Would Hitler of put me in a death camp for being a NEET?

Would Hitler of put me in a death camp for being a NEET?

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who cares? he shot himself kek

dead piece of shit

If you lived under Hitler you probably wouldn't be a neet in the first place

All of chan 4 would have that badge, except ((()))

Yes. No lollygagging under authoritarianism.
For example being found (ID'd) without a job (there was a separate booklet for employment) was illegal here during socialism.

No, he was homeless once too.

He killed the gypsies though, but they were a homeless race.

He called fags, because, how can you pass down your fag gene?

It was about bad blood.

The badge was for people who were already prisoners.
Either way I hope you wouldn't be a NEET if you didn't live in a toxic kiked society like ours.

I'm more than willing to work and pursue the betterment of myself and my people. However, leave me the fuck alone. Don't speak to me unless it's important and don't foul up my air and space with your presence.

if hitler woud have won there wouldn't be broken familys and useless neets.

neets only exist because of a failed society that cant raise their children.

I don't support hitler. but i'd rather not have porn, mtv, Hollywood, shit food, big pharma, and common core education