How to become rich and famous

This is a quick guide on how to become famous world wide and have millions of people love you because you are on "their team"

1) bully a kid for the majority of his school years till it gets to the point where he gos on to commit mass murder

2)Be openly unsympathetic to the tragity that you have caused and say so on live TV.

3)Claim that it was the guns fault that some of your freinds are dead and shamlessly cash in on the shooting.

4)have dozens on pre-teen shills flood message boards worshipping her.

5) Be endorsed by obama

Follow these rules and you should be a superstar in no time.

Attached: Parkland_Shooting_Survivor_Emma_Gonzalez-310cf06bdc17feea7ce1c507a9111c23.jpg (618x412, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums is once again surprised that the west hates young men and pushes them away from society
You faggots will never learn.

Those are the old rules, user. Your 6-8 years behind the curve on this.

That dike in pic related is NOT famous. The dead kids are famous and she is dancing on their graves.


The Democrat operatives are making such fools out of these kids.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-03-26 at 3.20.55 PM - Edited.png (550x512, 218K)

>be victim of a mass shooting
>think they shouldn’t happen anymore
Such a cunt I know.

they keep forcing them but these kids probably wont last much longer. once they peter out they will start having fame withdrawals and become crackheads or something.

Attached: we are famous now.jpg (810x1233, 238K)

This is the silver bullet, they can't escape the logical trap

Attached: plsno_bully-20180326-152320681.png (1087x1087, 1.05M)

She is shilled over on all the boards a lot. so I imagine she has a fan base

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Bump bump bump bump

Doesn't make you quite evil enough for democrat endorsement

Attached: Skitter_holding_globe.png (500x373, 447K)

yeah youd have to plan it out months beforehand

A step is missing here

1.5) secure

No I meant bullying someone into killing people. then raking in the victim bucks.

The shooter was ill, he needed help and no one gave it to him


is this 2018's anita whoresekan?

Soros bucks; always good to lube up the progressive whining machine

Attached: 5513.jpg (300x300, 46K)


lol its like a revolving door of whores

Who is that grey deformity that's punishing my eyes so often these days?

Wew! Kid is speaking like a proper useful idiot, what the communists call someone like him.

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>The shooting thing makes shooting happen

Attached: I don't care anymore, man.png (496x406, 307K)

Don't you find it amazing that someone shot up his school and then he's all of a sudden expert in what causes crime and murder? It's one thing to say
>wew that sucks some super bullied kid shot up my school
But it's another to sit on national TV and claim you know what causes crime and homocide. Namely a tool like a gun. You can kill people with a fucking pencil if you want to.

El goblino...

You gotta have a shaved head and be a rug muncher too.

that gray hair is looking at the mic shes holding like it's a cock... yeah goblino, step up to the coc... er, uh, mic.





The lies are being exposed...

They elites and deep state are parading these kids around and making them as obnoxious as they can on purpose. They're going to sacrifice and rape them in honor of Moloch and pin their deaths on some hick gun owner, who snapped and just wanted to stop seeing them on TV. This will be the final nail in the coffin for our rights. If these kids get gunned down there will be nothing holding back the uproar to repeal the bill of rights. The 2nd was just the start of their plan.

Attached: Idol_Moloch.jpg (1024x738, 345K)