Book Club Thread

What are you reading, pol? Post your stack of books, rate and recommend. Went a little crazy on Amazon this month, taking advantage of the warm weather and getting some reading done

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Other urls found in this thread: Engdahl - A Century of War.pdf!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

working my way through

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Dangerous is OK for meme war history but argumentation is weak

Very good book about the laypersons misconceptions about statistics, probability and logic:
>how innumeracy personalizes statistical analysis
>law of large numbers
>confidence intervals
>Correlation does not imply causation
>Hot hand fallacies
>pseudoscience and numerology
>sometimes a coincidence really is just a coincidence

The book kind of explains through math where the sheeple mindset comes from, an also the full blown conspiracy retard mindset. These are the consequence of innumeracy.

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>milo yiannopoulos
>ayn rand
holy shit Sup Forums is fucking doomed

On page 678 of 1745. Hrngh.

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>No Emerson
the fuck is wrong with you?

I only just started reading after i hadn't read a book in over ten years.

I started with I am Legend ( i thought it was pretty good)
And currently im reading Word war Z ( Im about a third of the way through and loving it)

Tomorrow im ordering 7 books online which will be.

Animal farm
metro 2033
Roadside picnic
the road
One flew over the cuckoos nest
night shift (Stephen king)

If anyone has any recommendations i would love to here them.

Brave New World is more relevant than 1984

Read the Hyperion series, all four books. Pretty dope modern day sci-fi book, and it is likely the inspiration for The Matrix.

1984 is relevant because it gets into the manipulation of language in order to manipulate thought and behavior, which is particularly a problem just now with political correctness.

The dictionary of Newspeak has no negative words so that people cannot complain about how bad things are. It's similar to how "hate speech" is prohibited now so that certain problems can't be discussed.

Also, having fallen for the Stephen King meme, his books aren't that great. If you are into gruesome scenes, then I guess it might be worth a read, but after reading several of the classics, honestly, you're better off finding a different horror author.

too much gay shit

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This book is a gem for those who deal with anxiety and depression

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>Brave New World

Sounds good ill add it to my buy list.

>you're better off finding a different horror author.

Any suggestions?

In USA, UK, Germany and France, sure. But distraction by pleasure is far more relevant every where else.

Salve, true to Caesar

Also working on “A World Undone: The Story of the Great War”


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The king short stories kinda suck, I’d pass on that and maybe add the fourth turning

Here are mine. Didn't own any books just a couple months ago, thank you Sup Forums

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Just got this as a gift from a friend 8/10 so far desu

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Can second Brave New World, but our current world is more of a mix of BNW and 1984. 1984 for the controlling what is said part and BNW for the distraction by pleasure part

Finishing off the 50th law. I'm looking to get a Meditation book too. I hear "The Mind Illuminated" is a good book.

how thicc is essays on fascism

These are the only books you should worry about reading with both origins and doctrine of fascism and decline of the west as must-reads

Stephen King was my first forray into horror novels, and it didn't really pique much interest. I tried reading American Psycho, but I got bored to death, and I'm not sure that counts as a horror book anyways..

I can offer a few horror books I've wanted to read over the years though: The Road, The Relic, The Hot Zone.

Why is camp of the saints and outer books on the Sup Forums chats still dead on the kindle store

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>The Road

Yeah im already ordering that but ill look up the others.

About a 100 pages, it's only 3 essays

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Those books are virgins, spread em open and get to work, the back of those paperbacks better look like the skin of an 70 year old, chain-smoking, alcoholic Californian

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After you are done with those you can read the "Complete Works" of H.P. Lovecraft

I'm an autist so I don't have the patience to read. Do audio books count?

Not a book but an extremely interesting documentary on whats happening in South Africa

We need to know the occult history of man. The Jews and the Nazi leaders alike knew about it.

Funny story, I'm only 50 pages into the book and already the Tibetan masters (from the 1870's) - who claimed to have hidden esoteric knowledge about human history - specifically named the Jew as "people to whose hands the sacred knowledge must not fall into".

The Eternal Jew meme is real.

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Also I'm reading the non-abridged version.

Waiting on pic related to arrive.
Any fellow bongs read it?

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All garbage books, man up and read

1. Gibbons Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire
2.The Bible
3. Plato
4. Aristotle

This that’s such a pathetic stack. Hopefully OP kills himself

why are these so hard to find in non pdf formats

(((they))) don't want you to know the truth

A True Patrician!

Locke, Cicero, St Augustine, and Kant are some of the greatest writers and thinkers to ever live.

Have you event broken any of those open?

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This month: Art of War, Till We Have Built Jerusalem, Meditations on Lent, Geography of Nowhere, True History of the Orient

Last month: City of God, Confessions of Saint Augustine, Thus Spoke Zarathrustra, Ways That Are Dark, History of the Silk Road.

I recommend them all. Also Behead All Satans.

Has anyone read Master and Commander? I keep eyeballing that book..

Some of the stuff is still from my 15 year old blue pilled phase, but most of it is good.

Would highly recommend anything by Niall Ferguson. Bell Curve is good too. Dostoyevsky is just a must when it comes to literature desu.
Political order and Political decay by Francis Fukuyama is relatively based - gives a good analysis of political institutions in the West.

