Why are modern native Americans always fat?
Why are modern native Americans always fat?
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Because they are poor and eat badly
redder then you, mutt
Alcoholism and laziness
It sounds bad, but it really isn't as bad as it is. Natives have their own ethnostates and they are free to do whatever they want without any fear or reprisal from the feds.
It's a much better trajectory than what's up for whites.
Drugs and alcohol. Native land is plagued by it.
So what happens if a native kills an American or vice versa?
Too much beer.
probably because of all the shity food that they make and feed themselves with.
Their ancestors had less exposure to sugars and alcohol. Making it a lot harder for them to processing large quantities of sugar.
Redskins are lazier than niggers. They simply refuse to work. At least a nigger would complain to the NAACP to get a job, regardless of how far he gets or even shows up to work.
Jackson should've finished these Mongols off.
had a diet of game meat and roots n shit
Poor=fat, poor=uneducated, poor=crime, poor=niggers of all races. Just like black people, it really isn't their fault up until a certain level of evilness.
Also doesn't help that the government just gives them enough money to sit on their asses all day and do fuck all
Depends on the tribe, but A and B haplogroups are andean and chubby.
Who gives a Fuck?
They are american
In this case genetics unironically plays a roll, since they can't process sugar as well as we can. Throw in drugs and booze and fried bread and it's a wonder they can be fit at all.
That said, some tribes have always had fat people in them, even when all they ate was buffalo and berries.
so they can survive the winter hibernating in their caves
Such a degenerate race. If it werent for sentimentality they would have been exterminated a long time ago, as any proper species with a healthy instinct of domination, tribal feeling, untroubled by muh conscience and muh morality would have done to them. They are unfit and exist only by the grace of their conquerors. If nature would have been allowed to take its course, they would have died out long ago. instead, white pathological humanism and empathy has saved them from the extinction they deserve, and kept them artificially alive. Such a waste. Same goes for abos and maoris and all other life forms subjugated and inferior. Only a lack of will to rule, laziness, softness, loss of instinct, universalist morality and misplaced empathy, in a word degeneration of the white race has prevented them going the way of the dodo. And now we will be swallowed up by those who were once marked to perish, the white races will go down, drowned in a sea of color. And over our bones the struggle for life will continue as ever.
>they eat badly
One food is the reason: FRY BREAD
Their americans?
>Why are modern native Americans always fat?
The real question is why are modern Americans fat PERIOD.
I've only ever met one American in my life and it was this kid who moved to my town from Michigan or some shit. He was the fattest fucking tub of lard I've ever seen. His name was Ricky and his face was covered in acne. This Amerishart came to our school, literally didn't talk to anyone, got picked on by everyone but literally didn't give a shit. He was still quiet and just kept walking to wherever he was going. (which btw was struggle, you should have heard this behemoth 15 year old kid try to breathe). At lunch everyone would buy a single lunch to eat (normal people, Canadians) and this fat fuck would literally buy 3 FUCKING MEALS (Amerisharts). They were serving shepherds pie one day and me and my buddies decided to go pick on him as usual and we took some plastic forks and started poking his food. This time was different, it was I think the first time I heard this American talk, and he went, and I kid you not, it LITERALLY sounded like Eric Cartman, ''GOD DAMMIT STOP TOUCHING MY SHEPARD'S PIE!!!!''. That was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, me and my friends were rofling literally. I always assumed that's what all Americans were like, not just natives.
>be board full of NEETS
>complaining about others being NEETS
Because so many aboriginal women get raped, and I'm not even kidding about it, it's really the norm out there in the reserves, a ritual for most tribes, that these women become really fat so they do not attract men anymore.
I know many aboriginals, and only the ones that stayed out of the shitholes these native lands are slim and actually very fucking good looking. I had a roommate during the summer who was an abo girl, was kind of tall (5'8 but I'm 6'2 so who cares), but man did she have that Lara Croft tier body.
same as so many others:
low IQ + access to make terrible food choices using other peoples' money
This. I'm part Cherokee. I can't compete with White men in any athletic field. If White men were real men they would have bathed this Earth in fire.
