The whole time this little kid has been claiming to have been there, now he says he was at home.
He kinda IS a crisis actor
Other urls found in this thread:
The fuck? He wasn't even there at the shooting?
We need him to answer this point blank.
The lengths you go to to try to disprove him are hilarious. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
How? Please explain.
Need to find and archive both of these stories
What time does it say he rode his bike?
There's video of him saying both
Sources of you're a crisis shitposter
Wait, wasn't he doing interviews while they were hiding from the shooter?
Doesn't specify in the picture but the context is clearly him rushing to school to interview people after news of a shooting.
>road as fast
So what time does he say he did this?
My favorite is how this kid talks about how "his friends" died.
Please, David Hogg has no friends. I wish I could talk to some of the kids that went to the school and ask them their opinion of the kid.
I guarantee this kid is a giant faggot at school and he's just soaking up his 15 mins of fame.
He wasn't there but he was interviewing someone at 9:30am about the shooting hours before it actually happened.
Hogg is a time traveler. Stop confusing the facts, goys.
just hit him up on his snapchat and say your a reporter
>So what time does he say he did this?
After he rushed to school with his camera after hearing about the shooting at home
Wheres the url for the cbs news in the meme?
Also notice there is obvious tension between david and emma. He always tries to get the last word. Even though she is brainwashed she was actually there and lost friends. We should drive a wedge between them even more.
He was talking after the fact you fucking autist.
>its 932
>we are hiding in a closet
>He wasn't there but he was interviewing someone at 9:30am about the shooting hours before it actually happened.
>Hogg is a time traveler. Stop confusing the facts, goys
Time traveler status confirmed
I'm so confused, he can't hear the shots in class AND get a camera 7 hours later? I can't even tell if you guys are actually this stupid, or if it's just others pretending
The timeline for him being on the scene wouldn’t match with his second conflicting statement. If he left the school grounds and biked a total of six miles there and back, half an hour or more time would have passed after the incident. It’s also unlikely that he could leave the vicinity for reasons shown in pic related.
So he went home to get his camera while on lockdown?
Holy shit, true if big
Seriously, what the actual fuck. 1. either the dude is a complete retard and misstated the time on his magnum opus 2. interviewed someone about a shooting that hasn't happened yet. 3. manufactured an interview with people in the closet after the fact. 4. wasn't even in the building and furiously pedaled over to the school where he entered a hot zone to hide in a closet to interview these people where the retard misstated the time on his magnum opus. 5. the audio has been doctored.
either way, hogg is a faggot.
Need real sources with easy connections.
Faggos been pushing possible shill bullshit all day, pushing this stuff but
No sources or easy connections, tons of confusion.
I think it's possible someone or something is pushing this to further radaclized the site or muddy the waters on the information of this kid
>why won't colleges accept me?
Oh Ooooooo! Hogg Tied soon!!!!
based on how completely stupid this kid has shown himself to be, it's obvious now that the stuff in red is fake, because there's no way he is taking AP classes.
Quantum Hogg
Not any more. They died. He’s very sad about that.
> got on my bike and road as fast as I could
> road
being this retarded
>someone can be at two places at the same time
>being this retarded
The misspellings are how you know it's modern journalism
Nowhere does it say it was at the same, just the same day.
Holy shit he really said that. Why wasn’t he at school when the shooting happened? We are supposed to believe that he was able to ride his bike to the school in time and get into the closet and interview somebody during a 6 minute shooting rampage?
Thanks for the link user
And how long was the school on lockdown? Why would the police let someone leave and return to an active crime scene? Makes no god damn sense.
High quality proofreading going on in journalism in the current year.
Literally two recordings of him stating two different times....
What the fuck is going on and how does he think he's getting away with this without people noticing?
Need to download and archive copies.
it's time to flog this Hogg
Very welcome.
Because the media and the normies go full berserker on anybody who dares point out truth that goes against their fee fees and their desperate desire to believe in this lefty gun grabbing crusade. It’s like people are just screaming that they want to be enslaved and lay themselves defenseless. Cmon man they are just trying to “get people to stop dying.” Like that’s such an ambitious goal man these kids are heroes.
Wasn't she bullying the shooter? That's friendship ?
What lenghts?
This is literally quoting the guy and asking a simple question
to be frank, i think most people on Sup Forums are absolute conspiratards but wtf is this? i demand an explanation
BUMP, don't let this thread slide
>trying to get people to stop dying
Wew. Someone needs a reality check.
Guess what, sweetheart?
Jesus FUCKING christ.
These are not the brightest crayons in box my friend.
Also, checked.
This entire thing was a psy-op to avoid treason charges for Wasserman-Schultz and loss of special relationship with "best ally in the Middle East".
All of the child actors including Miednik, Kasky, Hogg have parents who are either overtly spooks or work in DARPA-like shit.
Cameron Kasky's father ran a disgraced adoption agency called One World Adoption Services Inc., which was called out by Russia for paperwork impropriety, as well as by at least a dozen prospective adoptive parents after their money was wasted and the kids never showed.
This entire thing is a gun-grabbing circus because even if the gun grab fails, it will have achieved its purpose of distracting people from the discussion of Awan brothers and Wasserman-Schultz's treason on behalf of Israel.
