Why can't we just be friends and cooperate against evil diaspora Jews and white lefties? You people just want war and death. You don't give a fuck about a "future for white children".
Why can't we just be friends and cooperate against evil diaspora Jews and white lefties...
Israel is diaspora and you people are more evil than the diaspora
I will always be your servant to best ally because that is my duty.
Fuck off you disgusting, blood-soaked kike.
You freaks murder millions of White children and then come with your hands out demanding more blood money from the same people you butchered.
they're pretty much the same but the ones in our governments and ceos are more far dangerous to all of us
>Israel is diaspora
bs, we are dichotomic opposites
And we literally are no more evil than any other nation and certainly not more evil than the ethno nationalist white movement/vision.
Diaspora Jews do that if anything retard, the only people we kill are savage nationless shitskins
>1% GDP spend on blood
>but we're not evil vampires
Sorry guys. You won't get to pretend to be victims this time. Nobody gives a fuck about you people anymore because you're all pure evil.
you suck at shilling, get a real job loser
Again you are talking about Globalilsts and I'm talking about nationalists. Goes to show that you have zero relevant arguments, only gay little infographics to spam
Even now, you can't give up your shitty fucking pilpul and act like a real person. YOu have to dodge an dismiss points being made because you people are INCAPABLE OF ACCEPTING THE TRUTH.
You motherfuckers literally invaded Palestine with guns and killed them in cold blood.
You're a terrorist nation, and made of monsters. You should be ashamed for calling yourself a Jew. You're not.
Blood donations are going to end and then we'll see how long it takes for nature to do the job everywhere in the world.
You brought upon Tay-Sachs onto yourselves, no one else.
Lmao the goyim SEETHING again
Non-argument. Every nation has killed to have sovereignty, and yours did without even having any census beli on the land, so fuck off
Also my OP was obviously for Nazis/Fascists etc., they are just as bloody
mm blood
It's really funny how White Americans complain about how Jews invaded whatever British colony and killed them
It's not like the same thing happened to the Natives, right?
>Your nation has criminals
Nice coming from a dog fucking tranny nation. Are you responsible for lefties in Canada or for your PM asshole? I bet you don't think so. Political leaders change and the people are almost never truly represented by them
you've been weaponized cancer since tacitus. why do you allow your people to be used?
the rest of us are done giving a fuck.
>cooperate against evil diaspora Jews and white lefties?
Yes. Enjoy your ethnostate and don't stab us in the back.
Non argument either, "just because others did it, we can do it too xd", makes no fucking sense.
Die kike.
We are cooperating with some Orthodox Jews.
They attend AmRen.
Thailand is the tranny nation, we're the divide and conquer meme
>Why can't we just be friends and cooperate against evil diaspora Jews
Ok. Start your civil war. We'll join in later.
All Jews die. You brought it on yourselves kike.
You misinterpreted the demographic if pol. Shit ton of Muslims LARPing as white nations as a strategy since Hitler was friendly to Islam. They want to radicalized weak men wanting to be strong.
I understand how this plays out. Jews pick fights around the world thinking that it disrupts nations powerbase. However it really just slowly radicalizes everyone and they get pissed.
Two state solution would be reasonable , however I know that Palestinians and Hamas would not accept this long term.
So what happens in the end?
Us defends Israel and unless biblical prophecy comes true, America would lose, and judiasm wiped off the face of the Earth by the people Jews had radicalized (Islam).
If biblical prophecy is true, four horsemen appear to defend Israel against armies of the Earth and fail, but as the last two witnesses lay dead in the street they will rise the third day and Jesus makes his return (you may mistake him for Elijah at the time)
I have a feeling that, given sufficient time, the Israeli Jews would genocide a good portion of those libshit evil Jews from America and Europe.
I've read some of the opinions of the chief rabbis, and they are not all that different from what an alt-right would think.
Kill the faggots, protect marriage, keep the Muslims in check, punish crime with severity, etc.
I have yet to see a single Zionist Jew stand up for the White Christians that fund your genocidal state.
I used to be as pro-Israhell as you are. Then I began to interract with Jews. Not a single arrogant kike had the sense to stop drilling holes in the White nations they inhabited. And the same disgusting Jews who push pedophilia, transgentardism, and White Genocide are Zionists like you and control my government and use it to fund the slaughter of Palestinians.
Not only did Israelis attack and murder Americans to try and blame it on Egypt, but used their control over the media to cover for Israhell.
So forgive me for not falling over myself to appease the Zionists who are responsible for everything evil that has been forced upon the West.
I'm not a natural friend of Palestinians. They hate me so I hate them. But at this point, I hope they win.
At least the Palestinians didn't open the borders of my nation, institute laws to discriminate against people of my race, and then spew Talmudic hatred against anyone who criticizes this genocidal program.
At least the Palestinians aren't using their control over the MSM to indoctrinate children into self hatred.
At least the Palestinians aren't stealing over 5 billion dollars every year and using it to commit genocide in our name.
