>Jew have more money than me
It is because of jealous people like you that six million Jews died in the holocaust.
>Jew have more money than me
It is because of jealous people like you that six million Jews died in the holocaust.
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews got gassed because they fucked with people first
nobody would give a shit about the entire Jewry or it's wealth if (((they))) just left people alone
reminder that jews hate wypipo you kiwi faggot
They weren't even Jews.
everyone else just calls it WWII
jews are just insecure because their only contribution was dying
Jews kicked out of countries 359 times. Surely it can only be the goyims fault.
I know it's just a brainlet wojak bait thread, but as a Jew I can see why nobody would like us.
>be jew
>neither like nor trust most other jews
This is from the JFK files released a few months ago. Let this one sink in for a bit.
And another
What's your point?
>Dem handz..
Charles should have beat that decrepit reptilian cunt to death right then and there. Only worthwhile thing he would have ever done.
If you're not shitty you're not shitty. As much as Sup Forums won't admit it, they're right wing sjws but just pushing a narrative that gets shut down, showing how their group has been fucked over, the same as every other sjw
literally you
>implying the holohoax even happened
32 M people died in WW2, But lets give priority and only morn 6m
>Using Jewish arguments to counter """anti-semitism"""
It’s because someone finally had the means and motivation to fix the problem
If money didn't equal power I wouldn't give a shit if jews were rich.
Karl Liebknecht was a jew too.
What percent of pornographers do you suppose are Jews?
>Some uttter who intellectuals who failed miserably to to do any kind of damage to the goverment and ended getting murdered by fucking right wing death squads means that the indiscriminate of 6 million jewish civilians was justified
Nice moral framework you got there you fucking shithead
oy vey, racist goyim!
it was 20 million!
Do not belittle the plight of the Jew!
Every year I light a candle and recite all 21 million names. I say to myself: never again. We cannot repeat these horrible mistakes.
Or you know, it's identity politics. I'm not criticizing Sup Forums for that. There is an acceptable non crazy amount of identity politics that should be allowed, especially since literally every other group can do it. The merits of specific identity politics arguments are judged individually
>Jew rape kids and corrupt countries
lolobunga make grug laugh
>New Zealand
>sheep and Maori is everything he's ever experienced
>talks about things he knows nothing about