Give me one good reason why I should be against it other than "muh morals." It has never been conscious, it will never be conscious. What makes it different than killing millions of sperm?
There is nothing objectively wrong with abortion
Heartbeat. Unique DNA. A soul, if you lean that way.
Abortion is a lot of fun, it really brings out the kid in you.
How do they have a soul? They're brain is literally not even formed, what about that has a personality? Literally every single sperm has unique dna. What about a heartbeat means anything? It's a automatic human function.
Abortions kill god's little people, user.
Hahaha! Seriously though, they wouldn't ever know they were gonna be full-grown humans. There's no sense of self. No self awareness. Religious people whine about all kinds of stupid shit.
Why would god give a baby a soul (if you believe in such nonsense) knowing that the mortality rate is highest as a baby. If god knows that a baby will die, why give it a soul at all until it's clear that this one will make it? Religious philosophy is always good. Someone answer that one for me.
>What makes it different than killing millions of sperm?
A sperm won't become a human in 9 months if you don't interfere.
Anyway "muh morals" is the only reason not to do anything bad. Give me one good reason why you shouldn't murder someone or why murder should be illegal if not morality. Because they are conscious ? why does it matter if you take consciousness away from someone ?
What should have happened to OP
>"muh morals" is the only reason not to do anything bad.
"Bad" is a purely subjective term.
Morality and religion are not inseparable. Undoubtedly, before religion was invented, morality was based purely on not doing what you wouldn't want done to you - or maybe just some fucking king's whim.
I'm opposed to birth control for Whites except in the case of miscegenation.
Abort all the niggers you want.
Sterilize the fuckers for all I care.
I agree abortions is good. However well should promote abortion to blacks in America and use it for stem cell research.
If taking an innocent life is wrong, abortion is therefore wrong. Once the sperm hits the egg you have a being with a future. Depriving it of that can hardly be defended philosophically.
This is a slide thread. Read pic related and fucking move along.
Its not a sperm. It's a fertilized zygote which turns into an embryo that when not harmed can grow up to be a child. The reason abortion is so openly accepted is because it seems so easy to get rid of that fetus. People don't seem to understand that all humans at one point were extremely fragile and so easily capable of being aborted and ejected.
That being said, I still feel abortion should be available for women.
>convince me, but don't use the argument I have no counter points to otherwise I'll look foolish
There is nothing wrong with it, until it reaches the point that that child could survive outside of the womb. Once they reach that stage (21 weeks is the earliest success), the fetus is then viable, and the "mass of cells" argument is no longer valid. That being said, taxpayer dollars should not be spent towards this practice, as it is not the states responsibility to pay for your mistakes.
You're not born with a soul. A soul is something earned throughout childhood refined over one's life.
And the mind is within the nervous system. Heartbeat doesn't mean shit. Neither does DNA.
We should be able to chuck babies off cliffs like the Spartans. Life ain't fair kiddies. Only the strong survive.
It's funny how right wingers apply that ideology to everything and everyone else, like minorities and the poor, yet not infants. Almost like they're clueless hypocritical retards.
Of course it's not like the left is without hypocrisy
of its own. But, anyway.
Without abortion, the negro population would explode extremely fast.
Just look at latin americans in your country. Why do you think they experienced such a big population boom? It's because they are catholic and don't have abortions.
Abortion is basically left's population control method and is a necessary evil unless you want to be swarmed by hundreds of thousands of 14 year old niggresses having 3 kids each.
I challenge OP to argue in favor abortion based on property rights. I mean, after all, a woman in possession of the egg and seed, has the law on her side seeing as possession is 9/10 the Law.
That's a painfully stupid argument. You should argue that women will go to great lengths to remove unwanted pregnancies including back alley abortions and suicides. So instead of 1 death in the infant you have 2 deaths in the infant and the mother.
As far as the braindead rational in the picture, if I think the fetus is human it might as well be human. The fact that its a mouse fetus is irrelevant because the abortion argument is about human abortion, not rodent.
Abortion should be mandatory for all pregnancies without exception.
What a garbage argument. There's no reason to start the 'it has future' with fertilization. Each sperm has just as much potential.
If you follow you argument's logic, then it would be immoral to not be trying for children at every possible second, since there's a constant potential for the production of life by healthy adults.
Title is right but arguing that it's not human is dumb. You should be able to legally kill a baby even after birth up until about a year old, especially if it has any defects.
>What makes it different than killing millions of sperm?
American Education
>"Bad" is a purely subjective term.
Moral relativists get the bullet too
You shouldn’t spill your sperm either faggot
>What makes it different than killing millions of sperm?
Sperm doesn't grow into a human being, retard.
If you murder someone that puts you at risk, so it would be in your interest not to murder someone. There are many other consequences but consequences are a deterrent. Even without laws, you would be ostracised, and they could defend themselves and kill you.
>believe in such nonsense
In this moment, I am euphoric m'lady..
Yeah, I'm real worried about some faggot from Belgium.
Not an answer.
are you this big of an alcoholic imbecile to say there is nothing wrong with vacuuming an unborn human being out of its mother, just because she is a lazy slut?
Do you understand what a mortal sin it is to kill your own child because you are undisciplined and lazy?
Do you have any idea how ignorant you are to what really matters in life?
Then your child gets experimented on and has it body parts sold.
Have any idea what its like not to have a soul? Or do you not know the difference?
Women who have abortions burn in hell.
>sperm doesn't grow into a human being
the absolute state of pol
It's an instinctual yearning to give your own kin value and protection.
Makes unwanted pregnancy something to avoid out of societal pressure.
>mortal sin
Piss off, cuck. You can't use "sin" as an argument when you're arguing with people who don't subscribe to your religion.
you were warned
big shot
have an abortion see what it does for you
people dont have abortions because they dont kill their own children you imbecile, it has nothing to do with religion
you are murdering your own unborn child, do you realize there is no bigger sin on the face of the earth
just so you can have recreational sex
this is where society has failed you,
you have no clue in life
mature people dont do what they are told, they do what is right
abortion is never right
they told my mother to abort me, told her I had a heart problem, im the healthiest person I know
its an industry you fucking retard, its satanic
I'm male. I'll have to lobby congress for the right to a male abortion.
Back to this again, I see.
yeah and that 'societal pressure' has historically done such a swell job of preventing pregnancy, huh stormfag?
You clearly think abortion is ONLY EVER desired as a method of birth control.
>you have no clue in life
I'd say I have a much firmer grasp than you do.
>they told my mother to abort me
She should have.
>its satanic
Satan is a meme
sin is a word you fucking imbecile troll
what word would you use for murdering your own unborn child?
are you on heroin?
it has nothing to do with religion you numbnut
its just the worst thing a human being can do, steal the life from your own child before its even born because you are a lazy scumbag
wake the fuck up
Abortion is nigger population control
t. probably has nothing against killing/eating animals that have heartbeats, unique DNA, and sentience
1. they have a UNIQUE DNA after conception.
2. Unless you interfere, it will became a person.
When does abortion stops being ok? whats so different in the baby from the 6th month vs 11th month?
if morals don't matter why should I not put myself first over others? If morals don't matter why do I have to go by nature?
black hispanics are not hispanics
>It has never been conscious
Then why the kicks? Why the memes that fetuses respond when you play Mozart or Beethoven?
Consciousness begins at conception. Abortion is murder.