The Boondocks criticized black culture better than Sup Forums ever has.
The Boondocks criticized black culture better than Sup Forums ever has
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Yup, Aaron Mcgruder probably agrees with half the shit Sup Forums says.
First Sup Forums x Sup Forums thread I see.
Ayyy mayn. Dat b raysis n sheeit. Hol up. Bout to have a nigga moment up in dis bich
Did you think that we would disagree? Aaron McGruder gives me hope that maybe nogs can rise up and realize that THEY are the cause of most of their own problems.
it also did alot of glorification of other aspects. was apologetic in some ways and did the usual blame whitey and played the victim on a few too many occasions as well.
it was not completely red pilled. even younger me was put off by the constant "fuck wypipo" shit.
He's probably whiter than half of Sup Forums too.
It was a step in the right direction which is why its disheartening that it still fails.
you ever notice that when that shit came on is when AS turned to shit?
>he has to make shit up for right wing racism
Aaron Mcgruder of course wants the best for black people in general, hes just criticizing the black community and leadership in a somewhat constructive way. I think Sup Forums just hates to hate. Ignoring the teenagers and kids just posting nigger hate for the "lulz", I believe that if black communities in inner cities cleaned up their act magically in a year somehow, pol would still hate just to hate; and still use blacks as a scapegoat for the 'downfall' of America. But hey, I'm not saying it's wrong to do it, I personally just don't give a shit about random strangers. I have no control over how others are going to act, no point stressing over it
The MLK episode was one of the most redpilled things to ever air on television.
>I have no control over how others are going to act, no point stressing over it
No direct control, no. You'd be surprised what people will do under indirect control, though. Imagination controls human behavior, and with the right set of lies, anyone can be driven to suicide, homicide, or even genocide.
The same imaginary social constructs that make people obey laws, that give little green slips of paper value, can also make mothers throw their own babies into a bonfire while screaming "AT LEAST I'M NOT RACIST!"
No. I'd be like a child that reached adulthood. Time to make it on your own- so back across the seas negro wn
I watch the speech every year just to read the YouTube comments.
This show was fucking great. Still holds up too. I'd love to see how the Boondocks would satirize happenings today.
but boondocks is actually funny
>I think Sup Forums just hates to hate.
I doubt most of what gets posted is hate. It's just fun saying nigger without fear of some nigger chimping out and shooting you in the back of the head for doing so.