Why are there so many spics and niggers in the US military? I thought the US was a white country?
Why are there so many spics and niggers in the US military? I thought the US was a white country?
not thst many niggers mostly whites and spics
>t. us army 11b
America is pretty much a nigger/spic country by now.
Its cause only low iq retarded niggers and spics would join the marines to die for Israel.
good they can die for Israel, less nonwhites
fucking kys
I dare you to call them nigger or spic not online and in real life, lets see what happens you idiot.
>enlisted meat shields
I see nothing wrong with them taking the brunt of deaths.
because of the benefits, and any fuckup with low IQ can join
It was. We're all being replaced.
Because of benefits and false sense of machismo
whats wrong with honorary americans?, they have done more for this country than you betas behind that screen
>USMC 0311
Yeah, same.
Mutt army. Wouldn't be able to take Europe due to inferior racial quality of troops.
surely these based Mexicans wouldn't kill white people and take their guns if the government told them to!
You can't be in the army if you have a
nothing redpills a spic faster then joining an infrantry unit with his white countrymen. If they hadnt hated the blacks before they def will afterwards. and if they were unfamiliar with actually middle american white men, they will realize they are not all the racist bigots the MSM make them out to be. Also white guys see spics fighting for USA and being pretty based.
Trump administration struggles with fate of 900 DREAMers serving in the military
ISIS is prolly flying around in our black hawks.
> 30% black wamens
The USA hasn't been a white country for a while, britbong. You can thank the (((Hart-Celler))) Act for turning this nation into muttland.
Police and military have transitioned from being a civil responsibility that comes with decorum and a representation of your country, they just need thugs now and they just dig in the pool of gang members, street gangs BTFO sucking on the government tit pays way more, look at cops, all covered in tat's and act like drunk bikers at a bar looking for a fight.
They're too stupid to do anything else besides manual labor or enlisting
Because a majority brown army can be trusted to fight against a white uprising more than a white army.
That adds up to more than 100%
fucked up. I looked at the wrong graph
Lol I’ve done it and I’m still here, what’s good shit skin?
It counts hispanics as white lol
>spic defends US marines
the thumbnail looks like a legit monkey shopped into clothe
Easy job. Almost a career. Ive seen tons of stupid niggers who went air force. I cant imagine them doing anything tech related, but there you have it.
The military is basically welfare 2.0
>t. disgruntled vet who never got to rape the system with a contract marriage and fake ptsd
At least their being productive rather than smoking hubbas and shooting eachother.
Its an awful lot of work for welfare though isn't it?
They do it for the benefits you genius
>mfw mexicans infiltrate every branch of the american army
If you're a PoC in the employ of the federal gov't you don't do..."an awful lot of work".
Not really. Active duty is a joke, most bases have "family days" and weekends off. They run banker's hours when they do work. The only thing they have to get up for is physical training, then its the easiest day of work afterwards.
Field training is easy. They pay you to camp and shoot shit.
Deployments are fun if you are in a line unit, but getting blown up or losing buddies does suck. Worth the risk, imo.
It's always the lowest of the low in the armed forces
Eat Shit! Kick them all out!
Mate of mine (born in US, raised in Australia by yank parents) joined the US army as a young fella. He said it's fucking FULL of hispanics.
>Meanwhile in Britain
Perhaps they're just trying to be good Americans. It might be that simple.
Oh you mean like how blacks are manly enough to call white men “lil white bois” to their face? Niggers are just as pussy in real life as anyone else and act just as tough online.
>It counts hispanics as white lol
69.7 - 13.4 = ?
>we gringow nau
is that a sten?
They're all POGS
US military is a funny, dysfunctional thing.
Niggers take POG admin and supply jobs and for the most part are useless.
The spics you find in USMC grunt units are unironically bro tier.
Southern white boys make up the bulk of the infantry and SOF.
Though I did meet one awesome black guy in the corps. He was my STA platoon sergeant and taught me a lot of HOG shit. He was also the most unabashedly racist person against negros I’ve ever encountered.
The most vicious individuals I’ve served with:
-A legit Native American who would scalp dead hadjis in Fallujah.
-The other was a Manlet from New England who is now serving in Delta Force and has killed an unbelievable amount of people.
These shitskins are literally our Canon Fodder fucking kek.
And most sign up because the military promises them citizenship if they apply to get in.
