Dem Candidate calls for Killing Gun Owners

Guys and gals, if you haven't joined NRA or Gun Owners for America, you need to do it. This is getting real, and statements like this illustrate what the Soros funded left wants. Make no mistake. They want to disarm the American populace because it's getting in the way of their long-term plans. This shit is coming to a head.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder that Israel colluded with Hillary and hacked the election.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel
propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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Here's a bump from the protest

Want to point out the NRA did not counter-protest, some independent group called the Patriot Picket did

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If anyone here hasn't already read the protocols of the learned elders of Zion, they really need to. Disarmament is all part of (((their))) plan.

>hardline democrat involved in law enforcement
Basically, a faggot who absolves niggers of their crimes while blaming white legal gun owners and is using it as his platform.

I don't think I'd be too upset if I heard that people started fucking with this queer cunt big-time, and I'm guessing that if he keeps running his yap, people are going to send him a message.

An actual bigger piece of shit "Sheriff" Israel of Broward the Coward County? I didn't think that was possible guess I was wrong.
Unrelated, that is one sexy gun. I'm adding pic related to my collection soon.

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Killing Gun Owners

if kek wills it

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>Dem Candidate calls for Killing Gun Owners
With what? Lol.

>give up your guns, there will never be a tyrannical government that oppresses and kills you
>lol jk we want to be a tyrannical government and oppresses and kills you
No shit, anyone with a brain has known this for at least a century. Democrats are the party of traitors and communists. They're importing their golem army to fight for them when they make their final move.

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An army of mexicans and blacks, and traitor White communists in the upper echelons of the military.
Don't think it can't happen here because it will if allowed (which we have)

Watch the video. He's say's we will pry the guns from their cold arms, and all of the leftist cunts who replanted NC from high tax, high crime liberal havens in the northeast cheer.

I for one, look forward to exercise my right to self defense against traitors.

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The left underestimates our war readyness level vs theirs.

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>Want to point out the NRA did not counter-protest
You should pray they never do user, who the fuck in their right mind would side with a bunch of gun toting rednecks waving their toy's in the faces of teenagers?

We shall dance macabre

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This is more serious than people think. A bunch of statements like this here and there to prepare the way for major developments, soften the blow later, etc.

Ameribros this is serious shit. When the lefties win in 2020 thanks to the goblins there will be forceful gun grabbing en masse.

Good the left should grow some balls and finally start putting their money where their mouth is.

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Shall not be...

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>implying we dont know this.
Peace, was never an option.

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fuck off NRA shill, I can be pro gun and not give the NRA money

Nazi's get the rope too

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The NRA are sellouts , have been for decades.

>turning down an ally when a world spanning, unthinking, unfeeling machine is against you.

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I've been wondering this for a while now, is there legal precedent for civilians using 2A to kill those that have the means and motive to infringe on your rights? Lets take the shitweasel in the OP as an example. If he were to be elected sheriff, and continued to express his desire as a government worker to not only infringe on the 2A of law abiding citizens, but also do them harm should they not want their rights infringed upon, would you as a law abiding civilian have the legal authority to shoot him? I dont mean moral authority because lets be real, if that were allowed California would have to get new elected officials every other week. I mean either a legal precedent or something in the US legal code that would allow such an extreme response to that circumstance. Something airtight that would get a murder case tossed if shown to a judge basically.

We know. You're welcome to come to America and kill commies with us when it kicks off.

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bump, its never been more important to stand up for your rights

Does your pathetic country identity with our military?

>go eat a Tide pod
Hilarious, because it's mostly these smug, lefty, ennui-stricken millennials and their unattended children that scarf them down hand over fist. Along with soy and cock.

Yes. Americans have a right to overthrow their government and replace it with one that abides by the Constitution if it becomes corrupt and tyrannical. That's why the Second Amendment exists.
Traitors are given a traitor's death.

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Wrong. If it wasn't for the NRA, the entire U.S. would have California or Canadian gun laws. That is how our constitutional, capitalist republic works.

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Deadly force, also known as lethal force, is force that is likely to cause either serious bodily injury or death to another person. In most jurisdictions, the use of deadly force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort, when all lesser means have failed or cannot reasonably be employed.

