Time to get organized

old threads
In the spirit of continuing last nights topic of rallying the right, I think it is time to accept how to do and how not to do things when we are in public. The first and most obvious rule is to be socially acceptable. This relates to everything, being in shape, being an approachable person, being respectful and polite to those around you. Let's be honest, If John (Mr. John is your average american, Canadian, brit, Frenchman, whatever) see's a rally where right wing folks are covered in tattoos and screaming "FUCK NIGGERS" while waving weapons, he will walk away. If he see's a small group of said people, or folks saying praise kek, fuck plebbit and "JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US" dressed like dorks and waving tiki torches, John will laugh his ass off and walk away. The first rule of any attempt to appeal to people must always be; DO NOT BE OFFENSIVE. Not the left-wing version of the term, but rather, never deliberately try to make people dislike you.

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Other urls found in this thread:


First, we must understand that people will do things differently in different places, and it should be remembered that it is the IDEALS that matter, not a specific symbol or phrase. The left understands this, which is why over the past century they have called themselves a million different things, used a million different labels, symbols, leaders, you name it. This was done because the movement mattered , more than semantics, more than symbols, more than people. We must become the same way. Not tied to anything but our beliefs, everything else is subject to change as the greater good of our cause dictates. Remember that the german SS, being german, marched in lockstep in the most rigid fashion imaginable while the Dutch SS would actually dance down the street. In the same way, american nationalists will be american, indeed they should be. English nationalists will be english in their mannerisms and symbols. German nationalists will be german. The main point of having a rally is to secure public support and action in an appeal for a cause, being foriegn in your symbols or customs or slogans will only alinate people. How bizzare and pointless would it be for a russian to chant in a russian street in a russian city "FRANCE FIRST! CHARLES DE GAUL WAS RIGHT!". This is why national and state/regional flags should be utilized en masse, ideological symbols less so. Stop trying to recreate an aestetic we all agree looks amazing, but it also looks very foriegn today. Imagine if instead of torches , the folks at UTR had carried an american flag each? That would have made an amazing impression with John.

Second, we have to look like regular americans, germans, canadians etc, we have to look like regular people from our nation. Let the left look like nutjobs, let them look like violent terrorists. If they break the agreed upon laws of society against violence and in favor of speech (which is the euro-american social contract post dark ages), then we can fight with fists. Until then, we let them initiate violence, and we win anyway because the left and faggotry go hand in hand.Always look like you want a talk and are secretly ready for a fight, as opposed to looking like you want a fight.

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Third, make use of the issues in your area. Find an issue the average normal person can get behind that are also /ourissues/, islam is cancer, mass immigration is bad, drug use is bad, or just plain old national pride. (if you are in certain areas of europe or the bible belt of america, don't underestimate Christianity as a motivating factor for people to fight the left) If you happen to be of a hardline ideology such as anarcho-capitalist, or national socialist, or radical orthodox christian, you can't expect people in your locality to immediatly conform to your ideology. Find common threads and pull them in your direction by persuasion and showing them you are not crazy. As opposed to

find common ground, and remember, we can argue all we want when we are among friends, but when we are facing the left in the field we have to close ranks. The average "cuckservative" in a right wing area is more similar to us than we realize.

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Fourth, put down the gun and help the old lady across the street. The left has accrued goodwill as do-gooders in many areas because they align themselves with food drives, charity, thrift shops, and even gay stuff like "save the icecaps"
we should co-opt this tactic, get involved with charity , except instead of doing it because "fairness, equality, muh social justice" we would do it in the name of "morality, national pride and brotherhood, solidarity with our people"
This tactic of getting goodwill from the communities is all upside, we are actually helping our folks, we are being moral, we show that we arent "ebil nabzis". (As an ideological note, if the result of being pro white is you hating the world, you are not doing white pride right)

Fifth, if someone is nutty, distance yourself immediatly , both for optics reasons and potentially legal reasons. My rule of thumb is, the more nutty, extreme, bloodthirsty and irrational someone sounds the more likely they could be a fed, potential dlyann roof or controlled opposition

Its time to get organized, brothers

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first for bump
And Godspeed anons



It's pretty simple to be honest.
We've been aiming this wrong since Charlottesville.
We're never going to win over the media or the uni crowd, they're nothing but future landfill.
We want to start making true momentum, we need to radicalise and give hope to the working class /working poor.
Homelessness assistance, food runs, helping the elderly etc.
People don't make decisions with their mind, it's heart or nothing.
They will accept we are right intellectually once we have their loyalty through heart.


We won in 2016 because we were the more rational side, we need to continue this and not degrade into gibbering idiots like the left currently is.

The right is the side of logic, reason, morality, and good. The left is the side of decadence, degeneracy, self-hate, and depression.

>People don't make decisions with their mind, it's heart or nothing.
Pretty much this. Its why liberals have been gaining so much traction in the past. Their ideals play on emotions.
As soon as the right is able to apeal to the general populaces emotions, we will see a massive Right Winged Wave. Something like "You are being replaced" or something like that is sure to get peoples noggins joggin

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agree 100%

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You're right about never winning over the media (although we can EXPLOIT the media). The uni crowd can definitely be won (maybe not all but some). But yeah, Trump appealing to the working class, the average majority American. He inspired them and SHOWED that he would work in their best interest, and that's why he won.

