After postponing my wish to buy one of those nasty "assault rifles" the last few years, your retarded rhetoric finally gave me the push I needed. Pic related, I'll be receiving it this week, and I included a nice half dozen 30 round magazines to go along with it just for good measure.
Liberals really are the best gun salesmen around, if only Remington had enlisted you to help, they wouldn't be filing bankruptcy!
I am in the same boat and so are 3 of my friends; 2 of whom are moderately liberal. I was going to purchase a decommissioned USMC M45, but decided to purchase my first "assault rifle". Never had the desire to purchase one, as I would prefer to purchase a handgun that I could cary daily. Now I am afraid if I don't strike now, i may never get the chance. Their movement backfired.
Brody Robinson
Hahaha! Libtards don't realize that their protests, especially during election times, drive gun sales to almost a panic level. More assault rifles were placed in American hands than ever right before Trump won.
Colton Gray
Hope you didn't register them. If we get Australia'd, they'll walk right to your door and ask for the gun you just bought. They'll even have the serial number.
Bentley Foster
Even if they did, I wouldn't answer. I guess they'll have to trample all over our 4th as well.
Gavin Powell
And, even more are being put into American hands now that liberal city-dwelling retards keep implying they're "going to take our guns away". If only they understood what they do, but then again, the leftist mind is warped and can't really see reality for what it is.
Josiah Cox
Reminder to buy 80% lowers and a router jig.
Matthew Peterson
My father and I never saw eye to eye on the gun issue and was not a fan of owning guns or having them in the house. It was a major stint that made us not get along for a while. Hell I had to hide my guns for the longest time because of his views when I lived at home with my parents and my dad was furious when I told him I voted Trump.
Because of all this political bullshit with this shooting, my dad finally went out and bought a gun and we both went shooting over the weekend and it was great! Thanks Liberals, my dad and I now are having a better relationship than ever before.
Christian Richardson
How much should I spend on a router? I don't have a drill press either, but I could use a hand drill if I'm careful.
Daniel Butler
I don't know where the disconnect is, but leftists actually believe that if guns are illegal, the criminals won't have them, either.
Hell, I could make a functional gun in a machine shop with nothing more than steel stock and a bullet to take measurements from. It wouldn't be fully automatic, but it'd shoot. In other places where guns are illegal, they make them in their garages. Why do leftists want to make themselves victims unnecessarily?
Justin Reyes
Nice. What make and model did he choose?
Anthony Cooper
As soon as 3D printing technology matures, that's what most people are going to do. It's not just a Star Trek fantasy any longer.
Joshua Clark
The biggest offenders are the ones who pay top dollar for armed security and to live far away from diverse neighborhoods.
Justin Rivera
fully automatic shop guns are actually easier to make than semiauto, look up "open bolt" guns.
the magazines that feed reliably are what's hard to make.
Liam Rivera
Remington would still be filing for bankruptcy. Brokedick business model with no innovative products since the 1187
Wyatt Diaz
Just make it take a glock or other readily available 9mm pistol mag.
Charles Jackson
If they start making their old trenchgun again, I'd buy the shit out of it.
Christopher Taylor
They already can. Remember the 3d plans that went online some time ago?
Easton Fisher
what if someone shot up a school with a crossbow
what if they used a grenade launcher or like ninja stars or something
Parker Nelson
yawn, another basement dweller. how's the vodka been treatin ya?
Ethan Sullivan
>Why do leftists want to make themselves victims unnecessarily? They want the world to exist as they see it ideally, instead of accepting it for what it is. If you haven't read the Unibomber's manifesto, read it. A lot is the inane rambling of a madman, but much of it is true. It's the same reason many embraced, and still embrace, Communism. It's nice knowing that everyone does their part equally, and everyone gets reimbursed equally. And because there is no hardship there is no war, poverty, crime, etc. But they cannot accept that such a scenario is impossible. IDEALLY, they will never have to protect themselves from the government or criminals, so they do not want guns, and do not like what they represent: a world where defending yourself is necessary, whether you like it or not. They are not in control of their lives... Understandable, but increasingly pathetic with maturity.
