Why does tobacco seem to have much more a campaign against it that alachol does? allthough tobbaco does have very bad health effects, it doesn't seem to have much of as external distructive effect as alcohol does, in every place in the UK from London to some small town you see drunks begging and being violent, but you don't see smokers being much a problem to others. I've never seen or heard of someones family being broken by tobacco but I've experienced myself the effect booze can have on a family.
Why does tobacco seem to have much more a campaign against it that alachol does...
Nice try Mohammed (piss and pork be upon you).
And they say England isn't Muslim lel
Because the real red pill is that tobacco is actually good for you. So long as it is organic/natural and you don't use a filter there are many benefits.
Yeah that's not true. My uncle only smoked American spirits and got throat and lung cancer
I'm not muslim, but I can see where they are coming from with it, most pakis drink anyway, ghetto areas of London are full of off licences, the pakis in the rape gangs lured in with free booze, I'm not saying illegalise it , that will lead to gangs controlling the trade like when america prohibited it,
I more wondering why there's seems to be such a campaign against tobbaco but not against booze
I said you cant use a filter.
Also a lot of people get throat and lung cancer that dont smoke.
Smoking isn’t the only form of tobacco consumption faggot
There is more money in selling vape oil is my guess.
But people who never smoke also get those things. Most people who smoke never get cancer.
Because nicotine is a nootropic. That's why men used to smoke pipes
Nicotine is a God tier drug. Alcohol is for degenerate scum.
Yep and also increases test, lowers Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and dementia. Tobacco has been used for 1000s of years for healing purposes. It only went bad when they started using 100s of additives and filters.
So if I were looking to partake every once in a while, the cleanest way to smoke would be growing my own organically and strictly use a glass pipe? Any other steps. I quit cigarettes in the past because I felt like shit but fuck I love the buzz and act of smoking.
>alachol does? allthough tobbaco
spell much, pajeet?
slide, sage, and suck my dick, you shill nigger kike faggot
srsly this board has gone to shit, and the chink who owns the joint is complicit.
Ok those that smoke cigars and use dip get mouth cancer
You're fucking stupid
Worse than both of those is gambling. I'm only 18 years old and I've lost my entire college fund, all the money I had saved, stock money put away for me, I owe $1000 on my credit card, nothing in the bank, never had a job and I'm in treatment for it. Gambling addicts have the highest rate of suicide of any other addiction. It's a horrible fucking disease, I hate gambling, and I started doing it fucking early (like 8 years old my grandma would buy me scratch tickets). I've literally lost everything, I don't know what to do, I'm only fucking 18.
Organic/natural tobacco with no filter. Don't be an idiot and smoke a pack a day.
I smoked for 3 months and never hit more than about 6 cigs a day. Anyone have links where I can get high quality tobacco or will anything I purchase probably be tainted in some way. It would be awesome to grow myself, but its not something I have the ability to do in an apartment I'd imagine.