We need a balance between reason and emotions. We can easily be the side that takes the more rational stance while using very powerful emotional appeals.

>fourth, put down the gun and help the old lady cross the street
I cannot stress this fact enough, we need to help people out and get in a good light with the working class. As said, giving to the homeless, food runs, helping elderly, volunteering at nursing homes or animal shelters, food banks, or even what CasaPound is doing in some cases and offering health checkups for free to passerby and those in their party, etc.

This will make us look better while the left whinges on about how they can cut off their parts and other gender identity issues

I'm back and I've brought more black pills with me.
How does it feel to be betrayed by Trump on the gun issue lads? Think you will ever get a politician you can trust into the white house or no? Very concept of a trustworthy politician seems alien now, doesn't it? Speaking of guns, I hope you've buried all of yours in a place you will remember. You never know...Tree of liberty, blood of patriots and all that.



Goybook ) com / kcanticom

Or fb .me/ kcanticom

If you're in the kansas city or missouri area please like my fb page and shoot me a message. We have other groups for organizing but I'd rather vet people out on goyboom first

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How has Trump betrayed us on guns? Fuck off shill

>being in shape, being an approachable person, being respectful and polite to those around you

You spent a lot of words on what not to do, but only half a sentence on your real values and expectations. What's your motivation? Are you motivated by the positive values of beauty, goodness, truth, and nationalism? You are trying to control the rightwing to make it more agreeable and likable, but why? You don't want to be likable for its own sake, so why not talk about what people should like you for rather than what they shouldn't like about themselves.

The bump stock EO was a very very bad and knee jerk reaction.

we are talking about being approachable and normal, what to do and what not to do.


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Threatening to ban bump stocks? Threatening to make more and more concessions to the shitlibs with every mass shooting? At least when Obama tried it the Republican Congress was there to stop him, but now all of their seats seem to be going away. If the new Democrap congress tries it will Trump be there to VETO at this rate? I mean don't get me wrong, it's good you voted him anyway, Clinton was the full accelerationist vote, but we all were expecting more from a guy that CC's in New York of all states.


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eh, you could do a better job at it. I got the point of the post, but it's all the same things we've already heard. Nothing really new about the optics question. Still, it's remarkable to spend only half a sentence on the "what to do" while spending the rest of the paragraph on the "what not to do." Seems neurotic. How about spending more time on the "what to do" part in the future. Argue in favor of something rather than always arguing against everything.


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Any leafs lurking here know of a good leaf goycord?


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>We must become the same way. Not tied to anything but our beliefs, everything else is subject to change as the greater good of our cause dictates. Remember that the german SS, being german, marched in lockstep in the most rigid fashion imaginable while the Dutch SS would actually dance down the street. In the same way, american nationalists will be american, indeed they should be. English nationalists will be english in their mannerisms and symbols. German nationalists will be german. The main point of having a rally is to secure public support and action in an appeal for a cause
>Second, we have to look like regular americans, germans, canadians etc, we have to look like regular people from our nation.
>Always look like you want a talk and are secretly ready for a fight, as opposed to looking like you want a fight.
>Third, make use of the issues in your area. Find an issue the average normal person can get behind that are also /ourissues/, islam is cancer, mass immigration is bad, drug use is bad, or just plain old national pride. (if you are in certain areas of europe or the bible belt of america, don't underestimate Christianity as a motivating factor for people to fight the left)
> Find common threads and pull them in your direction by persuasion
>find common ground, and remember, we can argue all we want when we are among friends, but when we are facing the left in the field we have to close ranks.
>Fourth, put down the gun and help the old lady across the street.
>we should co-opt this tactic, get involved with charity , except instead of doing it because "fairness, equality, muh social justice" we would do it in the name of "morality, national pride and brotherhood, solidarity with our people"
This tactic of getting goodwill from the communities is all upside, we are actually helping our folks, we are being moral, we show that we arent "ebil nabzis".
these are all things we should do, bud

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I wish everyone was redpilled on the optics question, but we still have plenty of retards saying anyone who wants to wave an American flag rather than a swastika is an "optics cuck".

There are plenty of positive, constructive things we could be doing, but we need to stop making pants-on-head braindead mistakes first.

this is so true



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Well, I honestly don't know. I am not sure how we expect to not be smeared with the worst of leftist claims.

we need to ally with black nationalists.


both for optics and to attack the jews on two fronts

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>The right is the side of logic, reason, morality, and good.
The normal family in the good old Days was right-wing honest people with morallity, now the right-wing people are portrayed as nothing but lowlifes with bad morals, you can change peoples view of us, one at a time.

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I could be okay with this. Rockwell did it.