Nicholas Perry
Yea, when your all I am a good shot and I don't need anything more then a 20 year old pocket sized pee shooter and gramps riffle. The far left starts towing poop and piss balloons then your like so $2.15 per round in this caliber. No I like it I just wish it was hard wood rain even tho the composite is less work to care for.
I need the redpill on which arms manufacturer I should invest in. Ruger or S&W
Chase Harris
I was just talking about a zip gun that I could make with nothing more than stock and tools. In other countries, semi-auto pistols and fully auto long guns are made with probably the same effort that I'd have to put into a zip gun.
Aaron Ortiz
Half-dozen? While I applaud your decision to take your future into your own hands, those are rookie numbers. You're going to need to pump those numbers up exponentially.
Same I dropped 3k of fuck you to these brats won’t look back
Jayden Edwards
The I’d say fuck of and use it out of spite
Justin James
We won't
Lucas Long
Explain for brainlet pls
Joshua Kelly
Indeed. But remember 20 years ago in 1998 when everyone started buying PC's for their homes? Remember Gateway? They were the hardware company with the cows on their logo, the black and white spots? Even in 1998 it would have been any conceivable that we would carry much more computing power in our phones of all devices. Oh and let's remember in 1998 that people were still asking, "Why would you have a cell phone? Why would you want to be in contact 24 hours a day?"
It's not inconceivable that by 2030 everyone could have their own personal 3D printing device in their own home. It's not a conceivable that it would shake up the entire gun industry and indeed every other industry, but it would also have unfathomable impacts on our political policies. Imagine what the Second Amendment looks like under those circumstances.
Aiden Barnes
That was me after Newtown. I shot skeet and whatever with a 12 gauge, but the minute the lefties started pushing gun control I got an AR. I just bought another too.
Hudson Diaz
I'm pretty sure Australian officials had an answer to that approach. Don't worry, though; the criminals will still have them.
Brody Evans
You can make your own lower receiver and the feds can't do shit about it because it's 100% legal.
Jace Gonzalez
Gotta any insightful links?
Jose White
Yeah take a built to the face the. Respond worth it If everyone acted like that fear would over whelm
Henry Russell
It's a reciever that is 80% finished and you drill it out yourself?
Austin Rogers
do you think he was larping as a wizard?
Jeremiah Edwards
Unless you live in a commie state like California, there is no registration.
Jordan Perez
I understand your analogy; it's just wrong. People scrambled for cell phones. Price was the ONLY limiting factor. It's only in retrospect that we're asking ourselves why we volunteered for these bullshit electronic leashes.
Matthew Bennett
Im all for the 2nd amendment, but I feel about rifles the same I feel about large dogs. You shouldnt have any business with either unless you own land.
Christopher Rivera
Muh based frogs
Carter Bell
>It's not inconceivable that by 2030 everyone could have their own personal 3D printing device in their own home. This is truth. I believe that price, once again, is the limiting factor.
Christopher Lee
Go fuck yourself
Henry Brown
The Preamble is so goddamn important and nobody fucking mentions it
I guess progressives have managed to cinvince everyone it doesn’t exist.
Cooper Cruz
Triggered consumerist manbabby
Blake Bennett
Illinois. Almost as bad. I always wondered if the stores themselves are submitting registration of the serial number to your name whether you want it or not. Private purchase seems to be the way to go.
All Greeks should own a gun and a box of bullets that says "for Turks only."
Ryder Ross
You only need one bullet
Nolan Thompson
>shouldn't have business with either unless you own land
>what is sport shooting >what is hunting >what is hobbyism >what is home defense
You don't need large land for any of these. I live in an apartment yet frequently go hunting. And yes if there's a happening tomorrow you're damn right my rifles are next to my bug out bag.
