Daily reminder that /pol being "raided" and the supposed liberals are acting more authoritative than the authoritarians.
Daily reminder that /pol being "raided" and the supposed liberals are acting more authoritative than the authoritarians
Are those nerd virgins getting paid?
Is Brock still alive?
they are just subjecting themselves to propaganda that will fuck their heads up long term, most people don't turn conservative or anti lib until they are older so this is just part of there indoctrination. we are not stuck in here with them... they are stuck in here with us.
no idea friendo, simply posting a threadly reminder for all our easily baitable newfriends
ik man, but if you've been indoctrinated into a system that is meant to look like sunshine and rainbows, its easy to dismiss the storms
Diversity is fine
Fuck white people
Its all so tiering
Post this in their shitty low effort Sup Forums tier threads, followed by redpills.
Cognitive dissonance only goes so far.
>so far
look at your country, mine, and europe.
Do they constantly subject themselves to this place in the hopes that they will convert us?
Besides, most people are just afraid to say what they really think. Reality will catch onto the others soon enough.
no they just publicly air their positions in the hopes that others will validate them, and shoot down any dissenting opinion. it's no different than coming here and shitposting.
>Besides, most people are just afraid to say what they really think. Reality will catch onto the others soon enough.
while i hope this is the case, i'm not so sure
i had a feeling that was happening, the levels of stupid are a lot higher than normal. They have to stick their nose in everything, don't they? For a group of people who think morals are subjective, they seem to really treat it as if they're objective.
I will never understand why this keeps happening when the phrase "pissing into an ocean of piss" has represented this act for MORE THAN A DECADE NOW. It's one thing to shitpost en masse for the reactions, but it's another thing entirely to seriously think you can somehow "defeat teh ebil 4chinz".
I bet these faggots don't even own dogs or a good set of curtains.
>no they just publicly air their positions in the hopes that others will validate them, and shoot down any dissenting opinion.
The memes are real friend, pic related. I used to be a liberal, now I'm a full blown Fascist. Give it time.
>i hope this is the case, i'm not so sure
In my experience, whenever I've talked about politics with family and friends, they've always come forward honestly. People just need someone they can trust.
Yeah I've seen this quite awhile ago. It's fucking disappointing that people refuse to even acknowledge it.
>me? brainwashed? PUH LEASE. As you may know, I'm slightly above IQ, therefore, I'm clearly too smart to be brainwashed. So, even if this WERE true (which it isn't), I'd be able to see through the disguise!
so what? they can't change this place. the only thing that will change is them.
jesus what a different Sup Forums.
what i'd give to go back to when genuine discussion was evident on this board
Remember April 1st last year? It still exists, seek and you shall find.
>what i'd give to go back to when genuine discussion was evident on this board
>implying you were here.
daily reminder that there is no source for this pic
spbp the leaf hit the nail on the head
all lame ass 1 post id hit and run shill threads do is setup one of their intellectually bankrupt premises to be torn to shreds in the thread without defending it. They actually do half the work for us by doing so.
I've been coming to Sup Forums since it was /new/
I remember when Sup Forums was resurrected
I fell off the Trump train last week when he installed Bolton and signed a massive budget that included a bunch of bullshit, and today he expels 60 Russian diplomats based on a British false flag
Now every boomer and their mom is calling me a shill. I just want to go back to the old times when kikes were kikes and cucks were cucks
This whole board has gotten too much mainstream attention. I'd say 90% of discussion is just shills from both camps arguing with each other.
This, when you've got the electric jew taking the piss, it's time to jump ship.
March For Our Lives is a recruiting operation for Antifa.
Kids were being distributed anti-white, anti-cop propaganda at the event.
The deep state is now trying to swell its Alt-Left paramilitary group ranks with underage kids. SPREAD THIS INFO EVERYWHERE.
>What this means:
SES (Senior Executive Service): an army of no-background check required for the hire executives with access to ALL INTELLIGENCE, who nobody knows how much they make (and they are the most well paid federal employees there are), that the POTUS CANNOT FIRE.
This right here, those 10000 parasites are a very important part of the deep state.
Intro and link to info dumps: youtube.com
More on SES: youtube.com
Even more on SES: youtube.com
Groups of deep statists create group to support Trump..
> 2. Diversity and Comics
You all better subscribe to your boy zac, and give money to his Patrion so he can keep fighting the good fight.
plus he needs the money because he's sad and doesn't get to see his kids too often and this is his midlife crises
you need double down and you will find it
When are we going to raid back?
Daily reminder that the screenshot is fake, we dont care, theres not that many newfags, etc etc give it a break
>asking for a source
>for a screenshot
Dude, cmon...
>Daily reminder that the screenshot is fake
How is it fake?
>*I dont care
>theres not that many newfags
Where have you been for the past 2 years?
the shit came from somewhere
>no FB for Adam Goldbloom/no original post
>Post comes the day of the Bolton appointment, but makes no reference to Bolton or the Omnibus
>no reference/context for the SJW's tweet
>name and date blocked off from texts (which had to come from somewhere right? Where did the image maker get that chain of texts?)
Don't be a fucking brainlet.
This is a false flag to discredit former Trumpfags that fell off the train
How pathetic i just come hear to shitpost and bant and they want to silence that hahaha