MUH Dick

Sup Forums be honest can the White Race admit to themselves it’s game over based on this chart of MUH DICK

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small dicked faggots btfo

asians btfo?

whites beaten out

white race and 7.5" dick, so fucking what, who cares

where is quebec ? i have 7,5 to 7,8

AHAHAH even sandniggers have a comically small penises!


>when your life is so meaningless and pitiful your only pro is your dick being slightly larger.

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can't say hungarian without hung

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These aren't that accurate. US Pajeet here with 6.5 in. Don't trust this Jewish data

>half of the US is under 5.1 inches
really makes you think

tfw white with 7.4 inch dick & 6 inch girth but no gf

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shit sven i feel you

O boy, I wonder if there is a certain researcher that has a big, thick and long nose that is larger than his own dick?

If you're tall, not fat, and have a decent face, you should go to Brazil or something. Be treated like a nordic god.

US average is skewed because of all the spics, niggers and chinks here. The White average is more like 7.5

You think that much? I would guess more like maybe 6.5ish.


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>he thinks he's talking to a Sven


ill get my virgin wife one day, meanwhile ill have to wait till i get a job... im only 19 so im not in incel mode.

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Waiting is your mistake tbqh.

Mods do your job.

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>india and pakistan

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then wat do dood im not gonna find my wife at 19 this sint 1945, ill just get a qt that hasnt been to college when i get my diploma.

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Have you tried using a dating service?

It's going to take time to find the right one.

I didn't know HIV made your dick swell up

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5.5, can't you read idiot.

yep nope thats canada with the chinks of the west coast.

>quebec is pure mix of north west european blood and big Ds

Yes, you can't find an attractive girl in Stockholm above the age of 15 who isn't a slut unfortunately.
I'm white, my ancestry is mainly swedish and some danish

lel dick measuring, mine is small in my mind but never been told this