Uses of deadly force as as follows: Self Defense and defense of others. Assets vital to national security. Assets not vital to national security but inherently dangerous to others. National critical infrastructure. Serious crimes against others. As a means of escape when no other option is available and in situations that are inherently dangerous to the public health.

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Why do Democrats keep killing people? Why do we keep letting them get away with it?

Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really believe this, because every fucking "conservative" you have voted for would have voted for gun control "for the children's sake" every fucking time.

Because they want you to believe there is no body count too high to reach equality.

When the muslims take over Europe I plan to move to the US if I am still alive after the fighting. I'm unironically pale white with blue eyes and like guns. I also really like Oregon, prolly gonna go there.

Have fun, user. Is that the ohio ordinace replica?

Sellouts isn't the right word, but the leadership hasn't been in agreement with the actual 2nd Amendment for pretty much its entire history.
The point of the 2A is to ensure that the militia (the entirety of the citizenship) has the ability to replace the Government. The NRA has sponsored and approved of bills regulating the militia's access to guns through various measures.
There is even literature that exists of leftists wanting to perform their long march to the NRA.
So yes, the NRA might have prevented an all out assault on gun rights, but the gun rights the NRA cares most about are those for self-defense and hunting. Any time I see an argument for allowing people to own guns, it's always "muh self defense". Self-defense is a by product of having an armed militia and a free people, it is not the original intent.
Now, would the NRA be shut down if its mission statement was to ensure that the militia has access to guns in order to overthrow the Government? Maybe.

Looks like a couple of daca gals. Gee wonder why they would want a disarmed citizenry?

The candidate should be executed.

Is the NRA helipng establish Militia exercises?

then dont waste your money.

Don't move to Oregon...go to Northern Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Montana, Wyoming, or Texas. Oregon is being overrun by faggots and leftists from California, which is turning into a complete shit=hole.

I may vehemently disagree with you and loath some of your beliefs, but if the time came where our nation was threatened I'd stand with you all the same.

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Montana was my second choice desu

That is not their job. It's our job, it's your job. Their job is to represent us in Washington. And they have done it well. Not saying they are perfect. If you don't NRA then join Gun Owners of America. They don't give a fucking inch. But if were for the NRA, we would only be able to buy bolt 22 caliber rifles.

>The enemy of my enemy
All I ask is a place for our people when the dust settles.
I fight for my son, and my sons to come.

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Not only does the NRA not support militia activities, they don't allow any type of actual tactical training at 'NRA' ranges. The entire organization is a Fudd/White flight version of gun ownership that hearkens back to when they supported gun control to keep the Black Panthers from scaring them.

I actually belong to two gun clubs and the only reason I can do any real training at them is because I go during the weekday mornings.

It isn't only the Democrats that are good to go on it. People were disarmed during Katrina by Feds. Both parties are globalists, and want a people that are at their mercy.

If you read the NRA publications they are pretty clear supporters of “militia” being every able person. They have been wary of supporting “organized” militia groups in specific (probably because they are at least half alphabets trying to discredit gun owners).

My Sheriff wouldld kick that sheriffs ass

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This is only going to get worse.

You anons had better have an escape plan, if you intend on resisting.

Most ranges Safety Rules are just that. Ferinstance, drawing from a holster on an indoor range that is busy may not be as safe as you would desire. Also cross firing lanes on an indoor range may put rounds into the walls so even if it aint busy it may be a poor practice. Tactical type training (3 gun, etc.) should be done on ranges that are safe for that. Probably has nothing to do with “Fudds”.

>join NRA or Gun Owners for America to get on Dems kill list
fuck off

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I have a .375H&H Trapper, l love my lever action.

Back in the day the midwest used to have annual gun fights over land disputes and town railroad access.

They were either shitty shots, or missed each other on purpose, because casualties were extremely low. I think murder was still frowned up then (pussies.)

>The entire organization is a Fudd/White flight version of gun ownership that hearkens back to when they supported gun control to keep the Black Panthers from scaring them.
THis. They've always been an uncomfortable ally in all this, because they push a highly sensationalized 'Weapons to defend yourself in this dystopia' sort of narrative, and the 2a has never been about crime, per se.
THeir fearmongering is less desirable than my fearmongering, I guess.

