>tfw you'll never be a real nazi
Tfw you'll never be a real nazi
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At least my country fought alongside them and not against.
lol no. You switched sides in Like 1944.You stabbed them in the back .
>following this shitty master race meme
germany is, and always has been, the country incarnation of AIDS in europe
Yup you may never be a real Nazi. You would to have sworn a death oath to Hitler to be a real Nazi. So your stuck with being a Nazi ideologist So you may as well find out what your real objectives are rather then yelling nigger and being drunk all the time.
I'd rather be a German than American any day
Not with that attitude you won't.
Wait for me, user.
>ywn be a Brownshirt in 1933, feeling so proud you just got your guy into office
Is that right? Do we cut kikes breaks around here or name the Jew?
Soon, brother. It might be a different name, and from a different nation...But the spirit will be alive...Be patience, and better yourself until the time comes.
It's always a (((m*tt))) that spreads this false meme.
>you'll never be a true scottsman
why even debate bros
Yes, quite unfortunate that you were born a nigger.
>be me
>forget to delete the namefag name
>become a nigger myself
you were a nigger to respond to yourself namefagging isnt fagging
Lost wars can push any nations to broken promises in order to survive( which were made on both sides).
Show me your flag, coward.
Let's see what your country fought for and how.
Hitler said it would never die. And it hasnt, its coming back.
You're absolutely a real nazi. You will never be a National Socialist.
We can still be fascists. Our comrades shot by involutionary forces and Reds will march alongside us forever in spirit.
>Implying that being a Nazi was actually a good thing
Get your faggot Nazi shit out of here
It wasn't a good thing. It was a GREAT thing you dentheaded nigger
He killed millions...
Stop larping and try to fix your own country instead amerimutt
>dentheaded nigger
Congrats on getting that new term
Why are conservatives so vile and disgusting? Literally Nazi larpers.