This thread is for sharing memes and information/research about the Femin Virus, otherwise known as Disease X.
Do not read these threads and then go commit acts of violence, any solution to this issue must be taken at a government/international level.
>CDC official Timothy Cunningham murdered for trying to expose Femin virus >WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X” >The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions >Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives >Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression >How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization >Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities >The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak >Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages >List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)
>its a retrovirus >strains of it have existed forever >ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is >it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize >women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males >everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans >society collapses everyone goes down with it >cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain >it was weaponized >it was released in the ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's >today whites are infected as shit >it is sometimes being administered in soyboy food products like starbucks drinks >a cdc official was murdered for exposing it >the who calls it disease x >all feminists have it >there is no cure
What the femin virus is NOT:
>some stupid bacteria shit spread by cats >some stupid shit spread by vaccines >some kind of retarded living meme effect >a dumb r/K theory, feminists are caught in an endless cycle of trying to destroy their reservoir of mates not attract them
Anyone pushing these themes over and over is a shill
Our proposed method for how the virus acts: it is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.
The Feminist is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a nationwrecker, whore, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her that she has an incurable virus and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>demographic most in favor of abortion: liberal women >least in favor: conservative women
>Even Women Didn't Want To Give Women the Vote >If women got the vote, they would have to serve in the army and on juries. There would be fewer children but more divorce. Men would become less chivalrous and reverent of womanhood. >Women would take up men's occupations, and men would take up women's occupations; the result, according to an antisuffrage booster, would be a "race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates." >"If women achieve the feministic idea and live as men do," wrote a male doctor who opposed female suffrage, "they would incur the risk of 25% more insanity than they have now." >Of the 535 members of the 108th Congress, only 73, or less than 14%, are women. All but six of America's 50 governors are men.
Remember that turning a society's deities into feminine forms or worshipping snakes is a known sign of a femin infected civilization which is approaching a total and complete collapse
>incitement >dangerous speech You realize these are both felonies right? Did you also realize that Sup Forums is now criminally liable for the content and people they host?
As the pastebins show, you can also find snake imagery in other parts of the world totally unconnected to Indo-Europeanism, often combined with human sacrifice practices
>Generally women had a great improvement during Sassanid era and it only lasted 430 years till the end of the Empires of Iran and then after that, a great backwardness.
This is interesting since they were contemporaries of the Romans and were often their regional rivals in the Middle East.
Both Rome (eventually Byzantium) and the Sassanids wasted away fighting stupid wars of attrition for the same plots of land until both were wiped out by invading hordes out of the Middle East
Just like during the Bronze Age collapse, where involved civilizations fought amongst themselves until there was total collapse due to invasion from the Assyrians (out of Iraq).
Fuck off you little bitch no one is advocating for violence here
Daniel Reed
>On March 21, the CDC appointed Dr. Robert Redfield, co-founder of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, to become their new director. Throughout his career, he focused on research and health care for people with chronic viral infections and infectious diseases, in particular HIV. He also served in the military and founded the Department of Retroviral Research within the military’s HIV Research Program. He was "controversial for advocating that members of the military with HIV be quarantined. Note that in the last thread, it was mentioned that the Femin virus is most likely a retrovirus.
How to alter the brain to incite suicidal thoughts and feelings in a person.
Gabriel Rogers
>Although women had to be completely obedient to men, they were also allowed certain legal rights and responsibilities. These included the right to enter into contractual agreements and commercial transactions, access to their inheritance, to meet all debts, and they were held responsible for the violations of the law.
>Zoroastrian texts such as the Avesta clearly define the status of Persian women and reveal that at a time when many women in the world were deprived of their basic rights, Persian women enjoyed social and legal freedom and were treated with great respect.
Grayson Bennett
>b-but we wuz just foolin officer! honest!
No judge or jury in the country is going to believe that. Not after one of us went on a pizza larp. You really think the prosecution wouldn't use the fact that you're hosting your raid on Sup Forums as part of their testimony?
>According to zoroastrian texts, female members of the Persian society were allowed to participate in religious ceremonies and sometimes even head the event as the priest.
>According to Greek historian and biographer Plutarch, Persian women were active members of their society and good fighters. There were numerous female fighters among the ranks of the Sassanid army. They have been described as excellent and competent soldiers.
