>White nationalism is sweeping one of Europe's most progressive countries
Can one of you Dutch bros confirm this?
>White nationalism is sweeping one of Europe's most progressive countries
Can one of you Dutch bros confirm this?
Some top comments.
I like that party, but I wouldn't call them "white nationalist".
He's anti-immigration and that's why they slander him as being "white nationalist".
This is only the beginning. The fire is now out of control but it's still contained in small pockets, soon it will be a raging inferno.
By "white nationalist" they mean Israel First civnat "Muslims are the real homophobes" bullshit.
They just copy the far left slander in the international press I see. Purposeful mischaracterisation. He’s typical right wing populist in the style of Fortuyn, with only two seats in the parliament not a big force yet but if polls are correct set to become the second biggest party after the centre right VVD.
Well, I do believe he wants to keep the Netherlands white. But thats not his political goal. Hes a nationalist foremost. So he wants to unite all people under the Dutch flag. With less migrants as a positive side effect.
Wilders on the other hand favors a genuine religious war. And even said racial riots wouldnt be a bad thing.
So gay, dude...
Nice though
Just compare Baudet with Wilders.
Both old videos in English.
1. FvD isn't white nationalist, it's civic nationalist
2. PVV has way more approval than FvD
3. This is Europe.. We don't do you burger bs like 'white'
good to see uncucked comments
>We don't do you burger bs like 'white'
you will
you will
I lived in Eindhoven 5 years ago. The city was pretty nice and the dutch was very polite/educated. I didn't had any problems with them, also, I've made really good friends there. But man... The turks in that city... I don't have any other word than scum.
Also, this year, I will return to Eindhoven. Probably things are worse. In fact the turks were far more trash tier than the nigs that stay all day in the front of Albert Heijn.
We won't. We hate Krauts as much as mudslimes at this point.
The south is not as bad as e.g. Amsterdam
It's fucking incredible how they pathologise not wanting to live in a globalist shithole of different warring factions.
>We hate Krauts as much as mudslimes at this point.
I feel sorry for the noble dutch people in the north.
The FVD is not white supremacist, but he dares to suggest a rethink on our immigration policy so they try to make people believe he is a racist. Because racism is wrong
>We hate Krauts as much as mudslimes at this point.
>don't do 'white'
You faggots literally invented the concept.
>PVV has way more approval than FvD
Last week's election saw half of PVV votes move to FvD
Reported to Scotland Yard for wrongthink
>We won't. We hate Krauts as much as mudslimes at this point.
>at this point
>at this point
Trust your 56% burger friends, you will.
>We hate Krauts as much as mudslimes at this point.
Is there a difference?
PVV: 74 seats
FvD: 2?
had you left us independent like we have always wanted, it would have been much easier not to hate your guts you filthy moffen. Give back my grandpa's bicycle. Yet even now your country tries to morally 'conquer' the rest of Europe with your self hating governance.
Enjoy 5 more years of Merkel. I know I will
should I laugh or cry
Don't listen to my retarded countrymen who think you're all leftist merkelites yet don't apply the same standards to our own faggots.
He made a statement about how immigration will ensure there will never be a Dutch person again. I forgot which fancy term he used for it. And a guy in his party mentioned race and IQ. Plus the left wing believes he can grow bigger than Wilders.
Thats where fear comes from. I also believe he will surpass Wilders. But I do believe hes way more moderate.
>it’s sweeping europes most progressive country because it wants to stay PROGRESSIVE”
Thats actually a great talking point against liberals
You know the far right took The Hague and Rotterdam. And the votes didnt go to the PVV.
>who think you're all leftist merkelites
Not the reason.
The reason is that they've got a hard-on for destroying the continent.
What he is saying is that nationalist movements who want actual power do not do so under the idea of 'whiteness', it exists as a reaction to Arabic/African immigration for the most part and typically it does not extend towards the idea of identity as talked about on here. There are obvious gray areas, but these are not explicit white nationalist parties, but perhaps implicit.
No their government has that, just like ours is full of the partijkartel fucking things up divided between leftists and neoliberals. Krauts in this place are the same as you and me, don't be an idiot.
This proves nothing, don't be a retard.
(and that's a good thing)
80k mudslimes, Moroccan mayor
Literally where? We should nuke that place.
Aboutaleb is literally the only based Muslim in the country. He has already proven hes alright.
>De Rotterdamse burgemeester maakt zich in de kern geen zorgen over het salafisme, zei hij. "Salafisten vind je ook onder christenen, als je het taalkundig benadert. Salaf is voorganger, en een salafist is iemand die op zijn voorganger, Mohammed of Christus, wil lijken. In alle religies kom je dat tegen."
Archive, you fucking nigger.
>1. FvD isn't white nationalist, it's civic nationalist
They are?!!?
They certainly do sound ethno-nationalist.
>Archive, you fucking nigger.
No, Hans.
the Dutch are like our taller brothers both culturally and linguistically speaking.
Hope y'all the best but fuck you for burning down London in 1666 that was a bit far.
>We hate Krauts as much as mudslimes at this point.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>had you left us independent like we have always wanted
What are you even talking about? Muh holocaust?
Is there someone in this world who doesn't go and kike around with the holocaust?
Holland is far more gone than Germany. Get real.
I like krauts
>They certainly do sound ethno-nationalist.
FvD wants American-style greencards, a law to protect Dutch norms&values, and Australian-style immigration. They want to push harder on integration, and deport those who aren't willing to integrate.