RIP user’s Wallet

Damn, those Dems are really asking for a civil war? They are going to get themselves one if they keep pulling this shit and they will end up losing because gun owners will slaughter them all.

Why do the Dems want a war knowing they will lose?

That's sort of the point though, the NRA should be the paramilitary / training organization who also lobbies and protects the 2A.
The GOA/USCCA should be the individual protection vectors.

Like I said in my other post, you go to an NRA range and it'll be Fudds and Fudd shit only. You talk to an average NRA member over 40 and you're going to be talking to someone who thinks the the M16 is for wounding and who would be okay with regulations as long as they can hunt and have a bit of fun.

I'd be much more interested in seeing the NRA active on a State-by-State level where they not only introduce firearms safety to children but run classes teaching them to operate all varieties of weapons systems in their most effective employment.

I'd also get rid of SSRI's and any kids from single parent households.

Both ranges I'm talking about are NRA ranges and used to have 3-Gun/other types of training and have the ranges for it. The NRA members shut them down. The fact of the matter is that the demographics of the NRA and the leadership of it do not support the 2A, in the majority, as it is written.

fuck off grandpa, we want them to come and take

I'd fight with you against a common enemy. Just don't kill me for being 1/8 jew and we're cool.

there's going to be.

Actually l have never voted for either side of the progressive party, because they both have been hell bent on destroying our rights. Also the NRA is a honeypot, and moneypot. Who the hell do you think the Feds will get the owners list from?

I hope we can agree that in the face of the more clear and present danger, we should fight together against this, and then we can have it out afterward.

Yea, I have an AR and AK, and I rarely shoot them, but If fucking LOVE shooting my Marlin 45-70. It is a fucking beast.

They already have a list with about 100 million people on it. Every time you have bought a firearm, and had a background check done, the Feds have a record of that. Granted that don't know what you bought, but they know if you are a gun owner. But it doesn't matter because we are armed to the teeth.

Why would you say that? I bought mine over twenty years ago. I also reload so that is no longer much of a cost either, and the best part is l get matched sets.

You think thats bad, try feeding a 1873 Springfield.

Im having this same argument with a leaf on another thread. 1.0 guys have really fucked up the idea of NS. You have two options, take a white wife, or GTFO.
If you are no threat to me or my family, If you refuse, then there are other issues.

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I'm looking forward to Civil War 2, or WWIII, or whatever we're going to call it. The commies need to be killed. I have a cabin innawoods surrounded by like-minded people, everybody has an assload of guns, everybody is capable of being self-sufficient, and we're all great hunters/marksmen. I suspect this is the case for most of Rural USA, probably most of the world actually. City fags can NEVER compete with us. We all would love to see them try.

>inb4 "you can't compete with modern military"

1. Large majority of all military and police forces are far-right, and would kill any superiors that told them to kill innocent countrymen.
2. You cannot win a guerrilla war against an enemy on their home turf. Vietnam, War of 1812, American Revolutionary War, etc.
3. ONE lone rifleman could and would change the world. JFK.

I know there is just something special about getting rocked back a little from that recoil. I have a friend with a .458 Wetherby that is a true beast. Makes mine seem like a popgun.


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>Large majority of all military and police forces are far-right, and would kill any superiors that told them to kill innocent countrymen.
While this is largely true, it's easy to do stuff like send a brigade of cornfed Dixie children to suppress, say, California. Our differences can be played against each other.
I feel the younger officers would really be the buffer there though

This is what makes me believe that there is some sort of Fate or God or Higher Being of some sort. Well one of a few things. Because they're actually trying to make us wipe them out. This really will work out heavily in our favor. There's literally no other way it would work out if it happened.

And its also the aesthetics a blued steel rifle and wood weapon, and the sound and feel of the lever action. The .357 series are fine rifles, and by no means pop guns. That round at about 50 yards through a rifled chamber has nearly the same velocity and impact of one coming out of a pistol at near point blank range.

