Throughout my time on Sup Forums, I have noticed that a lot of people here have some serious problems with Israel and Jews and I was wondering if I could get some insight into why that is.
Why does Sup Forums have a problem with Israel and Jews in general?
It's just a meme. We are actually al Jews, larping under various flaws, just to create the impression that Jews are not very well liked. We do this so we can play the victim card and take over the entire world. Nothin personnel, kid.
What's the matter?
Everyone knows that it's Israel first. We're merely just calling a spade a spade.
I just hate on groups to vent frustration.
I don't hate, but i'm not a fan of vampires either
Despite all the shills, know that your time is coming kike, we will kill you all down to the child.
Because we like to govern ourselves with our own interests in mind?
I don't think many Americans actually care for Israel (Feel free to change my mind, I'm just being hopeful here).
America cares about Israel because they are one of the few strongholds of Judeo-Christian values in the Middle-East and they are the only thing protecting the Holy Land from the demonic islamic hordes
This is how I know you don't know any Jews. It's exactly why Styx is a civicuck.
That may possibly be the intent,
But its neither ideal, nor functioning
If you've spent more than a day on Sup Forums you'd know, newfag. Lurk moar.
Follow the money
>/pol hates Jews and Israel
What timeline are you from traveler?
Jews are a scapegoat for people's personal problems.
So like if you're a virgin loser who can't get laid you have to spend 7 hours watching THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD and basically obsess about killing and torturing Jews as an emotional outlet for your angst and rage.
I agree that the relationship between America and Israel needs to be improved and we need to do more to make sure that we can intervene less in the region
You are so bad at shilling, I tend to believe you are actually one
You'll kill yourself in a few years when you realize your Day of the Roep isn't imminent and your autistic fantasies of personal glory and sadistic vengeance aren't coming true.
I'm happy to see you defending Jews, but know your place Leaf.
Why the fuck should a bunch of Yids from Germany, Poland, and the old USSR get to push Middle Easterners of their native land?
Well since Middle-Easterners seem to be completely incapable of running their own countries, why would we entrust them with the Holy Land (which is also the Jewish homeland)? I also would like to see the Holy Land protected from the degenerate death cult of Islam.
We really don't. I think we can agree that every time a Jew is behind subversive acts is pure coincidence
They are trying to ethnically cleanse the European people all over the world at once.
If the only way, within our means, to stop it is too kill them all so be it.
Europeans are bad at lies and trickery so the peaceful option the kikes used is not effective.
Killing were the best at, we will do it if the don't stop.
When 30% of Europeans are awake bullets start flying. No one can stop that from happening the laws of nature are immutable.
Kikes knock it off while you still can. Not a slow down like you faggots were planning a full stop and reverse. We will not be destroyed.
It is horrible to agree with a communist.
Become natsoc instead fool.
Fuck off no we don't give a shit and couldn't care less about that nation of parasitic vampires
Nice larping shlomo
No probs with Israel
Just probs with jews outside of israel and their commie shit controlling everything with money