those were send by some hillbilly mountain fuckers, i bet.
Time or the second american civil war.
Literally nothing.
I ain't believing these threads until I've already been vaporized.
I'm the victim here!!
t. gummint
you mean angry butthurt leftist urbanite millennials?
it's fucking nothing lmao
>explosive components
sounds like a watch and a couple bottles of piss.
sounds like you kikes were expecting explosions and GOT BTFO AGAIN.
probably another Air Force prank
How does POL get breaking news quicker than Fox News?
Please let the first nuke land in my town
This is why I come here. Several hundred thousand eyes are better than two.
i always rely on retarded tweets by makebelieve news agencies. 100% legit and not waste of my time, THANKS
>There is a reason you have two ears and only one mouth.
That one's gratis, broseph.
That's overrated. Probably just a 1000. Rest is closed in /ptg/ asylum or weaboo boards
Sup Forums is the best news aggregation website and everything is in real time
what's it gonna be Sup Forums, fight or flight?
I guarantee you that writers and journalists in every media outlet scope this website in order to scoop news stories before anyone else
I just wanna work at shart mart and pay taxes, ok?
Just turned on CNN but “breaking news” is that porn star is suing Trump. Jesus Christ, CNN sucks.
Just the CIA mailing shit to the army to sow the seeds of distrust against their fellow citizens.
All the old fake news from a few years back flow here and get discussed seriously while real shit is happening in real time. Such a treasure
Sup Forums breaks stories and exposes lies better than anywhere else and on top of that our concerted efforts dwarf the influence of the MSM at this point.
i bet it was da jews
Kinda like the Anthrax the week after 9/11
if something like this ever happen its like a fucking miracle
It is a miracle.
>2017 was the year of the lord (5,777 in hebrew)
>Trump was born under a blood moon eclipse
>7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old.
>7th US President from New York
>Officially won by 77 electoral votes, due to 7 faithless electors
>Skipped the 7th debate
>Has 7 family members
>First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long
>Mother's name is Mary
>Father's middle name is Christ
>Declared his campaign on 6/16, saddest day on Jewish calendar (Tisha B'Av)
>Tisha B'av in 2017 is 5,777 days since the start of the war in Afghanistan on Putin's 49th (7x7 years) birthday.
>Born 700 days before Israel is founded. 777 days after his birth, Israel was a nation for 77 days
>His grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66. Jerusalem reunified on 6/7/67, 366 days after her death
>5,777 days since 9/11 is 7/6/17 (anagram of 1776) in the year 5,777
>7 hours into presidency was 7x7 years, 7 months, and 7+7 days after Jerusalem reunification on the 7+7+7th day of 2017 or 5,777
>Lamech the father of Noah (builder of the Ark), died 5 years before the flood at 777 years old, symbolizing the year 5,777
>Mike Pence was born on 6/7, which is 677 weeks after Trump's birth
>The name Donald Trump means "the ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>Hillary fell deathly ill while running against him
>Everyone who goes against him has bad fortune
>Works with a global private intelligence agency and has Tesla's technology
>His predictions always come true
someone post the infographs for this poor user
we leejun now
I've been on Sup Forums for over a decade now. At this point I wouldn't believe WW3 was coming if the security council members were making threats at each other on live television and urging the population to seek water and shelter.
The fucking hell is all that about?
holy shit.
u nu?
guess who met with Trump recently/
military is lefty
democrats spend more money on them than any other
party or something
What does all this mean? Is Trump going to gas the jews or is he the one who we're gonna gas?
Yes user.
All of these Puppet States of Israel are totally gonna rekt the Jewish State.
How could they all be puppets if Israel has no control over them?
Remember kids: Internment camps and racial profiling is vely vely raciss!
Israel does control them, user.
Israel convinces these world leaders of a lie - the perfect Lie.
They're all working for Israel, and while it's true Bibi will fall, Israel will remain and continue conquering the world.
I am a fucking brainlet, what do all these numbers mean in the end?
You're so wrong and so full of hubris you can't even see what's going on. Just like for over 2000 years, every single time. You people are gonna whine and complan and act like victms but nobody will care because the truth is gonna set the world free.
>if Israel has no control over them?
Basically Trump is todays version of King David and he's legitimately a God Emperor
Very much this.
If your only argument based in some Jew prophesy, user? Are you being serious right now?
I never doubted Trump a single second, I knew this was 7D chess all along.
Big things are coming right...
The greatest happening since the flood
is literally nothing
hopefully at least a few pigs die
>Trump cheats on his wife
>Trump hangs out with literal pedophiles
>Trump hangs out with the Rothschilds
>Israel has no control over them
Advanced neural networks and autism
Things like this indicate the US is already embroiled in a civil war
It's just in the background and behind the scenes
So it is then, Trump is really the God Emperor and he is going to gas em.
I am so ready for the things that are ahead.
what the fuck
>lots of unemployed associates with multiple monitors scrying across the web with their eyes autistically rolled in the back of their head
>multiple agencies and intel companies post here as part of their job then they stay for the luls
It really is the best kept secret of the net
decentralized sapient neural network
Sup Forums is the most advanced AI on the internet; if you want to know which way the winds are blowing, Sup Forums gives you the answers. This place is the modern-day oracle, not because it can actually reveal the future, but because the aggregate knowledge and processing power of so many individuals coalesces here. No single person fully understands financial networks, trade, robotics, military weapons, political movements, the way that an entire aggregate of persons does.