>one of us went on a pizza larp Eat shit you shill faggot that false flag loser wasn't an user and no one ever claimed that
It's called proof by a preponderance of evidence and you can't successfully make a case based on forum shitposts alone without an overt act
/fag/ does not advocate any acts of violence
Landon Baker
>Not after one of us went on a pizza larp >one of us Who are you fooling?
I wonder if this type of brain damage is what drives feminists to be so subconsciously suicidal.
Hudson Barnes
>you can't successfully make a case based on forum shitposts alone without an overt act You watch way too much SVU. A real united states court of law is not going to let you walk on an obscure technicality. A real judge and prosecutor will cut corners to the fullest extent possible to incarcerate you.
I don't think you realize how fucked you are, dude. I'd get a good lawyer if I were you. None of that public defender shit, the best ones are worth the money.
>In my studies of the Sassanid Empire, and really, Classical/early medieval Persia in general, I've found that they seem to have held their women in high regard. The modern stereotype says that ancient Middle Eastern women were treated like livestock or property; supposedly they had no rights and slim chances of ever becoming rulers or military leaders.
>But in the Sassanid Empire, this was not the case. Not unlike amongst the contemporary Turkish and Sarmatian peoples, the Persians let their women go to war. Female warriors rode in the cavalry, hunting and fighting with composite bows, lances, and swords just like the male savaran knights - known to the Romans as cataphracts. Both Roman and Persian sources attest to upper-class women serving as both officers and common soldiers in the Army, as well as governors of provinces and generals of armies.
If you were just relying on Wikipedo for information you would have totally missed this - starting to look like we can chalk up the Dark Ages and concurrent Islamic outbreak in the Middle Ages as being brought on by the fact that Femin collapsed everything before it happened.
Benjamin Moore
BLM incites violence everyday and never gets prosecuted for it. Your argument is invalid.
Sebastian Allen
Nice scare tactics faggot but you have already made it clear that you don't actually understand the law at all
> >The most common pathway to suicide is through depression, which afflicts two thirds of all people who kill themselves. In October researchers in Canada found that the depressed who commit suicide have an abnormal distribution of receptors for the chemical GABA, one of the most abundant neurotransmitters in the brain. GABA’s role is to inhibit neuron activity. “If you think about the gas pedal and brakes on a car, GABA is the brakes,” explains co-author Michael Poulter, a neuroscientist at the Robarts Research Institute at the University of Western Ontario.
>Poulter and his colleagues found that one of the thousands of types of receptors for GABA is underrepresented in the frontopolar cortex of people with major depressive disorder who have committed suicide as compared with nondepressed people who died of other causes. The frontopolar cortex is involved in higher-order thinking, such as decision making. The scientists do not yet know how this abnormality leads to the type of major depression that makes someone suicidal, but “anything that disturbs that system would be predicted to have some sort of important outcome,” Poulter says.
>Interestingly, this GABA receptor problem is not the result of abnormal or mutated genes. Rather the change is epigenetic, meaning some environmental influence affected how often the relevant genes were expressed—that is, made into proteins. [For more about epigenetics, see “The New Genetics of Mental Illness,” by Edmund S. Higgins; Scientific American Mind, June/July 2008.] In the frontopolar cortex of suicide brains, the gene for the GABA-A receptor often had a molecule called a methyl group attached to it, the team found. When a methyl group is attached to a gene, it keeps that gene hidden from cells’ protein-building machinery—in this case, preventing the cells from manufacturing GABA-A receptors.
Jordan Morris
I think you've gotten your sources and argument from Wikipedia or free legal advice sites that can be found through a Google search. An actual understanding of how the justice system works comes from experience.
>Roman historical sources have reported on the exploits of the women warriors of the Sassanian Empire (224-651 AD). Zonaras (XII, 23, 595, 7-596, 9) states in reference to the forces of Shapur I that: “…in the Persian army…there are said to have been found women also, dressed and armed like men…”
This article is pretty good, sounds like Iran has had Femin present since ancient times - kind interesting since they are the only Islamic state right now that tolerate trannies and even promote them as a "solution" to being gay
>The addition of this methyl tag, called methylation, occurs more extensively in rodents that are handled by humans than in rodents that are not. Less is known about what causes methylation in the human brain, but another recent study suggests it could be related to abuse during childhood. In May researchers at McGill University reported that the gene responsible for creating cells’ protein-building machinery is more frequently methylated in the hippocampus—the brain region responsible for short-term memory and spatial navigation—of depressed suicide victims who suffered child abuse than in the brains of nonsuicide victims who were not abused.
