Who's your favorite shooter user?
Who's your favorite shooter user?
Other urls found in this thread:
my boyfriend who shoots me in my mouth everynight
that's not funny dude
abusive relationships aren't cool
I don't have one.
Harvey Lee Oswald
This little dude
nice try fbi!
Probably black ops 1
Eric and Dylan are cute!
Was a motive ever uncovered for the vegas shooter?
Literally how are Elly and /ourguy/ still not up here?
Do not reply to these b-tier spammed threads.
OP here, only posted this here because arcanine surprisingly would except this thread
cruz is definitely my favorite now even if he didnt actually do it.
The don't glow like the other ones but they might as well.
ah man, beat me to it.
There's something epic in those guys.
Columbine was a great finale for the 20. century
Breivik executed a perfect playbook. Not saying it is something anyone should do but he played it well.
John Wilks Booth
The deadliest of them all of course.
The glock master... once you’re in his sights there’s no escape.
Honorable mentions: Eric Harris, Dylan klebold
The security officer who killed that school shooter last week.
Not allowed to ask this goy.
Hard pick between George Zimmerman and Chris Dorner.
Randy Stair.
He left a goldmine of information behind including this 40 minute animation:
The absolute madman can't keep getting away with ti.
fifth post best post
No one else even comes close.
I agree.. Cho was amazing and made Klebold and Harris look like pussies. Cho was pure hatred combined with Asian fanaticism. Untouchable.
marxist summer camp falls under definition of school
He killed people in a dorm and a college town, which is close enough. Also it didn't say school
True hero.
It's all here what do you have to say? fucking mutt
The next one
Hard to chose?
The original edgelords
The guy who killed Hitler.
>you're fucking sick, goy
this is the only correct answer. this faggot left literally hours of footage describing why he did what he did. Not only that but he was maybe the biggest loser of the bunch. He was obsessed with cartoons and MLP and all sorts of shit like that. Cross dressed in his free time, yet for some reason hated fags with a passion. One thing I forgot until I watched one of his videos the other day, was that whenever he would say the phrase, "oh my god", he instead would say, "oh my goddess".I think because he was obsessed with his cartoon woman or something. 100% pure loser autism.
I'm kind of surprised more modern shooters haven't left such a large catalog of videos like randy did. I don't think anyone comes even close.
They sort of look like Bert and Ernie.
not a shooter but still based enough to have a movie made about him directed by christopher nolan
he has the same name..
it means crowned one
His motive beats everyone else's too. No political or religious affiliations. Just self absorbed psychotic who KNEW the only way to become a woman was to kill people and himself to become a ghost girl in the afterlife. Just like his weird little show he wrote and produced.
Imagine that being the end of your legacy. You grew up in this world and the end of your story is being murdered by a dude who has to kill you in order to become a ghost girl. Fucked world
Nothing beats the classics
we forget about these shooters quickly, but at least some of us will have the glorious period to remember where we were able to rip on this dead autist almost immediately after it happened. his ramblings certainly weren't kaczynski tier, but at least he gave us a lot to sift through. like 10+ hours of whining about pot holes and pop music and autotune.
i live 10 min from Breiviks prison.
For 20$, i'll drive over there and send you a snap of the prison
can you visit him and take a selfie?
as far as the most pathetic, absolutely his motive was the most pathetic. Hell eliots aren't even that crazy to me desu. I can picture many more self entitled supreme gentleman having the same sentiment as him. But Randy is something special. Only a hyper type of delusion can cause one to murder randos because of your cartoon waifu. I found the most surprising part how, he was pretty well spoken and could hold a monologue for hours on end in his multiple videos leading up to it. He was nuts, but seemed pretty level headed at the same time.
pls do, everyone bump this for pics
Find out if the Brat Pack bullied Cruz
I laugh every time I see that fucking picture. This goober who lived his life exactly how he wanted to and ended it like a chad. The American dream incarnate.
Before Columbine
The one!!!
The only!!!!
This is why you don't let them take you alive. He will die a kissless virgin. Except maybe his asshole
He may not be anywhere close to a high score, but his unrelenting nihilistic trolling makes up for it in spades.
Cho, because he killed three people I knew.
Name them faggot
https ://www.youtu be.com/ watch?v=-aTLXLhhavQ
Fucking psycho
Dylan does have berts nose and the height difference relative to Eric/Ernie I guess
Elliot Rodger
this is literally the best possible picture of him too, he's ugly af in almost all of his pictures
We only have one school shooter, but his story is kinda funny:
>Be student at the University of Pécs
>Go crazy
>Shoot up your uni
>Actually kill 2 people
>Nobody knows what to do, since school shooting isn't our national sport
>In the end, an American exchange student told others what to do, since he had plenty of experience with school shootings
Burgers are fucking cursed.
G. V. Loganathan (professor who I only met like twice)
Matthew La Porte
Rachael Hill
I didn't know them that well, but I did know them.
What do you make of the whole overblown situation?
chekced show swede cock
This negger had the memest gun
Breivik was is and will be always the one.
>swede cock
But I don't have a Swedish cock
What are you? I always feel a pit in my stomach when I see a swede flag say something strong, as if it must be somebody on a military base or something.
why aren’t we seeing tag teams anymore? teamwork is too much for millenials?
god bless the finns
These guys weren't really that autistic desu, just massive IRL trolls who did it for the lulz and the powertrip. They aren't really the same as the angry loners who perpetrate shootings today today.
The shooter was actually just confirmed to have shot himself in the head.
Good old Burgerbro, cursed or not.