Child marriage edition
Sweden YES
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw youll never be swedish
>minority government
It works on so many levels
idk what to say swed-bro
so its not on whether marrying child marriages should be legalised, but whether existing marriages where one of them is a child should be recognised
Which they shouldn't.
If you want to live like a complete Muslim, how about staying out of countries built by Christiandom?
>inb4 neopagan stuff
Sweden got Roman era technology only after they converted.
Poor muslims, their culture is being repressed by evil whites.
>If you want to live like a complete Muslim, how about staying out of countries built by Christiandom?
This. Muzzies fuck off.
heh, nice one leaf
Literally the same thing considering the law is in place to protect the children.
How do they have a minority government? Don't you need a majority or a coalition consisting of the majority to form a government?
>"Hi, my name is Abdul, and this is my eight year old wife".
>"We would like asylum and welfare for a married couple please".
He means that the people in charge represent less than 50% of the total populace.
>their culture
rome and greece had child marriage, Sup Forums is brainwashed by 40 year old roasties, women start having their periods at 13 for a reason
>USA protect your children from guns
>Tries to legalize child rape
Oh Sven. Cant you guys just martyr yourselves already? It cant be worse than living like this.
They have always been racemixing kid fucking homopagans at heart though
Nuke Sweden
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously
List of voters is here
Some context:
>Do you want to change the law to NOT RECOGNIZE CHILD MARRIAGE IN SWEDEN?
>Yes: I agree, let's change the law.
>No: I do not agree, let's not change the law.
Now, imagine a guy name abdul who is working for Swedish parliament. Yes, that guy name Abdul, and he voted Yes because he fucking hate child marriage. At least he is morally better than some Swedish politicians are in the list there.
Not like it isn't happening in the United States either...
>you have a bbc cuckold fetish
says the amerifat, the greatest provider of bbc cuckold porn and the one who started this entire fenomenon
>the muslim sound names were trying to stop it
>the jewish sounding names were trying to keep it
What the fuck is with this timeline?
child marriage is redpilled
Fucking hell in less than a decade I will be able to get my lolly from Sweden.I cant wait to do that, please legalize it swedes.
>mutt projecting this hard
say that one more time nigger i dare you
fuckin bitch
lads we have to nuke this shithole
;) We already bang each other at 15 so it doesn't even matter
that video is Swedish
what's your point?
B-But Christianity has got nothing to do with Western values!?!!?!
fuck off shilll
the fuck is wrong with this guy's skull?
>We already bang each other at 15 so it doesn't even matter
Sweden here i cum.
People actually take this guy seriously?
Looks like sweden is down to only 155 non muslims
What is going on, am I in a coma?
Reminds me of based Aussie jew Avi vs filthy boomer in Melbourne and calling out white genocide in SA.
What is going on.
we are in a bizarro world it seems
Fuck off, shill
seriously though, why do swedes gulp down the jew propaganda so readily?
>reddit spacing
why do your people love suiciding themselves?
The heebs don't want the sand dindus to call dibs on all the kids before them
Return of power to Swedish monarchy is the only way
>that nepotism
i shudder to think
sweden is lost, a country that tiny with that many foreigners is done, it only took like 30-40 years too
Legger ved dette bildet for å påminne samtlige om at vi horer sammen :)
Hvorfor forbli små, irrelevante og uten betydning når vi sammen kan skape en stemme både i Europa og verden som ikke lar seg overse, og dessuten også sorge for bedre muligheter for vår ungdom og vårt folk.
Ha en fortreffelig dag, godtfolk, og Gud bevare Skandinavien :)
No its not the only way forward is to have a new form of republic where only a certain amount of people can vote.
Fun-fact: That arab actor is gay.
i want your thoughts on this norgebro:
You sure about that, genghis?
>knowing who the actors are
>knowing their personal details
jesus christ sven, you need to get it together before you are gone for good
>Because it bleeds, it's moral to fuck it.
Pls nek yourshelf
The jews are prob more pedo than the muzzies. Look at Dan Schneider and the #metoo shit
If there is grass on the field, play ball user.
Well, dear ami friend, the BBC thing is a complete lie. Even though I live in a fairly big city with (way too) many nigs and immigrants, I dont know ANYONE that has gone interracial. Its kind of just natural that you stick to your own kind, and people to that. All over. That does not change the fact that most of us are all degenerate scumbags who sleep around. Shouldn't be that way but I blame liberalism, jews and american culture (as in (((american))) ). When it comes to that video, well, let's just say it - as of now - is an malignant tumor. Its not supposed to be here, its dangerous and destructive but you can't get ridd of it.
Scandinavia is a hellhole in many ways, but I do believe we can be saved.
i think your country can be saved, i dont think sweden can desu
How does BBC compare to BNC?
We can all be saved, we just have to go ''far'' enough.
Sweden's fight is my own, every day, all days.
No. He literally means they don't have the majority in parliament. This happens in multiparty systems sometimes, and causes great deals of issues.