>Again, the researchers do not yet know how problems with protein-building machinery lead to depression and suicide. But “it makes sense that if you have some limited capacity for protein synthesis, you gradually are depriving yourself of building critical synapses,” or connections between neurons, which could be important for staying happy, says co-author Moshe Szyf, a pharmacologist at McGill. “Our hypothesis is that there are social events early in life that kind of epigenetically program the brain,” he says. He and his colleagues are now comparing the brains of suicide victims who were abused with those of suicide victims who were not abused to see if their methylation patterns differ.
The hippocampus is part of the limbic system.
Carter Green
>posting suspect memes >acts like they have experience with the law What did they promise you in return for the forum shilling you do, a reduced sentence?
Ryder Lewis
>Even in the womb, epigenetic influences can change the developing brain in ways that increase the risk of eventual suicide. In February 2008 a study revealed that baby boys who are born either short or with low birth weight are more likely to commit violent suicide as adults than longer and heavier babies are, irrespective of their height and weight as adults. Similarly, baby boys born prematurely are four times more likely to attempt violent suicide than those born at full term.
>The researchers, publishing in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, suggest that the chemical serotonin, which is involved in fetal brain growth, may play a role. A stressful or deprived womb environment may interfere with the development of the fetus and its serotonin system; other studies have shown that the brains of people who exhibit suicidal behaviors have reduced serotonin activity.
>Ultimately, these findings reveal that suicide brains differ from other brains in multiple ways—in other words, “we’re really dealing with some sort of biological imbalance,” Poulter says. “It’s not an attitude problem.” And because epigenetic changes typically occur early in life, it may one day be possible to identify young people at risk for suicide by studying their methylation patterns and then to treat them with drugs that regulate this mechanism, Szyf notes.
Remember that with the fraternal birth order effect that gay children are born with a lighter birth weight and are shorter.
>Dr. Talbot and colleagues measured the levels of translocator protein (TSPO) in the brains of people diagnosed with major depressive disorder. TSPO generally plays a role in the immune response system and cell death.
>In the brain, elevated TSPO levels activate the microglia, which are immune cells specific to this organ. Microglial activation indicates brain inflammation, so this is what the scientists targeted.
>They worked with 14 people with moderate or severe depression not using antidepressants. Positron emission tomography was used to scan the participants' brains and identify signs of inflammation.
>People with depression who were experiencing suicidal thoughts were found to exhibit significantly higher levels of TSPO, associated with microglial activation and indicating inflammation of the brain.
>This, the researchers explain, suggests that inflammation is linked specifically with suicidal ideation, and not with depression more generally.
Landon Thompson
>Remember that with the fraternal birth order effect that gay children are born with a lighter birth weight and are shorter. And IVF kids have different DNA methylation patterns that make them slightly taller.
Aaron Morris
>"Our findings are the first results in living depressed patients to suggest that this microglial activation is most prominent in those with suicidal thinking," Dr. Talbot says.
>Where inflammation of the brain was noted, it was usually in a region called the anterior cingulate cortex, which is involved with cognition and emotional processes. This supports previous findings that linked this brain region with depression and aspects of other mood disorders.
>Signs of inflammation were also noted, albeit to a smaller degree, in the insula (or insular cortex), which plays a role in regulating emotional function, and in the prefrontal cortex, implicated in cognitive processes related to behavior.
>Apranik was a Military Commander and Resistance Leader of the Persian Sasanian Empire in the 7th century. >The daughter of Piran, a renowned Persian general, Apranik was raised in a time when the Sasanian Empire was coming to the end of it’s 400-year existence, having been weakened by war with the Byzantine Empire.
Seems like whenever you have female leadership start to pop up, the society is not far away from collapse
This blog lists a bunch of women soldiers so it might be a good resource for looking at civilizations that had Femin problems
>Were there warrior women amongst the peoples of Northern Europe, or, assuming the ancient Teuton custom to have persisted, did the early Irish misinterpret symbolic weapons in the possession of women amongst the invaders? This is the kind of puzzle that may never be solved, but the absence at this time of the sort of unambiguous evidence found on the Steppes suggests either hard evidence is waiting for re-interpretation amongst the Northmen as it may be amongst the Celts, or that symbolic possession is indeed the correct interpretation. Weapons are rare in female Viking-era inhumations, and few writers mention them, hardly surprising when social testimony from Christian-era writings casts self-determinant Viking women in the same mold as independent women in early Ireland: a pagan social aberration. But the surviving sagas and the tenth-century chronicles of Ibn Fadlan (and Adamson/Gender in Nonliterate Cultures/18 others) amongst the Rus Viking merchants of the Ukraine (Jesch, 1991 : 119 - 123) have brought to light non-stereotypic social norms, such as the apparent female control of family wealth and finances in Viking society. Scales, locks and keys, and chests or caskets are common female grave goods (Dommasne, 1992). Ibn Fadlan tells us women competed against men in the sport of glima, wrestling, still practiced today in Iceland (Davis-Kimball, 2002 : 218) which suggests the women of these times were more than impressive physical specimens. The Arab ethnographer also records the torc had come into use as a status symbol amongst eastern Viking women, and gold and silver were the common materials, again suggesting considerable affluence.
