should we allow abortion or not
to be very honest i cannot decide
the vote is next month
How should bortion referendum ld i vote in the A
Vote no, in Europe, it should be illegal because only whites have abortions while blacks/arabs don't. In the US, it should be legal because blacks and hispanics have more abortions than whites.
Yes, more Stem cell research for us all. Only we will lose out, and it means less bad babies.
>looks at flag
Yeah, you guys definitely need abortion.
no, its just fucking wrong
thanks user
will consider thank you
i know
but either way someone is going to suffer
the bay or the mother
i've been anti-abortion all my life, just been redaing some pro-choice literature th elast few days that gave me doubts,
thanks user,
i will vote no
ayy lmao
vote kill em all!
hitler was pro life you know
No. No one cares about a fucking fetus. They're morally irrelevant.
>taking a vote whether or not it's ok to murder babies
why would wanna force someone you know nothing about to have kids she doesn't want.
what are you a jerk?
wtf is your problem op?
I want you to give all the bums a blowjob just because I'm a generous person
>why would you wanna force someone you know nothing about to have kids?
do you think they need to be punished in case god forgets or do you just think you can control women's lives better?
In a vacuum I would allow abortions, just because I believe in the potential of people with hard work and if someone has a teenage pregnancy it means they're going to likely be dole heads or shop workers. I don't like the idea of a disabled child fucking someone up for life having to care for them. However I don't like the idea of killing the unborn, but I think put of sight out of mind and I can live with it.
Having said all that, I don't think I can bring myself to vote to repeal. The campaign and the people on that side are so obnoxious and annoying it makes me hate them. Their arrogance, the absolute hate for the church, wanting to burn down alot of Ireland, they will want more refugees etc. I fear what's next if we let the repealers have this victory, I just hate the idea of people making a political belief part of their personality. Similar to the way I think that gays would be more accepted if being gay wasn't the primary aspect of their person, if they acted like a normal person but took dick up their ass it would be fine, but it's flamboyance and over enthusiastic nature that makes unnatural as their personality. This is what the repealers have begun to do with their personalilty
didn't that church rape like 50,000 boys?
fuck the church
Yeah the church hasn't been good for Ireland in the past and has done terrible things here, but I don't like the idea of no one being religious in the country which is what will happen in 50 years time. I'm not really religious or anything haven't been to mass in years, but the church does teach good principles in people, the church that did that was from the 70s. I felt that the it's position in the early 2000s as I grew up was acceptable, but most my age want to see it eradicated from these shores, people also wouldn't be as quick to mention good deeds that the church has done.
Vote to extend abortions to 2 hours just in case the baby comes out super deformed.
people can't be good without the brutal superstitious rapists and baby killers
why do you want this authoritarian control over people?
you don't really want people to be free eh?
Implying she didn’t choose to have sex
maybe you just think other people need the fear of god instilled to keep them in line
lol you in charge of punishment for sex sinners?
Winner! Chicken dinner!
abortions should only be authorised if the child has a disability or if the parents have an IQ below 100
I wonder if religious people have any idea of how arrogant and ridiculous they sound.
it would be as if an vegan tried to punish you for eating meat
you're not anti abortion you're just a supremacist
i never said i was anti abortion
oh you just wanna decide who gets to live?
Your trying way too hard.
sorry you can take over
i would not really call this living
Now go to sleep its your bedtime young canadian. I know your sleepy.
their parents didn't care what other people thought. I agree with them. their life their kids
We have enough single mothers producing scum as it is. I'd vote mandatory abortions at this point.
they are a waste of food and water they cannot function properly and cannot better the state because of that don't let your emotions do the thinking think rationally about this yes it is sad that they have to be killed but at the end of the day it makes our species stronger without them they are a defect a bug a malfunctioning machine what do you do with a malfunctioning machine ? you get rid of it in favor of a machine that works
I missed the "making the species stronger" rally
What is that supposed to mean ?
"I have no proper retort so here's some gibberish that means jack all to our current conversation"
Thank you for the translation
major red pill right here
Definitely be illegal. It’s murder to anyone with a think mind and in your country it’s white babies. If I had it my way the rope to all abortionist