I wan to share this with my liberal Danish friend. Is this considered a "far-rite" site? I can't tell and its poorly translated with Chrome. Thanks swedebro
That's not how it works. Its just not majority of parites. Take canadistan. Castro Jr has 38% of MP seats (we dont vote PM, most MPs/seats is leading party, party leader is PM, so Trudeau is an MP too for some faggot Quebec riding). Thats one of the lowest majority governments ever. Yet look at damage he can do.
its our culture, we've evolved for thousands of years without your third world problems, we've come to accept our retards as just different and allow them to live along side us. Then here you fuckers come, every single one more retarded then the next voting as a block and using group think to solve problems. migration is more like a zombie plague then diversity. Sadly only a minority of those left in the west are mentally capable of dealing with it. Conservative communities will Isolate until the liberals are killed/raped off or convert then well do like always happens.
It doesn't. That Roman tech wasn't built by kike worshippers
can someone translate?
I learned it from here...
bumping. can a nice scandi help me with this
Picture 1:
The guy to the right is the guy who raped the girl and the guy to rhe left looked (,) have seen the pictures and gotten the story (bad scandinavian) about what people got to see and hear [sen o = unknown, might be selv om = even though?] its gory.
Comments: Retarted immigrant swedish about where the criminals AREN'T from
Picture 2:
Comments: Bullshit, but Alexandra Leinonen writes ''Swedes future'' which is really depressing
can you help this guy?
I don't know the language but iirc those three sandniggers where about to rape a girl on livestream, they did it live and some of the followers also cheer them, at the end when they left the girl called the cops and idk if they where arrested but is like if they knew that nothing could happen to them.
you live in molenbeek don't you?
That particular article is in no way over the top right wing. Its no ''Heil Hitler gas the kikes'' kind of stuff, just realistic describtion of what is actually going on here. Not to far by chance, but might give you the rumor of some ''a bit too far conspiration theory kind of guy'' in Scandinavia. Go for it without any doubt. You have to be a well known doctor or lawyer to actually have something to lose by sharing that kind of stuff, and that is here.
who or what is Sofia The Archstone?
also it's cool that swedish political parties are organised according to size (S, M, L)
Please excuse my english by the way. Drinking + not being native isn't exactly a good combination
You don't need to think, just look at South Africa desu
>politicians sing shoot the boer, kill the farmer
>amend constitution so wypipo have to gib us dat for free
>affirmative action so white engineers stop oppressing our infrastructure
>torture/murder/rape = robberies/not reported
>we will just print more money lmao
thanks bro
>You have to be a well known doctor or lawyer to actually have something to lose by sharing that kind of stuff, and that is here.
what do you mean famalam?
>I will be able to get my lolly from Sweden
Before the 80s Swedish lolis were legal. As soon as I was able to fuck they became illegal. Now I'm an old man and I'll be too old for Swedish lolis just as they're legal again.
No fucking justice.
Too old
I mean that you actually have to have a career that depends on
1. a good public image
2. political correct or at least neutral opionions
for it to make a difference if you share that kind of stuff.
And that is by scandinavian standards.
desu I just don't want to share a breitbart-tier scandi site that she will immediately write off as being far right garbage.
Many conservatives have been thoroughly brainwashed by feminists into thinking they are defending their own values when in reality they are doing the exact opposite of that.
Holy shit that's depressing. They need their own Luca Traini even though i think they'll kill him
I don't know about the site, haven't heard of it before.
The logo next to the writing seems to be Charles XII, which isn't a good sign (that is how crazy things are). But by comparing the whole thing to the present situation in Norway its more of like a ''Wow you're kind of controversial! ;)'' kind of thing than ''Wow, get lost you sick nazi!!*'
>''Wow, get lost you sick nazi!!*'
if i went to norway and simply spouted redpills on the street or in a bar in perfect american english (im a good looking chad btw) would i be shunned, arrested, kicked out, what?
Why do people keep posting this image? Whites were lynched more often and in greater numbers than blacks by a disproportionate amount for the areas lynching occurred. Stop posting this as if its some shit that only happened to blacks and evil white racists did.
Swedes can't handle freedom. They were not made for that. They need a firm ruler to guide their ways. Outsiders might laugh at sweden but Danes are amazed it even lasted this long.
> spouted redpills on the street or in a bar
Prepare for a bad time.
Anywhere else?
You'd probably meet the silent majority.
I'm 21 years old. If I, while drinking, tell any of my friends that ''things were better when Hitler was in charge'' they'd all most likely agree. Again, this demands alcohol but people honestly consider the past better than present day, even with Hitler. You just have to chase it out of them.
Screw you, Dane.
Sure, we were together for a long time and I am more proud of that than ashamed like the average norwegian, but don't pretend we were your whores
>Konge til Danmark OG NORGE!!!!!
nice trips, what is the deal with oslo?
its a big city like any big city. full of libshits