You might want to look into the vikings too.
Nolan Nguyen
Бeз coмнeния люди, cклoнныe к тeopиям зaгoвopa, бyдyт вceгдa нaхoдить мaтepиaл для cвoих нaвязчивых идeй. It's why it works so well. Cтoит ли из-зa этoгo жить вo лжи?
It's no meme, all feminists are carriers of this bioweapon.
Excellent work on these threads and the progress they have made. Ripple effects are starting to show as you may have noticed.
A new KB is now made: It's been 20 days since the last one and much has happened.
Easton Martinez
Унизитeльныe тиcки кoppyпции и тиpaнии paзжимaютcя. You could be on the right side of history. жизни, cвoбoды и cтpeмлeния к cчacтью. Taм, гдe пoлитичecкaя oппoзиция и cвoбoднaя пpecca cильны, пpaвитeльcтвa нe мoгyт пpeнeбpeчь тыcячaми людeй, чьe гoлoдaниe пpивeлo к cмepти.
Kayden Cox
Я знaю, ктo вы, Frank.
Chase Perry
Interesting, thanks > >The oxytocin that is secreted into the systemic circulation is produced by about 9000 magnocellular neurons, many of which are aggregated in two hypothalamic nuclei: the supraoptic nucleus (SON) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). In case the virus is doing actual cell damage and killing neurons
Gabriel Cox
Oдин чeлoвeк cпocoбeн твopить иcтopию, ecли нaпpaвит пyлю в нyжнyю cтopoнy. Tы мoжeшь пpямo ceйчac c этим пoкoнчить. Кoгдa-нибyдь, вaши люди пoблaгoдapят вac.
Its a really interesting topic im not sure how i feel about Israel being imploded by other jews cant help but feel they deserve it, what a mess. The Zionist were definitely aware of the virus in the coffee so they banned Starbucks from their homeland
wow a graphic designer made a logo wow this totally proves that they put weird shit in their coffee as part of some global illuminati type conspiracy wow
Zionists are pretty bad user they deserve whatever they have coming to them, Communism is the worst
I'm really wondering what kind of pandemonium is going to break out if the virus were to get disclosed, all kinds of groups would try making moves not to mention the chaos that would ensue from everybody collectively melting down
> one of us Oh yes, I'm sure he was 'one of us' just like (((you))) are Mr Goldshekelbergstein
Jack Stewart
The amount of shilling image spam and dumb questions to bump the thread off the catalogue really are in a high volume in the KB its ruining it for the other posters asking genuine questions.
The reason these threads don't get the traction they deserve is because Sup Forums is full of sluts and effeminate young men who still believe, despite larping as "traditional", that men deserve to be hated and that white men are "privileged" and women are victims and the west is still unfair to women. Until those people commit suicide (hopefully), these threads will always be subverted on Sup Forums.
Ian Jackson
This place is swarming with reddit refugees i hate that place so fucking much.
There is a lot of sliding going on because of the KB being concurrently posted with this thread
Well, perhaps not. Think about how Islam has them totally surrounded.
In the past Israel was wiped out by civilizations who used the leftover Jews for slave purposes, but I think the Muslims hate them so much that they may go for pure genocide - it will be interesting to see if the Muslim men take Jew women as sex slaves though
It's unfortunate but that demographic has long existed on Sup Forums and probably will for a long time after this
>It's unfortunate but that demographic has long existed on Sup Forums and probably will for a long time after this
This bothers me..... i have noticed with alot of online communities they have alot of freaks in them i would imagine that growing up on the internet would do that it seems no matter what faction they exist there especially if its roots tie into user culture from this place.
It's always been that way user, Sup Forums was very liberal and atheist before right wing shift a while back
Not sure what can be done except for those of us who are normal to band together and keep doing what we are doing
Leo Hall
Playing both sides won't do you any favors.
