how is the sorting going? started cleaning your room already?
what happened so far:
>i left the left, the brainwash was critical!
>stopped playing video games and have a stable job now for 6 month
>kind of came with self-respect
>stopped blaming society for all the shit i fucked up in my life
>didn't drink or smoke for 4 month
>stopped blaming my alcoholic father for fucking up my life
>stopped eating sugar and eat low carb now
>workout regularly
>quit the relationship to my girlfriend after she eventually did nothing but blaming me for random shit 24/7
>got in contact with some guys to start community work
>eventually started a youtube channel to motivate others to start doing the same
i think nobody ever influenced me more to fix my shit that this guy. so i want to share my progress and motivate others to join the sorting. any similar experience? when do you start? what are you waitinig for?