Can we at least all agree that the Redguard are the master race?
Can we at least all agree that the Redguard are the master race?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno they don't make very good stealth archers
The Dwemer are the master race.
They're gone, leaving behind a disorganized world of stupid mutts.
no, argonians
Praise Molag Bal, father of domination. His daughters of coldharbour are the master race by all definitions.
Nords are the master race
Pure Atmora genes
What did they mean by this?
Altmer are literally the masterrace
Argonians are cucked by trees
Bosmer are eternally limited by their gay religion
Bretons are just gay
Dunmer are cool but cuck themselves and are cucked by a mountain in 4E
Imperials rely on the strength of the conquered provinces, a lot like the Han Chinese
Khajiit are niggers
Nords used to be epic, but Skyrim portrayed them as a bunch of incompetent snowniggers
Orcs are inbred as fuck
Redguards are probably the best human race but they're permanently engrossed in a class-conflict between Crowns and Forebears from which they will never escape
they fucked up though, should be strength +0 speed +10
>Speed +0
This needs to be patched
>Be a actual alien
>Be a nig
bullshit thread. Where are you, MODS!?
>no spears
Immersion broken.
Keep skyrim filth out of /tg/ I implore you
With a hefty natural sneak bonus.
You look lost, OP. I'll give you directions to where you want to be:
Only at night.
Skyrim should be in
Khajit uprising when?
Personally I'd go for Bosmer
Jewish lies, the heart of Imperial culture consists of the Imperials, the Nords, and the Dunmer, its best leaders and heroes have come from these three races.
Everyone else is working against or have fought multiple wars against the imperial dominion
>he hasn't taken the Toddpill
Dunmer>Nord>Imperial>Orc>Redguard>Altmer>Khajit>Argonian>Wood elf
What does luck actually do?
There's an entire pocket universe in Todd's eyes and it's fucking beautiful...
bethesda is subtly redpilled suggesting that blacks are a different species on par with lizard people
the only cool thing about the Dunmer most of them live nomadically in the ash deserts in little tent villages, and they largely reject Imperial culture
Fuck off bosmer are redpilled
glarthir is literally /ourguy/
Affects a bit of everything, including critical strike chance, loot payout, rare material generation, etc., etc...
Fuck off n'wah!
Oh wow, I never thought the people from "Sup Forums™ - Politically Incorrect" would have such great taste™!
Am I the only one who thinks Todd Howard is redpilled™ as fuck? I mean not only he's the peak aryan masculinity (hot as hell, tall, strong, aryan genes) but he also makes the best Games™ ever! I mean, look at The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ or Fallout™ 4. These are probably the best games ever created, and he's not even done with games. You guys need to support him and get the latest™ version of The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim on your Steam™ account.
No they don't, ashlanders are a mostly Vardenfell phenomenon, an island covering less than half of the province's territory
I agree with you fellow Anonymous™. I heard Todd Howard™ himself was the leader of a negro killing gang in his youth! Makes me excited for his next masterpiece called Starfield™. Just thinking about his amazing jaw, that voice, those alpha eyes. I know It makes me so wet...
You don't understand the lore. If you are choosing a race of Mer as the best one, then the High Elves are the least mutted.
Orcs, despite being only 13% of the population in Cyrodiil, commit 50% of violent crimes.
Redguards flood into Skyrim and disproportionately commit violent crimes and rapes.
Cyrodiil for imperials. Skyrim for the nords. Soultrap the Altmer, Tiber Septim will return.
one of the mer but i am biased since i am an elf you see
real talk if you sided with the stormcloaks you're fucking retarded because you're merely contributing to the further destabilization of the empire, which makes the aldmeri dominion even stronger. This is why Ulfric is considered an asset in his dossier in the game.
>prove me wrong
Fucking fetchers
>Bretons are gay
Really? They are the perfect time for a mutt joke but you don't know what you're talking about and it shows.
Get fucked.
The master race certainly can’t be Bretons (elven rapebabies) or Imperials (the muttiest of them all)
>brexit was a bad thing
>cucked by a daedric lord
100% of all World's Strongest Man winners are European
snow elves are the actual whites. skyrim is set after the white genocide of snow elf
>destabilization is a bad thing
read SIEGE faggot
>believing aldmeri propoganda
>believing cucked emperor who betrayed the blades
>believing the aldmeri even have the means to invade Skyrim other than being invited in by the Imperials
kek if the empire can’t defeat nords they have no chance against the thalmor.
hammerfell is doing just fine being independent.
Well, looks like all my time playing skyrim really was saving the white race. Back to sending buckets of money to this Todd guy I guess
I didn't know TJ was a Dwemer
Nords at one point conquered tamriel and created the empire
The redguards beat the thalmor
True that, Praise Talos brudder
>snow elves
This. Todd "you better preorder for a safer border" Howard is the savior of the white race. Notice how he never caves in into SJW shit. All his games are redpilled.
hey isn't that the kid that shot up parkland?
Ah, a fellow Skyrimer™ and Fallouter™
Order Skyrim Special Edition™, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Nintendo Switch™ and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR™ now at
This post is not officially endorsed by Bethesda Softworks™ or any of it's affiliated.
Elder Scrolls world and lore is boring derivative shit.
Dunmer is the captain now.
Skyrim revealed that Nords are shit-tier backwards retards and lore confirmed that Tiber Septim was not even a Nord, but instead a Breton. There's not even anything unique about Nords, they're just a warrior race but not even the best warrior race according to lore (Redguards are the best at it)
so what do you prefer?
It's the Dunmer you filthy N'wahs
They're the nigger race. Literally. Also bretons and dunmers are the best by far, bretons are superior in virtually every way from an intrinsic point of view and dunmers are best when both intrinsics and extrinsics are considered (coupled of course with environment factors).
High Elfs are literally THE maste race of TES universe. Imperials are Roman like cosmopilitan retards, Nords are half cucked by Imperial dominance, all other races are shit tier.