thats right Sup Forums how is your AR 15 going to stand a chance against a nuke! you ready to get cucked by a state of the art F14 flying at 30k feet!
The day pol BTFO
Simple rifles worked in Vietnam under the same conditions, knowing the land is as important as military hardware.
idk lets ask vietnam
im proving a point you fucking faggot!
doesn't realize that when the government gets to tyrannical the halfwits are going after their neighbors not the government
the tomcat was retired 20 odd years ago
calls the police for help, no one answers, wishes he had a gun
Listen Hyram, if the US government was waging war against the people, they aren't gonna nuke us. This is the land they want to keep; they're not gonna irradiate it and make it uninhabitable or poisonous to grow crops on. Besides, history books are filled with internal struggles waged only with machine guns and small arms. If the US started fighting the citizens, how well do you think the US citizen-led military would hold together?
"American troops, go kill all other Americans!"
It wouldn't last. There would be some braindead cunts enlisted that'd do what they were told, but there's no way American citizens would wantonly kill American citizens without question.
You're an idiot who should cut off his own cock and drink poison.
The F-14 was retired in 2006
One word: Vietnam.
His assumption is the United States government would use its nuclear arsenal in a civil war. We've been in a dozen wars since having the bomb, and we've only used it twice. This is a shit-lib argument, based on faulty assumptions.
This. If the US government wanted to wage a war against its people, it would just break up our social institutions and flood our shores with foreigners to dilute our ability to fight back.
Alright Faggots. Lets see if anyone can break my arguments against gun control.
1. The right to bear arms isnt granted by the Bill of Rights, it is merely recognized and enumerated by it, as a human right. The right to bear arms exists in the same fashion now as it did then regardless of any law, bill, statute or code.
2. This human right has nothing to do with hunting, sport, or target shooting. It has to do with being able to use force on par with the government(which is coincidentally just OTHER PEOPLE. They dont know any more than you or I do about why we exist, and what lies beyond death) Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?
3. We need to deregulate automatic weapons, and supressors. Both have niche uses and dont make a weapon particularly more deadly. The current status of "allowed" weapons is disastrous, and absolutely counts as an infringement.
4. Force is the gold standard for humans all over the world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or ignorant. They ability to exercise force is a HUMAN RIGHT. And should not be held in the hands of the powers that be in the government.
Prove me wrong bitchlibs.
What even is this line of argument
>LMAO The government could crush us all if they wanted to so lets give up our last line of defense not like it matters anymore
>This is perfectly fine
What a cringey faggot.
wanna know who these halfwits are going after?
watch the next big protest after a cop shoots someone or when groups like occupy get too popular
Look its a (((Stein))), does he also agree with his friends like (((Berg))), (((Witz))), and (((Schulz)))?
>we have thousands of armed insurgents spread all across the cities
Do you think the right-wing military and police would turn against right-wing rebels to serve a communist president? No, the police and military would soon join the rebels and overthrow the government. Use your brain, idiot.
Yeah, let's see how long they have support from non 2a people while whole square miles are getting glassed to eliminate one dude.
the bill of rights was designed for WASPs and it's not something that other races have taken too. Franklin seemed to know the germans would have trouble. The subhumans are beyond all saving.
jesus christ that is funny take
a liberal slobbering over nuclear weapons and tanks to spite firearms
like imagine the parkland kids chanting "tanks are awesome guns are not" "These kids are nuclear!"
>F-14 tomcats
sounds like someone's scared of the DANGER ZONE
Look at afganistan and iraq, they had 30 year old AKs and they put up a hell of a fight
SAGE for being a faggot. Anyone who doesn't sage is also a faggot. Stop responding to faggot threads
they might come in handy during the civil war.
Make sure you get something that can pierce armor and go through walls.
If you think your F-14s and M1 Abrams will stop every single person with an AR-15 you've got another thing coming.
>Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?
Nigger, you're literally trying to get the government to SOLELY dictate how you should defend your family. You want to defend your family with the odd baseball bat or hockey stick in the garage? Go ahead. I'll use a gun.
If the government decides that you cannot have guns, how are you gonna defend yourself against the home invader that DOES have one?
It's not the government who says you need guns to fight guns, it's common sense. Make them illegal. Do you think they'll disappear? They won't. Recall EVERY GUN IN THE COUNTRY. Do you think there won't be guns anymore? Wrong. The criminals will still have them.
What a retard, obviously no one thinks this is possible, and they say jews are intelligent. Each day that goes they look more and more dumb.
Dude is a total fraud. He and his brother were caught doing a Jewish scheme a while back.
darn looks like we'll just be stuck in a dystopian world where we will be unable to fight back against tyranny because trying would be hard :(
if there is a civil war you can bet Russia and china will be supplying the TOW's and Manpads,
you cant arm a f14 with tac nukes lol
ask people in the middle east how they have for the last few decades?
>gorilla warfare
The point is not that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordnance as a rag-tag citizens militia with small arms. The point is that you CAN FIGHT. You can bleed them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of the fuckers with you. Hell, you may even be able to run away and do it again - theoretically you wouldn't be alone and they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. And they'd never feel safe; there could be a shooter behind any window.
Of course they could call in the artillery and air support and level your neighborhood; sure. What would this get them? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional army seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. And finally, it would simply kill people, and no one wants to rule a nation of corpses.
The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police/gestapo units point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they may want to impose. If those people are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to shoot first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.
So the point is to fight. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't fight; you might die, of course. That's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.
As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed. But when you're talking about using swords and knives and clubs against modern military weapons it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all - they'll just shoot you with beanbags and rubber bullets and water cannons and microwave guns etc.
That is why having guns is so important.
>thinking the government would actually nuke its own country, contaminating it's own breathable air for decades.
> doing a Jewish scheme
He's an atheist, stupid fuck.
>Implying the F-14 is still being used
>Implying fucking AMRAAMs are used against ground targets
>Implying the us still uses M1s
The AR-15 wont stop a tank but its better to try your luck than not putting up a fight at all.
Besides, by that argument every us citizen should own several Javelins and similar ATGM platforms, paired with AAA and Mapands against Bombers and strike - aircraft.
My autism is strong, but goddamn the jews are retarded
How do you know I don't identify as an M-1 Abram tank?
The simulations have already been done. The US government can’t win a civil war against the conservatives.
At least half of the military will defect.
Only “victory” scenario for the US government is nuking the shit out of the country, destroying infrastructure, and voluntarily turning the #1 world power into a Somalia tier country.
tell me: what did any of that shit do to help the US win in the middle east and in vietnam against people with sticks and ak's?
>US has been at war for the past 20 years in the Middle East
>costed us trillions of dollars & climbing
>will somehow easily be able to deal with highly trained militias when they can't deal with goat fuckers who don't know what push ups are
Dear god that’s comedy gold
Did you even read my post? Its pro gun. The government can't dictate how we defend ourselves. We agree on this.
Nice try rabbi
Dune coons were taking out tanks and not just mobility kills when Americans were dying for Jews. They stopped a whole regiment in a town etc.
In other words yeah don't give up your guns my mutty friends.
because tanks nukes and planes dont take and occupy cities?
Left Authoritian are okay using USAF on American civilians that disagree with them.
That is interesting.. So. I'll keep my arsenal
What do you have against traditional German beer mugs?
>do you think ak47s and goats could deter the entirety of the american army??