Nothing about color e.g. in their statements.. They're all based on ideology.
No it isn't. I'm assuming some Dane voiced an opinion like "beheading people for wearing shorts is barbaric" and now the whole country is racist
PVV* kanker
Srry bout that, and thanks for helping us when the krauts were forcing us to literally start eating tulips.
I'm not claiming anything about nationalist movements in Europe. I'm pointing out that whiteness isn't a "burger bs" at all, it was invented by the Dutch before America was even a country.
we love you too swampgermans
gecontroleerde oppositie!
>All germans are the same.
And all Dutch are crypto randstad kikes right? right.
The Netherlands has been creeping towards the right for almost two decades now. And there are no signs of stopping this trend. If anything, the right wing is maturing.
The left wing, and especially the formerly labour party, is on life support. Except for GreenLeft, a party that has never ruled.
Look m8 naval wars are a bloody business, and we both gave each other a good fight on the seas yeah? William of Orange was the grandson of Charles I so it was a war among family. You got us good a few times as well.
no problem mate, but if you could do it again that would be great. this time they probably deserve it.
*formerly all powerful labour party
It's called Nationalism.
Using "White Nationalism" is like saying "non meat eating vegetarian"
Ik ruik pannekoeken.
Funny enough, the candidate that stepped down, because he said whites have a higher average IQ than blacks, was the only black guy in the party.
You gotta start somewhere, only spergs jump right into 1488
holy shit that is an ugly mutt baby
Also fuck the author to death for calling us one of Europe's most progressive countries.
Yup without ethnocentrism nationalism doesn't exist. Which is why diversity is being forced on us.
I keep spouting this but..
Every time there is an election in whatever country is currently in the process of having one, and the 'white nationalists' 'don't win'
((They)) proclaim that the rise of 'white nationalism' is over.
But every time this happens, the percentage of the vote those parties hold goes up, every. time.
It may take a few more years, but the thing is, once it starts it won't stop.
The inevitable tide is coming.
They could stop it by actually stopping the mass immigration and or actually confront the communities and people responsible.. But they won't they are either to arrogant, or too indoctrinated to see what is really happening.
So each election we hear the same thing, 'the rise of (white) nationalism is over'.
But it's not, it hasn't even started.
Good luck nederbros
The irony is our government has been right wing since 2002.
And we have never had a government without at least one right wing party in it.
What great topics.
yes,, We've never been progressive, we've been tolerant.
The irony is our 'right-wing government' (basically VVD) eats the ass of the CDU and Juncker so much that you can't call it right-wing anymore.
Kankerzooi. They push for that too hear in elementary schools. I remember back in the day we always got tought how we were a mix of cultures and were the first to give rights to homos. And i thought to myself huh.. thats kinda sad why dont we have culture of ourselves like other countries? Why are other countries allowed to have that?
Thats true. And its not something the people want, considering the EU referendum results here. Which is why the country is moving further and further to the right.
We need to, en masse, accept the mantle of "white nationalist", and moreover, push back against those who accuse it of being bad.
We already know how the conversation will go:
>Yes, I'm a white nationalist. The Netherlands (or Germany, etc.) is a country meant for the Dutch people.
>Well who decides who is Dutch?
>Due to inter-European mixing, this can be difficult. But it should be obvious that Sicilian footballer Mario Balotelli is neither Sicilian nor Dutch, for example. Generally a Dutch person will not only have a fitting name and generations of ancestors from the area, but they will look like they could be Dutch.
>w-wait a second, who determines who looks Dutch?
>Who determines who looks black? If race is so meaningless, surely I can call myself African and be entitled to plenty of scholarships?
>o-okay, b-but you're a white supremacist then if u don't want third world shitskins flooding into your country
>On the contrary. I don't think whites are smarter or faster than every race. Your charge of white nationalist is wholly accepted. Gonna cry about it?
>b-but, calling you a white nationalist is opposed to shut u down and shame u!
>Well, looks like it hasn't. Is something wrong?
talking about invading, bombing and killing your kinmen just to get some of that sweet lebensraum.
We barely took in 50.000 migrants, on a population of 17.000.000, of which 80% is native Dutch.
I don't think any of us under 40 actually dislike Germans, it's still a nice larp
Only 12% is non-western (or mixed). 88% is mostly European.
>just to get some of that sweet lebensraum
Back to lurking redpill threads for you.
No, burger, we do not.
Opposing mass population replacement does not mean supporting ethno-nationalism.
The braboneger is as dutch as I am.
>Based leaf is back
What's up, blad?
Why do the Dutch unironically have the best male hairstyles? The guy in OP’s pic looks cool and back when I was in the Netherlands there was a cop who’s hair was fly too.
The Dutch TSA has a serious problem with groping people. They literally almost grabbed my dick.
I think Baudet looks French as fuck, not typically Dutch at all
Though I suppose he's genetically only partly French, he still looks the part
>The Dutch TSA has a serious problem with groping people
On your way in? or out? We export way more shit than we import...
>do this
>end up in jail for inciting racial hatred.
>They literally almost grabbed my dick.
That's just how they say "hi" there
Oops...forgot you guys don't have freeze peach.
Hej broer, ik ben maak miemen en eet de pannenkoeken...en met jou?
its not bong level but we have some major issues with frozen peaches atm
It hurt's a fisherman's heart when his bait catches one of his brothers.