>Right Wing United


>You spent a lot of words on what not to do, but only half a sentence on your real values and expectations
To be fair the autists on pol need more of the 'dont's' than 'do's'



Get organized you say? Here‘s a good article on how to do that: status451.com/2017/11/11/radical-book-club-what-righties-can-do/

>We want to start making true momentum, we need to radicalise and give hope to the working class /working poor.
You know who else did that when their shit got popular? The FLQ, and guess what happened to them? They got fucked up by the Canadian military, thousands of people got arrested and NOBODY CARED because they were too busy watching MASH and Howdy Doody and it’ll be even worse now. Westerners are slaves and will never be free as long as we believe in the ideas of global connection.



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>FLQ members practised propaganda of the deed and issued declarations that called for a socialist insurrection against oppressors identified with "Anglo-Saxon" imperialism, the overthrow of the Quebec government, the independence of Quebec from Canada and the establishment of a French-speaking Quebecer "workers' society".

Are you fucking dumb? This group was basically communist Atomwaffen. They were idiots and deserved to get their shit kicked in.

Don't write off the uni crowd for a second. Young white men at uni are getting more right wing

This is a GREAT article and needs to be spread more. Too many Righties think that victory will just fall into our hands somehow, or STILL believe in "muh civil war". They want to blow shit up because they're too lazy to work and organize.

>using Mussolini as an insult
I fucking hate Americans.


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Nice memeflag Mr. Shill :^)

Large rallies require a shit load of money from donors, and donors will never give money to any kind of radical movement that can actually solve things. At most they will give money to controlled opposition like the Tea Party to vent right-wing anger into more neocon cuckservative bullshit.

Also the idea of watering shit down and LARPing as civnat boomer Patriotards to get people on our side is retarded, hasn't worked in the past and won't work now. You can't trick people into being redpilled.


whut? when did I do that?

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Anyone who attends a Trump/Alt-Right rally will be identified and efforts will be made to get you fired. Stay behind to keyboard or be prepared to have your lives ruined.

I disagree.
1) people can just show up, its not that hard
2) how is holding an american flag larping? its OUR FLAG you moron.

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hello shill

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This isn't actually true - the Boston Free Speech rallies were pretty damn large before Cville fucked it up.

Donors can be anyone, and they tend to give money to causes and movements that are successful. Success is a cycle that leads to more success, unless a stupid blunder stops the cycle.

Fake fucking news. I know several people who have gotten straight-up doxxed and they still have jobs.

A job at McDonalds does not count. Anyone with has something to lose will lose it.

Talking to regular normie conservatives is essential if you want to have any kind of local power. If you're smart you can bring up racial things around them, e.g. It's Okay To Be White, and win them over.

fuck off shill
staying behind your keyboard and in your home never did anything

It's cool. I can tell you've never actually done anything and you're just trying to make the left seem tough.

Who died and left you boss of our movement you fucking retard kike. We never said jews will not replace us you absolute moron. We said YOU will not replace us. The (((media))) reported it as jews just like you're doing now. Fuck off schlomo!

hey pal, we dont act we lose. period.


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What exactly is your long term plan? Rallies don't equal power. What is your plan to take power and solve America's problems?

You must be a retard. Sorry for your low IQ. Flouride will do that to you.

Not an argument, now answer.

we have to turn america and europe against degeneracy and leftism or (((leftism))) if you prefer. that is the overriding mission, secondly we have to unite the right and mobilize, from there we can exercise more more influence to push things further right.rallies are a part of mobilization and building an action network.


absolutely goebbels tier

He's a guy with an opinion
You're an inbred retard with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, hence the aggression.






how does it feel to have tranny cocks push your shit in?
does it hurt?
just inquiring how faggots live.



Ever notice that at lefty protests litterally every single person in the crowd has a sign?

>me me me me me me me me me me me me

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>no torchlight march
I disagree. This is a powerful and unifying aesthetic. The Left knows this and shills hard with
>hurr, muh tikislol
but is actually scared shitless of it. Torchlight marches are more American than apple pie. Check out a racist history book.

Good thread. God speed brothers. Hitler lives!

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dude, the tiki torches sucked horse cock
if you wanted your american torches, THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN REAL Torches, not ones you buy at walmart

>The first and most obvious rule is to be socially acceptable. This relates to everything, being in shape, being an approachable person, being respectful and polite to those around you.

This. Weird as it may sound, 95% of your political efforts should have nothing to do with politics. You need to make yourself presentable, respectable, an authority figure. You need to be in a position where the people who meet you innately look up to you. Remember, we judge people in the first few seconds of contact, then spend the conversation justifying that impression.

If you go to a rally, you're not gonna be arguing, you're not gonna be debating. You will be making a statement, and that statement will sink or swim based on the respectability of the person behind it.

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No shit.

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If we have a rally with real torches they'll joke about it non stop

My man, the Tiki Torches were a bad idea. This is what a torchlit rally should be like:


If lefties aren't openly shitting themselves at the mere sight of photos of your rally, you need to step it up.

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I agree

They'll also joke about it if we don't use torches at all.

what do we do?

do not use torches as things stand atm
we have to outsmart them before we beat them, if congress was voting on a weapons registry, then go for the scary look

In before a handful of bigots, having a rave with a few dozen flares.

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