home to nursing home to rally my fellow white americans?