The Federal Goverments' Turn In Your Assault Rifles For a Free Truck Lift Kit and a Coupon for Copenhagen Chew has reduced Assault Rifle ownership by 96.5%!
this is exactly what the mom and pop giun stores needed - a threat of banning weapons sales always go up the politicians are too stupid to realize it's just not the gun manufacturers that suffer but the thousands upon thousands of employees of the companies that make accessories for said weapons - scopes, foregrips, flashlights, flashlight mounts, on and on it goes... thye hate American workers unless they're brown skinned and know their place.
Elijah Sullivan
Every time (((they))) start talking gun control I always add something to the liberty stash. After sandy hook I built an AR, this time around I joined the NRA and GOA. Waiting on my sweet hat now so I can trigger at the snowflakes at my uni.
What can i do if I'm living in California? I'm here for a masters program that ends June 2019 and plan to move to the Northwest states after and stockpile firearms. Will shtf before i can get out of commiefornia?
Asher Nelson
>I always wondered if the stores themselves are submitting registration of the serial number to your name
Yes they do, it's called a "background check"
Owen Lopez
The background check is preliminary. What happens when you pass the background check and decide to buy 37 different firearms from Bass Pro Shops? Do they then tell the government where they went?
Hunter Gonzalez
this is why God made boating accidents.
Isaiah Green
You fill out a 4473 for EACH firearm. The FFL has to keep a copy of the form in the store. In my state guns are not registered but they can look up the serial and see where the gun was shipped, then have the FFL pull the form to see who they sold it to. It becomes harder to track one it has been transferred through private sales though especially for long guns. My state requires a purchase permit system for all handgun transfers and requires the seller to obtain one from the buyer.
I don't remember that when I last bought guns. I bought two at once, (one for my wife, too) and there was only one background check form for both guns. Admittedly though, I don't memorize form numbers. Maybe you're talking about something I'm not familiar with.
Aaron Martinez
>have to fill out a 4473 for for each firearm Sucks to be you bro
Leo Rogers
I feel underarmed after reading some of the posters on this thread.
March For Our Lives is a recruiting operation for Antifa.
Kids were being distributed anti-white, anti-cop propaganda at the event. The deep state is now trying to swell its Alt-Left paramilitary group ranks with underage kids. SPREAD THIS INFO EVERYWHERE.
SES (Senior Executive Service): an army of no-background check required for the hire executives with access to ALL INTELLIGENCE, who nobody knows how much they make (and they are the most well paid federal employees there are), that the POTUS CANNOT FIRE. This right here, those 10000 parasites are a very important part of the deep state.
>SHALL PERMIT NC is pretty cucked to be honest senpai. Your 2A rights are up to the local sheriff. Pretty much all other states adhere to federal regs.
Nolan Cooper
I'll bet. I am too, but not as bad as you. Haha
Joshua Russell
When that starts it's time to hunt them. Fuck waiting at home for them to come to you, kill them while they hit someone else's house.
Christian Rogers
Would rather deal with local sheriff than the feds. The sheriff don't care.
Samuel Young
There'll be a lot of them.
Owen Morgan
>Magpul handguard
boi M1913 best rail.
Jack Cook
Just ordered an 80% lower and and all the tools to complete it. Register? What's that? It's just a hunk of metal. No background check either.
Thinking about getting a 10 pack of 80% lowers, completing them and just handing them out like candy. Getting a notarized bill of sale of course. Gun grabbers BTFO.
Ryder Phillips
Not really. Lots of liberals like to mention the "well-regulated" part as meaning actual gun regulation laws. The founding fathers should have left that part out, while keeping "necessary to the security of a free state", which keeps the original meaning.
I can't blame them though for not knowing this country would turn into a mexican shithole 300 years later.
Levi Perry
Don't hand them out to leftists please.
Leo Adams
I'll take one.
Chase Price
Get a decent scope. Absolute bare minimum is a Primary Arms 3x prism or a Vortex 3x spitfire. Go out and make sure you get it zeroed in before shooting or you're just wasting bullets. Shoot at least once a week if not more. It quick to pick up but takes consistent practice or you'll shoot like shit when and if you'd need it. CLEAN YOUR FUCKING RIFLE EVERY TIME AFTER SHOOTING. EVERY TIME.