You know that's not the argument - we have a casus belli on Palestine, the ground here is full of archeological proof. And after we came here we developed it into an actual nation. Palis did no such thing and had no distinct nationality before we came here. And don't say that were European immigrants because you sure as hell don't mean it like you demonstrated with Hitler and the Nazis. We had a national identity before Israel and the Zionist movement is decades older than our nation, and you didn't ever want us close to you. Our nationalism is not incidental. Unlike you - aren't you a British rebel nation? What legitimacy do you have to take native land exactly? It wasn't so long ago either, you're also a baby next to Europe.
Kek wills it
Actually the one people you ought to not be cooperating with imo
>Why can't we just be friends and cooperate against evil diaspora Jews and white lefties?
Because your government literally claims that they represent all of the evil diaspora Jews. You are no different from them. youtube.com
>cooperate against evil diaspora Jews and white lefties
sounds nice, how do we make that happen?
How come?
"Whataboutism" is not an argument kike. Deflecting it to the U.S or any other nation simply does not work. I know your kind kike. Too well, actually.
Nothing will ever justify your nation taking the lives that you did for land you claimed, even if you ever point out others did, you will not wash blood with blood.
And that's what your nation keeps doing, over and over. There will be retribution kike. God on Earth knows what your people have been through, and He knows eternity is a long, long time.
Things might be stable as they are for you now. It won't last. Nothing does.
And if you ever think the wealth you've made can ever justify the lives you have taken, you are wrong.
You are deeply, deeply wrong.
>I have yet to see a single Zionist Jew stand up for the White Christians
Excuse me? I come from a Russian family, some of my relatives are European Christians with no connection to Israel. You are so full of it from the get-go. Separate the people from the politicians and bankers. You had a nigger president, you should understand that.
>Then I began to interract with Jews.
>Describing diaspora
Read the OP again
>are Zionists like you
They are antithetical to Zionism
Honestly a retarded straw man of a post. You describe who I already said are our mutual enemies as my friends. How am I supposed to react to that?
We will kill all of you down to the child. No if ands or buts.
Sterilization is as far as we are willing to go concessions wise.
Last post, to point out.
This is how kikes think. "If there's wealth made, if it's within our ideas of 'progress' than anything is justified"
Anything goes. Anything is allowed.
Pieces of shit. Pure turd follows the blood of these people. They're not Jews. Only call themselves such.
Because once the dust is settled you'll just go back to using your ((( tricks ))) to take advantage of everyone again. It's too late. You pushed us too far just like always.
No kike, no matter what you say or do we both longer see you as human, but a pest to be destroyed or otherwise neutralized.
You dun goofed
Israel should be nuked kys
The Jewish religion is pretty vile. Unless they are hardly religious they have to pretty much hate non-jews as well as Christianity pretty passionately. Their religion also permits them to be leeches as seen in Israel. Zionism, as described by Hertzel, did not include them and seen them as a diasporic disease.
You don't understand, you guys made this PERSONAL when you tried to eradicate our race.
So now you and your people will be made to go away forever.
Really? Almost every country in the world except Israel and the US seems to believe you don't have a casus belli and that you must respect the 1967 armistice lines and allow the right of return to the Palestinian people and their heirs that you've been making homeless for over half a century.
>Propaganda strategies describe complex sets of tactics that are used to manipulate public opinion. For example, “Oh, dearism” is a propaganda strategy that uses a number of propaganda techniques to sow confusion in the public and get them to feel like positive action is hopeless, that the world’s problems are hopelessly complex, and that the answer is found in fringe factions.
>I come from a Russian family
From the Isai Davidovich Berg family perhaps?
>kike status:
>Well done
I explained that it was our casus belli on account of archeology among other things. We have kept our language, religion, and culture alive for a millennium and today I can pick up ancient artifacts from the ground and read them in my native tongue. If this is not a casus belli I don't know what is. The Palis, in contrast, had nothing unique that connected them to the land except our presence. They have zero right to be here.
And it's not deflecting when you refuse to judge us by the standards of other nations. Do you expect me to just have an unfair argument on your terms where we pretend that not every nation wages war like we do? I bet you support South Africa, you hypocrite.
Into the ovens
Because you killed Jesus. Fuck off
Shit up non-human scum.
Only people are allowed opinions.
Absolutely not you disgusting inbred kike. Anyone with a brain cell knows that this leftism is your way of destabilizing white people smart enough to pick up on your genocidal tendencies. Holocaust is a lie. Israel must die.
"Hey, maybe we shouldn't sexually abuse and mutilate our baby boys?"
>Oy vey! Don't be so anti-semitic! Holocaust! 6,000,000!!! The Chosen!
Nope, Chaim, you get the gas too. Jews are the tribal enemy of the White. No more denying it; Judaism is at war with the West. We know. No quarter.
You literally did this first. You did this since the days of the romans. Like I said you don't care about the 14 words, only about revenge. I'm more of a WN than you are
We will kill your children and wives before you.