This kind of thing has happened repeatedly over the decades but people are so asleep now it's pretty dire.
Wake up fuckers.
The “weapon and bullets were not high quality and were breaking apart,” one of the legislators, state Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, told the Herald.
Cruz went in with only 10-round magazines because larger clips would not fit in his duffel bag, Book said.
Footage of the shooting show 15+ shots fired in continuous succession with perhaps 3 additional shots fired from a 2nd gun. Cruz only had 1 gun. (Sup Forums-archived Kasky thread)
>Why wasn’t he at school when the shooting happened?
Because his father did not want him to get shot.
I laughed at this a lot harder than I think I should have. Have a (You)
Unironically this, same with Kasky.
See :
Fucking brainlets itt, don't make us look retarded, get your facts straight if you actually believe this instead of 2 hastily written & underlined MSM news.
All it says is 3 miles, it doesn't say if that's one way or round trip. 3 miles on a bike if you're hauling ass trying to build a career off the not-yet-cool bodies of your classmates is 10 minutes tops. The kids weren't 'locked down' after leaving the building, hence Cruz's ability to walk to mcdonalds. People were giving interviews outside the school well after sunset hours after the shooting (smilely face blonde bimbo)
Fuckers need to use occam's razor
See Occams razor says Cruz was not the shooter....sooo...
Shut it shill bitch, address why Cameron Kasky's father isn't in jail for running a child trafficking ring via One World Adoption Services Inc., or get necked.
Woah, what the fuck? That second firearm at the end, unequivocally a different sound.
Here's the video. He doesn't say "as soon as I heard about the shooting" or anything, so it really could just be after he got home
Classic redirection, obfuscation and derailment.
Well played.
You too shill bitch, I've posted threads worth of disturbing facts. Five eyes glow in the dark pedo shills kindly neck self or stop posting.
> Classic
Too many shill tabs open to post a smuggie, or??? Don't bother responding you've already outed yourself.
Funny how you faggots axe whole threads when anyone brings up Jeff Kasky.
FYI other anons, if you've heard of "Alan Kasky" it's the same pedo spook from Kasky mediation, and is the father of Cameron Kasky.
They did the brainstorm in his living room.
Ben Shapiro has been shilling referring to him as Alan Kasky after we found out the gross shit the Kasky family is into.
Oh and Cameron Kasky's grandfather Robert Kasky was also a partner in the corrupt pedo ring posing as an adoption agency.
Can you give a basic gestalt on this line of evidence? Give me as many details as you can, I haven't heard about any of this.
You need to calm your farm m8.
Maybe make you own bread to drive your conspiracy agenda...
Holy shit. Unless he was one hell of a fast mag-swapper, the 'ten rounds' bullshit is bullshit.
Read the linked threads.
* Ran a disgraced adoption agency with dozens of complaints. Open adoption. Buying kids from families a la Haiti and not delivering the kids.
* Jeff Kasky wears multiple heads including being some kind of exec at autism channel, as well as being a Rabbi, an adoption expert lawyer, etc...
* He made his twitter private after we found out.
* Facebook with creepy pizza content of toddler boys.
* Conclusive WHOISOLOGY linking him to [email protected] email, where JeffyJeff / Super Mario Logan is a revolting Elsagate channel meant to disturb / scar children.
* Russian government adoption watchdog name dropped his company in a document listing adoption firms that had Russian kids but also had delinquent paperwork
* The firm is now closed permanently, even though he operates other adoption consulting businesses from the same place in Deerfield Beach, Florida.
* In website, he redacted the WHOIS whch an user had to look over via WHOISOLOGY to find the email connection. His disgraced adoption agency domain was never redacted because he didn't use the jeffyjeff email, but he was stupid enough to use it for the domain.
You haven't heard about it because it gets de-indexed here and on plebbit. I had a thread on t_d get up to 3000+ and appeared to be on front page but of course no one has ever heard of this.
>heard a pop is in AP environmental science class
>road to school when he heard about the shooting.
Hmmm, what could be contradictory about this.
All I really expect at this point is archives.
Make you neck yourself pedo asshole.
10 round magazine was reported by MSN too
There is no evidence he had more than 1 gun or he had a magazine larger than 10 rounds.
See here
In particular the last archived thread. Where we conclusively found pic related. A black woman / girl appeared to be dead on the ground in footage, and a teacher at the school is unaccounted for.
Her rate my teacher profile going back to years ago has children implying there's something sketchy about her and calling her a spook.
read it again brainlet
We knew right away that he was taking instructions from directors.
Taking instructions from directors are what ACTORS do.
He's always been an actor. He could be an ACTOR who was there or an ACTOR who wasn't there.
It was fairly clear that the other witnesses were either telling the truth or really good actors. It was clear that he was an ACTOR. He was saying what other people wanted him to say. He was following a script. All of those things make him an ACTOR.
He knew this was his one shot at fame.
so what about the film footage of him being there ?
>road as fast as I could
The absolute state of American journalism.
The left loves using kids' immature, uneducated and emotional "ideas" as proof their own immature, uneducated and emotional pleas are valid.
Well of course you cant talk to his friends they're all dead you bully.