You should feel bad for harassing a native american
>good looking
fuck outta here with your lies, leaf.
Same reason they still can’t hold their booze, as a speciese they lack the metabolism and enzymes to process modern domesticated foods.
I'm on the floor kek
Why don't you go live in a reservation and find out, OP?
I swear. The good ones are in Montreal, not in the reserves, as you'll find the most ambitious and those with a different mentality only outside of them. She was half-white, going to college and a fucking tiger in bed.
I honestly have no clue.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs might be the best people to contact regarding what happens should an american citizen and a native american get into a conflict with one another.
all you fucking sexfags all you talk about is sex sex sex sex how many other goddamn boards do you already have for this crap
the americas didnt had a lot of food you know
also, our ancestors were trapped in berigia straight for ten thousand years
i guess its a metabolic adaptation
for a long time it was like that
when corn potatos and others were succesfully"domesticated" coincided with the arrival of the europeans
Well the very reason abo women get fat is because they get raped to often so they do not attract male attention anymore. I answered the question earlier, I'm just getting in the details as of why I think abo women in Montreal and urban areas are generally more well off in terms of looks and character than the slags in the reserves as I fucked the living shit out of an urban one.
nobody cares chad
The thing is what do Native Americans even eat to get so fat if they aren't the completely Americanized kind eating fast food and shit.
Is it the rampant alcoholism or what the fuck do they get fat off of? I'm seriously asking.
He’s wrong. The Indians aren’t free to do whatever they want. This dude’s acting like the FBI doesn’t have jurisdiction on reservations. They absolutely do.
Correct. Same as high fructose corn syrup for white ppl
Because poor but abundance of cheap shitfood.
Their ethnostates only exist because they are funded by the US government through welfare gibs.
This is true. Their ancestors had to hang themselves from hooks after starving themselves for a week to get drunk/high.
>nobody cares
I'm cucked for life now..
they naturally are and always were
>virgin the post
Both of these. Most Natives I know are all overweight and suffer from some form of addition (mostly pills and alcohol).
That shit is literally poison.
No I'm a virgin too. I just find it amusing how bitter you are about it.
>look at me I'm a virgin raging about sex on an image board unrelated to sex because one anonymous guy posted a related sex experience about an abo women
I live in the yukon and hate these motherfuckers with a passion. They constantly beg for money when you meet them on the street. They also have this habit of ignoring lineups and skip the whole line. They might be worse than niggers, but I don't know, we don't have those things up here.
with a nigger gj I'm sure your family must be so proud
Fucking wut
>see your society was taken over
>take the black pill
>practice your culture on your segregated grounds but mostly get drunk about not being able to pull your nipples off anymore
Whites are going the way of the feathers
>is Cherokee
>is the fan of the retarded book that inspired the AtomWaffen-SS LARP Division
Why am I not surprised?
fuckface. that book is awesome and if we all followed what was written therein, victory would be achieved in short order. all it would take is a hundred thousand or so armed men.
she's not a nigger, but she's nigger-tier in the race hierarchy I agree. although she's half white.
Why do you live in Yukon, it's shitty hence why abos only live there.
There are various rituals that many native americans did to get high who did not have access to hallucinogenic compounds. One of the common methods to get some spiritual experience they used is starving themselves for a while. Other methods involve causing one's self physical harm such as self flagellating, hanging themselves by hooks until they have a vision, etc. Often these methods to attain spiritual visions were coupled with starving themselves.
Yeah I wish the colonizers would have just wiped out all the Amerindians on both continents
They're too black pilled. They were a proud people and now they're reduced to taking handouts from the people who killed them.
They're going extinct and they live in zoos that we politely call reservations. You would get drunk all day too
Full/Mostly-Blooded Native Americans are the most dysgenic group of people in the world, due to 400 years of sexual selection. No joke.
>the smartest Native Americans married into Europeans in the 18th and 17th centuries
>the smart-ish Native Americans married into Europeans in the 19th century
>the decent Native Americans married into Europeans in the 20th century
>the rest remained isolated and are what we now call Native Americans
A lot of European North Americans have 1 or 2 percent Native American blood, like myself and Jordan Peterson. It's common for those who trace their American ancestry back to the 17th century.