Here we disseminate our knowledge of the world for everyone to see, and sift truth out of lies.
Sup Forums is public think-tank that is more accurate than any other on the planet. It'd be even better at it if shills, advertisers, et al were prevented from spoiling this place with spam.
>gates hands over the weaponized mosquitos
>or has a functioning AI they want to test out in warfare
Welcome General Eden
Unironically the best post describing the current state of Sup Forums I've seen. Anyone who doesn't realize this is either a brainlet or a reddfugee
No. Watch the kim clement prophecy
>My entire political world-view is based in prophesy
With that said, I live in hope
>Maybe today, finally, finally I get to die in a nuclear hellfire
>Every day hope grows anew
>Have faith anons. One day.
NIgger he was in Plus Ultra it wasn't a real prophecy is was predictive programming
Time to bomb Iran
>The Book of Revelations is Predictive Programming too!
No. You're just using prophesy as an excuse to nothing yourself.
actually the fucking zionists do use the book of revelations as a SCRIPT. That's a known thing you fucking kike shill.
yee haw. dystopic tribal wars across the american west, here we come.
need to start buying guns...
This is false, well kinda. In the pre 9/11 world democrats were gutting military funding a shit load. During the Clinton years a bunch of military bases were being closed and then sold to private parties. Post 9/11 and military spending hasn't decreased no matter who's in office. However there's a really weird trend with liberals idolizing or at least putting the military on the same pedestal as conservatives. The past criticisms of the military industrial complex have moved to just the fringe elements. It's really ingenious really, how the m.i. complex has wormed their way into liberals hearts with the gun debate and with LGBT troops.
Which is why Trump is one of the horseman, or whatever you boomers believe, right? Are you a Zionist too?
Fucking shills you won't stop this.
No, Trump is King David and you would have known I already said that if you weren't being paid to shill on Sup Forums and derail threads. You're probably a pedophile realistically.
thanks user
stop what exactly?
>Trump is King David
And there you have it. Fucking boomers pls go.
Discovered infinity chan yet? Slighly less spam.
This. Boomers should go to infinity chan
checked SKYKING
nothing, but a massive RF shitstorm is on 9000 - 9020?
wtf is that shit
This. I've stuck with Sup Forums for 14 years because it's the fastest way to take the pulse of the internet. If no one's talking about it here, no one cares.
Very much agreed, although I'd quibble the "most advanced" part. Best is a better word. Modern AI's are scarily advanced (even just the ones we know about), and it's not impossible that some of them running at full whack would be much better than us (certainly would for many tasks i.e predicting hurricane paths).
What we excel at is OSINT, crowdsourcing that information, and being an utterly unforgiving fire burning away bollocks. We can put an impressive number of eyes on multiple situations, whilst serving as the resevoir for literally tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people who would actively seek to provide this information to pol. Once provided, the information does an impressively good job of staying retained. People regurgitate it, fact check, shit like that. The hivemind is truly an awesome thing, and it's almost certainly going to get noted as "the first general-AI" at some point down the road. But it's still crude compared to what AI's will be able to do in the future.
But the hivemind is truly impressive, and very humbling. And whilst it is in some ways a kind of babbage enginge compared to the more modern AI's that will develop, it might even play a fairly important role in the future of human evolution. It's been suggested that humanity might move towards some kind of shared/collectivist mindset, and I agree (I at least think it's one of the more plausiable outcomes), and Sup Forums probably provides a good window into how such a system might play out. Contractions of various words, memes spawning and then entering common usage, rapid linguistic evolution (and abandonment), groupthink that starts to feel like telepathy at times. It really is a lot more interesting than people give it credit for. Probably also a part of why the various alphabet agencies pay these places so much attention. It's a great model to observe for thinking about how you could do decentralised intelligence systems, especially ones with humans involved.
We need to talk user
I'm not quite sure where you got boomer from. I like to use both but Sup Forums is pretty much Sup Forums. Still good threads and conversations. It's also refreshing not having flags.
>lurk moar
>le redit space
>newfag tells
>I'm not quite sure where you got boomer from
Ahhh I see it now. What do you have against redpilling boomers? I've been working my ass off dropping pills to my parents and Auntie. It's working too. If they come here they can spread our shitposting to their friends and stop voting like assholes.
>Many of them have been blaming the Jews since before we where tadpoles in our daddies ballbag
You can't redpill boomers. See:
Boomers are more brainwashed than any other group. They know their time is almost up and are impotent in fighting to save their people, so they blindly trust whatever bullshit that makes them feel better -- like Superman is coming to save them. The cognitive dissonance is too thick.
>pic related
They'd rather follow some prophesy or LARPing idiot than learn what's really happening.
Thanks bud made me giggle.
I still disagree. Anyone can be redpilled especially the ENTP. There are plenty of youth who are full retard. There are plenty my age (pushing 40) who are full retard. Anyone who feels like something is broken and the world needs a reset can be woken up. They just have to get through the filter.
>Pretty sure ol Bobby is a boomer
How many boomers have you personally redpilled about Israel and Zionism?
i want to believe
>until I've already been vaporized.
This guy gets it