Mikaela Barboza was headed down 441 on her way to a meeting when she cut another driver off. That, Barboza said, is was what spurred the driver and her sister to follow the 26-year-old to a parking lot and beat her with baseball bats.
White woman beaten by Black women with baseball bat in FL for cutting them off
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I hate niggers so goddamn much, eventually America is gonna be South Africa 2.0 and there's nothing we can do about it.
Yet she had a conveyance fully capable of flattening two niggresses.
stay in your basement freak boy
This is just part and parcel of living in a big city.
why didn't that strong independent white women use her girls power ?
Planet of the apes
Could someone give me some good baseball bat gore?
I have a thing for it ever since I've watched Higurashi
thaaat's a hate crime
Take your defeatist cucked self to the kitchen and drink a gallon of bleach.
Is this supposed to be the brave, based gun owning USA im hearing about? Niggers reaom free with bats beating woman, i dont see no cops shooting her. Niggrus getting shot is actually an oddity in the grand statistics scale.
Uncensored here:
OP is a faggot
>getting out of your car
Biggest mistake she ever made, I would have ran them over as soon as they got close enough
Jesus christ, bloods boiling. Please let some dumb nigress pull this shit with me, no fucking joke I'll ruin her I'll gouge her fucking eyes Ill stomp her fucking teeth. I'll snatch your leg take you to the ground while pulling my knife and just zip zip zip in your chest. I will fucking end you, please pleasse pleeeeease just fuck with me
This is why you carry a gun. One less.
as much as I hate niggers, I hate a bitch that cuts me off as much, so this cancels itself out.
I do SOOOOOOO wish this would happen to me though. Id get so much stress out f that coon came at me with that bat...so much fun...
this whole situation was so close turning into full blown lynching. USA is already S.A.2
>"i got a kid bruh"
Talk/act like a nigger, get treated like one.
Her "kid" is probably a nigger.
What was the racist thing she said they were mad about?
Nothing of value was harmed. I wanted to feel rage, but the white chick talking like a nigger herself followed by her claims of 'I am not racist' after she is attacked left me with no sympathy for her.
White women in FL not CCW while living around nogs? SJW confirmed. No sympathy.
WTF? Quick rundown on video?
just kill the niggers?
Oh, just China
Why not just shoot her?
It's the diversity Jewish lies got white women to vote for.
The white woman is used to not getting beat, so she stepped out thinking "we're just gonna bark at each other "... cause that what women do... she though the nigresses got the memo... wrong you cunt.... you got what you should have gotten a while ago...a beatin'...
Now... if this had been a man and sees two nigresses coming with bats, he would have taken the offensive, beat one, take the bat away... and beat the shit out of both of them.....
Like this guy...
How surprising to see a fellow Finn here. I am looking for an alt-right friend. Maybe we can be friends like Eric and Dylan? I will buy you a Big Mac if you go out with me.
Thanks, I think about this video often
You could start by paying your police well and actually supporting them.
At the end of the day all this shit like op is caused by City Hall.
Failed Bogdanoff gene splicing experiment. First known successful example resulted in Sminem
The saddest part of the video is when he lost the bat... I was like...whaaaaat.... fuck... now I won't get to hear any more ding on punk ass bitch's heads...
Where is moonman when you need him.
>Mikaela Barboza
>excuse me
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously
>nigger does nigger things
wew lad so surprising
most whites loathe themselves and each other
niggers be niggin and noggin, nothing new here
no ccw, I personally don't feel too bad about not carrying generally because I can pay attention around me. And I've already had 2 handguns stolen from me out of my car, I'll just use my guns to take >300 yd shots into bankers bedrooms
how do they work?
Why can't black people understand this is the reason people don't like black people?
Fuck around get hurt. Your life is always on the line always. Strike fast strike hard. hammer fists to temples, thumbs in eyes, all is well but be fast and be mean.
Where the fuck was her gun? If two people coming at me with bats you flash the piece.
Post your real flag, Americuck.
You're axing blaks to use reason and logic.
Some do.
>Mikaela Barboza
You do not need a ccw to carry a firearm.
>I can pay attention around me
An overreaction yes, but don't cut people off, faggot.