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They both have a place in our current dystopia. 1984 is the outside limiting the self while BNW is more of the self supplicating the self to be placated.

>The Bible
You might as well read a phone book. The Bible, like most sacred texts, is indecipherable to non-scholars who haven't spend ten years studying just the commentaries and the references.

Just watch Jordan Peterson's Bible series to realize how little you understood of those stories before. Not only that, but there's also no reason to assume Jordan got to the bottom of it either.

How do you read so many books in a month? I can read 1 or maybe 2 in the same amount of time as you

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I am the Overman

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Why did you leave out the fedora from that pic? You know you own one.

Is Thomas Pynchon red pilled?

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This is about 1/25 of my physical stack, I have 3 times as many in digital

All you have to do is read the new Testament, a teenager can read it and understand, it's not hard reading.

Free PDF: Engdahl - A Century of War.pdf

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this one was really good

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Currently reading City of God, amazing book, great for any student of Roman History or the Christian religion.


Better books here.
Germany: Memories of a Nation by Neil MacGregor gives a great rundown of German history.
Strange Death of Europe is a must for everyone browsing Sup Forums, but is also a great entry level red-pill book for normies.
Social Contract by Rosseau and Wealth of Nations (though fucking boring) are good.
Gulag Archipelago is amazing, and I'm not a Peterson shill.

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virginity: the thread

Working on War and Peace now. I just finished Huey Long’s biography and that was pretty interesting. Next thing I read will be The Three Muskateers then maybe Metro 2035. I have a huge ass stack of pretty good ones.

I do some on audiobook as I have a 4 hour commute. Otherwise I just read fast and usually dedicate an hour before bed for physical books, I tend to go back to physical once after doing an audiobook. Make the time user, don't worry about quantity focus on quality and the numbers will come.

I also write all the time on breaks at work, and reference other books a lot during that time. Currently writing a book a lot like City of God and one about the state of Jefferson.

If you are interested in the dynamics of geopolitics and oil, like it's becoming relevant today with the new Petro Yuen, read this.

Amazon reviews:

Abolition of Britain is the most important Conservative work, in any language, of the past thirty years.

Is Wealth of Nations worth the read? Ive been thinking of getting it

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Fucking piece of shit text.

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>reading books is bad goy!

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>moving the goalposts
Not only that, but go ahead and tell me what's the takeaway from the Book of Revelation. I'll wait.

Right now I’m reading Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley.

Abbo detected

Quick boys, they're allergic to printed text

I wouldn't particularly recommend it unless you're planning on doing something with economics in the future. Read 'The Road to Serfdom' by Hayek instead.

Stack related

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How come you are danish and only have books in english?
Americanization is real, I see...

Here’s the link:

>inb4 mutt
White than you Ahmed

The Hitchens and Dawkins gave it away huh. Fucking hate 15 year old me. Never got the fedora though, nor did I browse Reddit - Sup Forums instead, glad I stopped doing that.

Agreed, it is insanely inspiring for the faithful and incredibly interesting even for the secular. I read Mere Christianity before it and was in such a great mood after finishing City of God. Easily one of the finest works written.


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hello Anton

A synopsis is fine, it goes into a lot of details, if you like economics then perhaps

Was born in the U.K and lived there till I was 12, then moved to Denmark. English is my mother tongue. I am ethnically Danish and Swedish.

You are a nigger.

Like you're such an avid reader with your fucking HTML book. LOL you fucking NEET.

So many meme books in this fucking thread.

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The subtle art of not giving a fuck is amazing

That Moby Dick is abridged


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How did you like "Moby Dick"? I read the English original, and found it extremely boring. I started off pretty well, even though it struck me since then. But when I read a whole chapter on 19th century portraits of whales... I began to feel I was being mocked

That there is an ending for the fallen world, and a new beginning after it.

2/10 try harder.

3 stackable bins out of 1 sticker shamefully left on

has reading books gotten you laid?

At least you've repented. They're just hate-filled, bitter men, their appeal to the mind of a teenager is understandable.

>How come you are danish and only have books in english?
You're going to have to pay 3-5 times the money for the translated version IF you can find one.

You can get insanely obscure hundred-year-old books for

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Shit tons of Sup Forums approved books in e-book format and PDF.

It actually is a really good list. Coincidentally, I was just reading Kant's Metaphysics of Morals not five minutes ago.

I've been busy with school so I haven't gotten a chance to read them yet, but last month my haul was:
>The Israel Lobby
>The Holocaust Industry
The latter is a historical account of the Bavarian Illuminati, divorced as much from unproven conspiracy as possible. I'm pumped bros. Pic not related.

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Reminder that your reading should be equally fiction and nonfiction

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Is there a difference in subject matter? I would like to learn a bit more about macro economics. Smith is frequently recommended.

I would also say an interesting read is "Dataclysm" its a book written about data gathered from OK cupid accounts and correspondence. Its interesting but very Freakanomics based.

Ok , I know a lot that goes in to details tends to repeats itself ad nauseam.

Reference books are good for those of us with jobs. I cant remember all the changes from HTML 3 to 5 and what is not available in IEv5.4 and up off the top of my head. Sorry for the disappointment.