What are the chances that WW3 will break loose anytime soon? And what's the most probable scenarios?
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Unlikely so you can stop banking on a war freeing you from all of your responsibilities or making your life exciting, so just off yourself now
idk but this website just makes you a fat pessimist over time
I'll be in my nuke shelter
this is what porn gets you
100.0% certain, no other outcome even theoretically possible. Most likely scenario would be tit-for-tat escalation within a proxy war, e.g. Syria. Would escalate to nuclear war but not cold war doomsday scenario, rather limited nuclear commitment. It will start once a plausible game plan exists that involves africa and asia. Critical key is several billion deaths, no more than 500 million world population are sustainable at this point.
tl;dr: If you are below 30, you will most likely die in war.
the fucking balls on that dude haha
calmer heads almost always prevail in the face of nuclear armageddon
>If you are below 30, you will most likely die in war.
And the mid 30s NEET manchildren will inherit the earth. I can't wait.
WWIII will not be a nuclear spasm war but a decades long limited nuclear global theater. Even Herman Kahn noted the absurdity of spasm war, and he was the blueprint for Dr. Strangelove
No, they will die too if war comes sooner than later. My prognosis covers a 50y timeframe, so 30+ may have died ofnatural causes once WWIII starts.
After running copious simulations, I am sorry to report that your own mother's queef started WWIII after lighting up biological weapon discharge sensors worldwide with its sheer magnitude.
Addendum: The goal is population reduction under a plausible pretext. Billions have to die and the survivors must not be able to identify a genocidal perpetrator. Only way to do this is a long, involved, partially (thermo)nuclear global war that lasts for decades.
Ww3 by next week, screencap this.
Me watching this screencap next week
It says in the bible no one knows except god, so no one can reasonably predict ww3...
America is israel's lapdog so it is obvious it will fight with it. For KSA, it's doubtful that it will fight alongside Iran even if that means to side with israel wich is already a reality. So it will be 3 Vs 3 at least
Nah Trump doesnt give a fuck
very high, and that's a good thing. The "muh ww3 will end the world" meme is wrong. Posponing ww3 is much more dangerous, maybe in the future we will have weapons that are actually capable of ending life on Earth, but right now we can still survive the event.
It's ww3 now or human extinction in the future.
It's a fact that before both of the previous WWs, most experts believed that a big war between the world's superpowers was unlikely, if not impossible. Both times they were proved to be wrong.
The probability for a big war to happen soon is not only the highest it's been since the cold war, but it keeps increasing by the day. There is an increasing multipolarity in the world's financial and geopolitical issues and there is growing diplomatical tension too. The economy has also been trying to reach healthy inflation levels for the past 10 years without success and a war economy could possibly help in this regard, so we also have to factor that maybe the possible reward of going to war could be worth the risk in an economical sense.
If the present situation doesn't de-escalate a big war is almost certain to happen soon.
I dont care what happens to north korea or the surrounding countries, but if japan and all of its beautiful perfect women go, im going to be real fucking sour.
That webm is from Texas.