You will watch as we co2 stun them and feed them to the wheel.
Yea no not true. You killed countless fathers on he USS liberty and on 9/11. I hope your country is carpet bombed and not one single one of you ugly desert nigger monkeys survives. Then, all the evil kikes here will be purged as painfully as possible. Fuck. You.
I don't know if you're aware, but 90% of the Diaspora Jews in America are Zionists like you.
This colors my opinion of Jews who claim to want an alliance.
Especially when those same 90% are generally anti-White psychopaths.
if you Israelis shoa'd the diaspora kikes I would have no problems with you killing every last sand nigger.
No such thing as a good Jew.
>You literally did this first.
>You did this since the days of the romans.
Egypt before us.
Why, I wonder?
Let's ask the Russians...
There can never be peace as long as even one jew still lives.
fuck you
You are a weak faggot nazi larper, you ain't gonna do shit
>Politicians = all jews
yeah, this thread is evidence that I am correct and that you faggots have no arguments or anything coherent to say beyond your understandable (supposed) desire for white autonomy.
Except for this guy
Basically political cooperation between Israeli right wing and Euro/N American right wing using the momentum of anti-Muslim sentiment. You are going to have to choose your position on apartheid regarding Arabs pretty soon just like us, and this step can take you further into a full discussion about ethnonationalism.
>Zionists like you
>National Ideology
>Living abroad playing Jew laundering money
You are a retard.
Want to know how most of us feel about Jews who are sharing the effects of Jewish liberalism?
It is true that Jews suffer from the effects of Jewish antics. And I'm sure that that is annoying. In fact, I know it is.
And someday if we lose this racial struggle, you Jews will suffer as much as we did as you fight each other over the scraps. That and the entire world will descend into an orgy of violence and decay.
I'm not in any mood to ally with the people who are responsible for White Genocide.
I'll just tell you this kike.
Your people believe you are justified in all that you do. You're not Jews. No Jews would wear the star that you do. Maybe a Menora, but not that star.
You, your people, and your nation think anything is justified, and anything is allowed. If one thing you need to know is, the hexagon made in your star symbolizes freedom.
I'll tell you, that there are people who know your people very well, and are fighting with everything they've got against your interests.
Nothing justifies the death of innocent. Nothing justifies the conquer, the vile, the lost. The "freedom" your people preach is vile and disgusting.
You will pay for this, dearly. If your people believe in no salvation, no forgiveness, and no damnation, all of it will happen here on Earth.
Your freedom will never become anything, and the ambitions of Israel will crumble before its knees. We will succeed. Your people will not. Evil will never succeed.
But they are on your territory dude
It's true that we will exterminate you.
Look at this thread
Only Israeli flags supporting Jews, noone else.
Your peoples time is almost up kike.
You know it to be true.
You're wrong kike faggot. We are going to exterminate you all. You left us with no other choice.
like that has ever stopped the mossad
>Russian ancestors
Thanks for revealing yourself commie
You are alone. And soon your whole family will be exterminated.
>we wuz going to kill u
>we wuz going to exterminate u
KEK, honestly this is sad, get out of your basements you losers
This place is worse than r*ddit
Also, you better start thinking Trump as one of those people.
If you see him "cozying" to Israel, it's very simple.
People who know you, also know how to play your game.
It just matters that we win in the end.
Do you really think Uncle Tom-ing will get us to like you kike?
>Jew begs us not to kill him while also saying it won't happen.
Typical filthy Jew speak.
And here is yet another filthy yid.
Schizo post. I'm not even religious like I've stated, I hate them.
The mossad can't Shoah, it can take out targets. If a true right wing govt will be elected I'm sure Soros is gone.
I'm fascist
This is a very common sentiment in Israel you ignorant burger
On dotr I'm going straight to a Jew temple kike boy.
Every last one, we will get every last one of you beady eyes knife-noses.
>Schizo post. I'm not even religious like I've stated, I hate them.
Non argument. You fight for a flag that you don't even know the meaning of?
Pathetic. Otherwise tell me kike. What are the origins of the "Star of David" in your flag?
We'd happily kill them all if we could. Unfortunatally Zionists who just "cohencidentally" happen to be the ones pushing pedophilia and White Genocide control our governments.
This jew is making sense, MUTTS BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
>I’m facist
God you really are Uncle Tom-ing
But your not a person jew-kun
It's shit like this why we have to eradicate them
I don't care about tamples. Jesus are you fresh off the boat from Somalia? learn to read
I know the meaning of the star of David. It's not a Jewish sign, it was adopted much later. The Menorah of Jerusalem is our religious sign. Which I don't fucking care about, as far as I'm concerned they are both *solely* nationalistic symbols and the Jewish religion has no place here without a reform anyhow.
Again, Google the Lehi and the pic I've posted. You just know nothing of History or anything beyond your garbage American suburb.
K. I like how your still jewing even now.
Just remember; we won't spare you.