At the end of the day, they are discarded like trash and sent back to Mexico.
And a lot of thise"Hispanics" are white hispanics that are based and love murica.
even if you exclude hispanics, arabs are 'whites' on american ethnicity census
>low IQ races are the ones who are most eager to die for Israel and the zionists
>why are there so many niggers and spics in the US military
Truly the question of the century.
Except there are definitely a lot of black and hispanics in the ranks, I don't see why it's even bad
I'd like to even ask how it's bad if anyone wants to better themselves and their nation and would like to know what you do and how you're so much better?
Heh imagine what this guy looks like
I think if you only count non-pensioners (working population and young people only) today, without including hispanics and arabs being white, le 56% really becomes close to being a minority
Juan chill
You can't do better than this? No vodka for you vlad. fuck off russian faggot
The marines have a higher number of low IQ minorities because only an idiot would join the marines. There is admittedly a certain percentage of marines who have low confidence and join because they believe the propaganda and think they become badasses, but they're a minority.
Other branches are much higher in white percentages.
>Heh imagine what this guy looks like
Whiter than you mahamad
Disgusting Mexicans.... how can you trust anyone that flies their flag when enlisted in the army of another country.... how many cockroaches do that shit?... only in the US army... be all that you can be.... a Mexican in the us army...
Huwhiter thn u Tyrone
Free shit.
military is one of the FEW ways for colored people to escape extreme poverty and bad home lives in this shit country.
Do I look muslamic?
Beaners gonna bean.
More white than you Clyde
I'm not much for moving around and doing things but if I ended up in the armed forces my goal would be to completely unfuck their paperwork, filing, records and all that. I'd administration the hell out of it.
I thought O-bum-a changed all of that?
>not wanting a massive army of cannon fodder
I stand corrected looking good Nigel
And conform to western society and become productive members of society by gaining useful skills and trades that in turn better our nation. Like I said which is it Sup Forums the idea of racial superiority or national superiority. If you coalign with some archaic bullshit of "hurrr white skin is my brethren" vs your neighbors and coutrymen are your brethren maybe you should leave the states
You’re a legitimate holy warrior. Military needs good administrators just much as it needs war fighters. Nothing sucks worse than coming back from a month long field exercise to discover your pay is missing because the nignogs at admin have no idea what the fuck they’re doing and take 3 hour long basketball breaks in the middle of the work day.
>actually believing this
They learn all the “skills” in the military and apply it to drug cartels operations dumbass
This is the how the US will fall. Fucking civic nationalist cucks. The US is dead.
Well I'm glad to hear I'd be appreciated. I do bookkeeping and payroll right now at a law firm right now but if my nation needed me I'd be right there.
Because it's an easy way to get a college education, a house, a career, and a stable familiy.
Military = staircase out of poverty
May not always be a surefire thing, but for most working class families it's a damn good bet
It's a C1.
>higher percentage of asian women than asian men
>being 56% and STILL defending your own ethnic replacement
In two more decades you will be massively nonwhite and basically a forgotten civilisation, replaced by hordes of brown consumers whose economic migrant families arrived on American shores decades ago in order to make a lot of money, who don't give a fuck about the constitution or the Founding Fathers or the origins of your country.
Cite sources you braindead retard
If that commercial showed the Brits shooting the mudslime in the head and screaming "RULE BRITANNIA!" It would've been acceptable, but the actual commercial is just fucking pathetic...
I've never seen a single person in a gang from the army. So have like 50, probably sure
Actually it's quite the opposite. The last time your hypothesis was even remotely based in realism was from 03-08 during large causality numbers. It's a lot more difficult nowadays to enlist in the military with a prior criminal record, including tattoos, piercings, etc.
This, Algerians are white. The US census defines anyone of European, Middle Eastern, or North African ancestry as white. By American standards countries like Britain, France, and Germany are nearly completely white.
IS the military a meme to get the spics and niggers to join and we send them to the frontlines to die for the kikes? If so I’m onboard with increased spending on military
That stops being funny once they become the majority. America was founded by Anglos then just any European but shit went deep south once we let any fucco join our cool kids club.
We all know what counts as white in the US
They are whiter than you, mohammed
>USMC 0311
More accurate, but yeah.
Blacks barely go high-speed, low-drag.
spics and crackers love it. slants end up being the only ones who grow old.