Wow the absolute state of Niggerstan, it's perfectly okay to murder someone over a traffic violation when most of you can't drive for shit.
she relaxed
portuguese man of war
You're really going to use that as a justification for acting like a chimp? You don't follow every person who cuts you off do you?
you are beyond saving
Shit man I get what you're saying and there's been times during power outages or gut feelings where I'll stay strapped but all I've got now is a xbox hueg G20. I think I'd have to worry about cops more than redguards at that point.
Fuck you I drive a F-250 fuck off yankee faggot
I don't give a shit if people cut me off personally but in driver's ed they told me not to cut people off because it might cause road rage.
I drive under the speed limit and let others cut me off. I don't wanna get killed by two angry people.
story on this?
>An overreaction yes, but don't cut people off,
lol - being this cucked to think blacks process the world around them so humanely
blacks are ALWAYS upset
Because blacks are so emotionally immature and psychologically INSECURE, it's always about GETTING OVER on someone. That's the only way they know how to distinguish if things are good or bad. If you actually did what you were supposed to / social mores, to a black that's like bowing down to "the man". EVERYTHING is a binary competition to blacks (good vs evil, no nuance).
Just look at how "black churches" are. They preach about existing righteously (without fault) vs anything bad happening is "the devil doing this to me".
Whereas, "white churches" (lutheran, protestant, catholic, etc) have to do with adhering to tradition, service to the collective, acts of service, etc
If you want a (non radicalized) red-pill on Black Americans, bet against this formula and lose every time
Blacks have cultivated, embraced and celebrate pathological dysfunctional thinking errors. In every negro encounter, you will be able to predict how they are processing the world around them by using the attached chart.
***Blacks will NEVER acknowledge they are wrong
*******when confronted on what they did wrong you will get
> "DinDuNuffin" - didn't do the negative thing that you probably have proof of them doing
> escalate volume/hysterics - never raising the debate (evidence), just their voice and threat level
> when DinDu runs its course - claim racism. Racisms is the only thing that can explain the predicament they are in (being caught for doing wrong)
These are the ONLY responses they have. Its a 1-2 playbook that is old as time, itself
it is so predictable......go ANYWHERE and it is the exact same thing without fail
>mfw I have no face.webm
I don't understand why ppl stills ask why you need to carry.
>Mikaela Barboza
Degenerate roastie deserved it.
>story on this?
can you not see? you need a 5k word treatise on this situation for you to understand what's going on?
>tfw I have no face
how fucking stupid can you be to exit your vehicle empty-handed when two apes with baseball bats are behind you?
i honestly have no sympathy.
That's my point.
The fact that she thinks cutting people off is okay tells her personality.
While someone cutting you off does not warrant such hostility as depicted in the OP video. It does tell that the individual cutting you off is a massive narcissist.
You're a nigger mang. It happens when you're driving in traffic, even when you don't mean to. Around my neighborhood, I drive calmly and come to a full stop on stop sign, in high rush hour traffic, no one is going stop the lane to let you pass. Vehicles move to avoid gaps, so your choices are to sit on your ass which just annoys people behind you, or cutting people off when a gap forms. I've been cut off and cut people off all the time, I've never yelled at anyone over it and I haven't been yelled at for it. Niggers gonna nig, that's what makes them dangerous.
This. She probably burns the coal if she is talking like this
The police would rather let niggers get away with shit. The feds will come down on them hard if they don't. And even then the niggers complain they get arrested too much.
fucking christ, that dude fucked em all up.
taking a niggers side
When will the west and the rest of the world realize blacks are not cut out for civilization. We need to ship them all back to the jungle, cut off food aid, and let their numbers settle back down to what they can support through their own efforts. If every black disappeared the world would on whole be a much much better place.
I never once justified their actions but cutting people off is something only a nignog would do.
Just get into another lane and cause a large enough gap and cut them off safely don't do it within less than a car's length of them.
why do majority of white roasties have green eyes.
I live roughly 450 miles from the nearest Black neighborhood in the deep south.
>when will we realize
when it's too late
There are so many black people that hate this shit too you fucknut.
That's a good thing. White women have no business driving. Now there's at least one less of them.
>I live roughly 450 miles from the nearest Black neighborhood in the deep south.
which explains why you think blacks are capable of rational thought
kys, cuck
Yeah, why have sound when you could just not. Thanks, user
WOW maybe we should ban all guns.
>so many black people that hate this shit too
niggers are tribal to the core and will NEVER, EVER accept personal responsibility or reproach for doing wrong
I hope that fucker sliced his hand open
coalburner detected