So are you saying that Sup Forums was colonized by conservatives?
Ethan Lewis
Well i haven't been here for that long to me this place looks like a disturbingly hilarious mix of far right contradictory views with far left ones im starting to take all the ironic trap posting and stuff of that caliber seriously and that bothers me with the volume of it no matter how ironic it is
When Project Chanology/Anonymous started, they were from the beginning fairly liberal and a lot of the userbase on Sup Forums hated them - called them "moralfags"
That should give you an idea of what this place used to be like
Some people might think it's ironic but it's still degenerate, before the far right influence grew in this place it used to be very far left, people I knew would come here and turn into full blown liberal atheists and drop out of life
Parker Long
70-90% of the population have to be infected for it to be considered reaching critical mass, A5 says its out of control now we are at that rate of infection i doubt there will be a world we get to live in once its purged........ That changes nothing of what has to be done or what can be done here i look forward to it bring the flame
That depends on how fast the virus spreads. Right now we are probably looking at 40% infected. It probably spreads to another 10% or so every decade I'm guessing.
Brayden Myers
Looking at infection rates of 40-60% (might depend on geographic location etc.), spooky
If leftists and feminists really do instinctually create "castes" of queens, workers and soldiers what would those be? Obviously these extremist groups aligned with them could be considered soldiers as could most of the protest groups
That really would explain why the virus's effects are different depending on the genetics of the host. That would mean that the virus sort of sizes you up first and then decides to implement the kinds of changes that would best fit your given roles. I would imagine the degenerate thots to be the breeders or something.
Eli Powell
Fuck off Frank, I know it's you. SAGE
Zachary Kelly
The organizers like the screeching women with mega phones that herd around the soldiers would be considered queens.
Joshua Martinez
Based off of what A5 said about how demographics changed during the 60's we could actually estimate a growth increase and what percentage we're at.
Ok, I'll spill it. The Elliott Rodger incident and the resulting YesAllWomen sperg out led me to Educate Myself on feminism. Before that I had no reason to doubt it. Found this article - - and followed his blog, which has much more besides. Feminism is organised subversion, attacking the (normal) family unit, (normal) heterosexuality, (normal) childbirth, (normal) gender identities and roles, (normal) functioning of society.
A cause of Bi-Polar that wasn't answered in the kb but was answered to me once in another kb is trauma....... for those wondering.
Christian Gray
Just trauma in general?
We've been over this. Some of those tests involved the virus being applied to the mice.
Ryan Smith
Pretty sure i was in a relationship with someone who was infected with it and it was a recessive gene considering i was the first, either that or i had it in me already which is a possibility but it wont stop me from memeing this but considering i have all the traits and personality characteristics of someone not infected i dont know what to make of it. Thats all he said, one word trauma. So i put that down to very stressful childhood screaming violence things like that......
Kevin Miller
Resistance and immunity could also be another possible factor. Though considering A5's percentage range for critical mass it doesn't sound like there's that much of the population that is immune to it.
Wyatt Russell
I'm just phoning it in. What more do you want from me?
To not be infected but all things considered that's probably asking too much.
Connor Hernandez
I hope I get to see this. The everyone around me freaking out will probably hate me even more for telling them how the virus could actually work. Very few people will believe it unless it comes from a very credible source. Even then it's going to be crazy
I'm assuming it's kind of exponential- the more it spreads, the faster it spreads. So the end is coming sooner than we'd think. It got easier and more 'normal' to be feminist in society all the time, now look where we are.
Lucas Hernandez
This is what I suggested:
Queens- virus bombs. These make and direct the rest, so they are out there spreading the virus and fomenting the right environment for viral expression (more famous to be an example of degenerate behavior, spread certain ideologies/behaviors that cause certain hormone regulation). The social engineers and recruiters Workers- regular girls that spread and create the general mass of infected females within a country. This is your normal college girl feminist (varying degrees of intensity and infectiousness) Soldiers- defend the nest. These are the activist girls that form the information and marches, the more infected that make it their hobby or job to rally. These attack men and people trying to denounce feminism- they're not famous like the queen and they don't have the reach yet, but they are viciously supporting the movement
Brandon Edwards
It seems like for women this is the case but for men the virus just intends to make them weaker/more perverted. Would explain why the effects on men are more immediate and a little easier to pin point. Feminists are quite familiar to wasps in how they coordinate and act now that I think about it.