This is the result of liberals indoctrination. This is a photo that appeared in Teen Vogue. Nowadays, anti-Americanism is fashionable. Jewfags are already trying to spin it.
This is the result of liberals indoctrination. This is a photo that appeared in Teen Vogue. Nowadays...
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Is there one of her tearing the US flag in half?
asking for a friend
As fake as Drumpfs presedency
Faaaaaake news, everyone knows it's real
Kill yourself queer
Fuck off niggertard
I know it's fake. But good work user
It's not fake. Fuck.
it's fake idiot
I found the kike
Doesn't matter, it sums up her feelings about the constitution
Fake, she didn't tear up the real constitution.
It's literally shopped you faggot.
The original paper was a Target.
Now gtfo you cock gobbler
>The original paper was a Target.
whatcha doing there rabbi?
>Sup Forums has begun to Jew so hard not even people on the board can keep up
Exactly. The jews are behind these photoshops.
I can arrange that, not now though. It'll pop eventually.
Existence is a Jew trick
So is killing yourself to avoid the Jews
That photo is fake news. Stop being deceptive. It makes you just as bad as they are.
>To defeat your enemy you must become your enemy
wew, america's fukd
Photo-shopped, exposed and you're pitiful.
>nigger iq
FFS stop posting that fake photo.
Here's the original.
This is an effective picture.
We are the Jew now.