What people don't realize about genetics and intelligence is that it's an uncontested fact that there's a genetic level to intelligence somewhere between 10% to 50%. Every single geneticist agrees with this. It is literally indisputable. We're not talking about race here, but just genetic inheritance from parents.
Now, let's hypothetically assume that Native Americans and Europeans are not different races (assuming races aren't "real"), but instead different categories of individuals. This literally cannot be argued with, I'm merely saying that we CAN divide the individuals into these two categories. Now let's also imply that wealthiest and more intelligent Native Americans were more likely to marry other wealthy and intelligent people -- this ultimately means that they would marry into Europeans, in part. So if every 25 years, half of the top 50% of Native Americans married into Europeans... And this occurs 16 times... The ones that never married into Europeans are going to be, as a matter of statistical fact, the most genetically disadvantageous humans.
American diet is shit. Westerners slowly adapted to lots of grains over a millennia, native Americans were still adapted to a lower calorie, high fat/protein diet with the use of grains being more limited (corn back then was a lot different than corn today, and many tribes were nomadic thus relied on hunting and gathering).
Wheat and sugar can make anyone fat, but for native Americans, their bodies are not adapted to the huge insulin spikes and inflammation. They get fat, more hungry, and sick. Get fed that since you're a kid, while being poor, and surrounded by people who are just as fat and sick. It becomes the new norm, keep in mind many rely on government supplied food which is generally high carbohydrate and refined
This diet isn't good for anyone, but the closer you are generationally to a Paleolithic diet, the more harm it will do
High carb diet.
>Why do you live in Yukon
So I don't have to live among the unwashed masses down south. It's not shitty, it's unspoiled wilderness and mostly white. Why haven't you taken the Yukon pill?
bread and sugur fuck them up just as much as booze.
This. Yukon is the only majority white territory.
Any ideology that considers Charles Manson to be an inspiring influence (or anything more than a sadistic murderer and nutcase really) need not be paid attention to.
>I'm part Cherokee
You and literally every white person in the US, apparently. And why is it always Cherokee? Were there no other tribes around back then, or did white guys just a have a fetish Cherokee qt's?
The answer it's obviously modern diet, but you can theorize.
What about corn?
They can't handle sugar as well. The same goes for Greenlanders, Hawaiians, Inuits. Any people that didn't have easy access to carbs and sugars.
Mostly central natives that had that. Not North natives
It's often genetic, but it's mostly because they live in America.
how big is your cock and have you gotten laid before [y/n]
i used to think it was seal blubber then I learned it was booze & junk food
Cherokees tried to civilize themselves and join the US (they didn't because of Andrew "Trail of Tears" Jackson) and were the most numerous tribe during early US history. It was also fashionable for a time to pretend you had native ancestry among Dixiecrats and the Cherokee were the obvious choice of "civilized savage."
Manson did not commit murder, therefore your claim is invalid.
based canada
>be native american
>/fit/ as fuck
>can decapitate a horse in a single strike with my macahuitl
It's a shame really. They used to be quite /fit/.
Why are modern Americans* always fat?
How do drugs and alcohol make you fat? Most druggies I've ever met were skinny because they spend their money in drugs instead of food
Awesome landscape
prime boi pucci.
ass is gay and gross faggot tell them to post a nipple and hair patterns or something good
Fry bread lol they eat like shit lol
>this naive
How triggered are you on a scale 1-to-10?
nobody cares post your nipples faggot
>he thing is what do Native Americans even eat to get so fat if they aren't the completely Americanized kind eating fast food and shit
Fry bread and shit made from corn flour.
They can't cope with industrialized agriculture and high fructose corn syrup.
They could cope, but they'd have to buy lean meats and fibrous vegetables. Instead they buy cheap stuff that can sit on the shelf forever and they get huge.
Natives drink a fuckton of beer, and not the light stuff. They also get lots of gibs from the government to feed their shit diet along side their drug and alcohol intake. If it were any other group, you'd be right because others would typically defer to their addiction over caloric intake or nutrition.
2 words:
indian tacos, they fucking love flatbread !