I think it's legal to shoot that piece of shit, since he openly calls for massmurder!

gonna be a lot of death ... on both sides!

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The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood if patriots and tyrants.

yes... but your use of that atrocious flag confuses me. neither anarchy nor communism are acceptable philosophies, so you are my enemy.

I absoluterly plan on taking a white wife. there's a girl at my work that's been putting the mack on me but she's too dark, I don't know her race, and personal relations at work are inappropriate.
I am no threat to nazis and have no quarrel with them. I actually agree with your economic policies. Your social policies in my opinion should be scrtutinised, at most. If I today found out my neighbors were NatSoc I wouldn't care. I'd still shovel their driveway and invite them to my weenie roasts.

Daryl Fisher is an avowed open enemy of every American. He would gun you down in order to strip away from you your divine rights. In the name of safety and political correctness, Fisher would turn his sights on law-abiding Americans and enforce unconstitutional actions such as confiscating weapons and killing American citizens over their second amendment rights. Gun-grabbers do not want peace, they want your subservience and suffering. Gun-grabbers don't want equality and social harmony; they want you to bend over and take it, and if you complain, they want to lock you up and kill you. Disarming yourselves in the face of these people, who tell a room filled with cheering idiots that they will slaughter Americans and take their guns away by any means necessary, is absolutely suicidal. They will play dirty, they will wage war, and they are campaigning to kill Americans if you do not give up your arms and be a victim.

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also, reload. I'd be more concerned about cleaning the thing.

You faggots better get some gopros and do some livestreaming when the civil war happens.

Thats the real issue. The only option I have is to reload. Smokeless would make it flower like a cartoon. Still, damn fine gun.

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>Civil War 2 happens
>Rebels are inexplicably using the cutting edge of arms, armor and equipment
>All of them are covered in gopro and liveleak logos

>neither anarchy nor communism are acceptable philosophies, so you are my enemy.
THe red on the flag irritates me as well, but it's what's offered. I am no communist, and really 'voluntarist' might be more strictly accurate than 'Anarchist'
Does this change help? I'm not above compromise. Leave me my mountain and you can have the rest of the whole world.

The caption for your picture should indicate these men got on their knees to eat a bullet, and did not even fight, resist, claw and bite and at least take it standing up. The gun is irrelevant, the death is irrelevant, the willingness of the victims is shameful. Did they deserve it, were they men with filthy consciences ?

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here's a lag for you. I've been considering the meaning of color: yellow in times of peace to symbolize freedom. Red in times of war to symbolize blood, combined with white eyes to pay homage to the injustice done to the germans during and after the great wars. It is also for that reason the snake is offset to the left.

I'm thinking of just having the eyes white all the time.

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the f on my keyboard is sandy


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As it stands, I'll think I'll keep the black. The State is my primary enemy and I can reevaluate my philosophies once that dagger is firmly planted.

also, you know they have AnCap flags, right? only israel uses them to shill against boomers, though, and anarchy doesn't work and is harmful to the environment.

>if you see an an-cap flag andthe poster is whining about boomers, it's an israeli

I had the cops try to frame and murder me in Hawaii in '09. They were watching some video of what they did to me during one of many false arrests.

>Cop 1 - Why did you do that?
>Cop 2 - He is a gun owner.
>Cop 1 - Should have just shot him then.

They said I was a terrorist for legally owning a gun. They said I had allegedly carried a gun in public without their permission, and this was in their exact words "an act of violence".

I had the cops try to incite violence from the people living in the area. I have witnessed uniformed cops coaching people on how to murder people for being "gun owners". The cop told the guy "Just shoot him (in his own yard) and say he had the gun in his hand".

There are guys with shirts that say "Federal Police" who direct the cops sometimes but I can't find what L.E.O. that is. It is not listed in any .gov site.

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I think that maybe the corrupt individuals that constitute the human element of the state are your enemy.

the state (the US declaration of independence and the bill of rights) is the thing that benefits you. it is the abomination that has grown on top of it that offends me: there should be a reset to the original 10 amendments.

the nation is fine. the government is the offender.


Wtf does the nra have to do with it? All my funs are bought from internet randoms with no records

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