Did you forget her already, Sup Forums?

Did you forget her already, Sup Forums?




Pretty much yeah



No, she's in the textbooks I use to teach at my middle schools.

she sucks my dick everyday

I find her hairstyle to be really feminine and her green eyes are amazing. Are bostonian girls like this?

I forget everything until I remember it.
I mean do people just sit around remembering everything?

>I forget everything until I remember it.

That's so stupid and at the same time so true

Isn’t she an English teacher?

She got fire because _____?

she's from boston
they caught her JAV video from before she become a teacher. very shamefur

Goddamn, I confused it with Bosnia...

she hot

tons of people made porn of her
publisher did not want that material associated with their kid's books



/ss/ with little boys hentai when?

No I fap to her semi-frequently and made her my Hunter: The Reckoning character's tragically deceased wife

there's a lot actually

In other words, she sounds like Lois Griffin.




Well yeah, her reign was short lived, the publisher literally executed her after the repercussions it caused.

i never forgot baker sensei


Just another short lived Japan meme, They all come and go.

reminder its your fault she's homeless now, will you take responsibility?

Japan's fault, the amount of OC created here was minimal in actual porn, mostly were jokes about her teaching japanese characters to spell correctly, meanwhile pixiv was flooding with porn.

[citation needed]

It like when the guy who created Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinate asked fan to stop making porn of her and they just made more so he killed her off in the DLC.

>she's from boston
How can she teach english then?






I want to study under Baker-sensei



Where can I find my own fermented cake sensei?

I remember read the news about her suicide like yesterday.

RIP. Ellen Baker. No one should die due to overzealous paparazzi.

I still regularly fap to her.

She didnt really get fired, did she?

I never gave a single fuck.

I love you, Teacher-san!


Her book got removed from most schools so yeah she got fired.