Two white roasties explain how they moved to Los Angeles with no jobs. They would rather sell their bodies to niggers than settle down with a beta.
Two white roasties explain how they moved to Los Angeles with no jobs...
Its easier to suck a niggers dick than get. Job.
They will settle with beta when they are (more) old and used.
If someone is dumb enough to agree ofc.
Look at the eyes, they're mutt material
God damn, I have never seen women this disgusting. And I have seen Gypsies.
They'll both be dead before they're 40.
BREAKING NEWS: Craigslist whores attention whore online
I remember you. Chick on the right is OP.
Stop shilling your shit here you crazy lady.
>20 years later
>why am I single?
>I mean yeah I rejected guys that wanted long relationships but I don't see how that's relevent
no shit, the one on the left has cystic fibrosis. and only 400 dollars a month
she isnt going to get past 30 with that life style
they look like heroin addicts who shower once every 2 weeks
theres always a desperate beta somewhere to bankroll her cheating on him then lose half his remaining shit
you see a lot of girls like that out in Hell-A and it's sad but I guess they are driven in a way which is more than I can say for myself
Definite mutts. & they sure have a lot of money for tattoos. That neck piece on the girl to the left would cost $500 minimum, assuming she didn't just do anal in exchange or something.
(and that's a good thing)
>black eyes
get fit
If I had a daughter and watched her turn into one of these creatures, she'd be disowned for life.
This girl is such an annoying, brain dead piece of shit. I hope she is raped and killed.
/r/ makeapp
alot of hoes like this in LA. Its either girls like these or Kim K/instathot cookie cutter "baddies"
Glad Ive lucked out and got out of the LA dating scene
It's more disgusting because they could chose not to be like that.
At least gypsies are stuck because of their closed and retarded culture.
What is their excuse? Patriarchy ?
Porn is the final stage of slut culture and the apex of women being sluts.
If they are not "saved" beforehand, these women will end up in porn, like millions and millions of women are in today.
>considered white in america
Am I missing something? I watched the video and they didnt mention prostitution or betas. Regardless, they look like demons and the blonde one sounds retarted
Or she'll be paid for by the American taxpayer the second her health gets worse.
>tone-less voice of right
that's how you know she's dead inside
>LA dating scene
How is the LA dating scene like?
hot desu
>dumb roasties goto popular town while jobless
wow so original
> betas giving a fuck what whores do
We are way beyond women user, we are working hard with no distractions or nagging cheating whores sticking up the house.
Our bank accounts are getting swoll and we have so much time to make even more money, if I want my cock wet all I got to do is wave a 20 to this same whores and they'll polish my dick till I can see my reflection in it.
It's only bull dykes and pink haired sjw vanagloring this so called "models" even the ugliest fattest idiot on America has seen the light.
The day of the wall is up on them
yea sorry i turned it off after 20 second i dont care
What's up with all the slide threads?
stop posting yourself whore this is like the hundredth time goddamn no one cares
Will they be giving blow jobs half-off when they are 65? (assuming STDs don't kill them first?)
probably was and thats why she is so fucked up
If you move to LA in your car, there is almost NO where the cops or druggies wont fuck with you. Beverly Hills you might get pulled over for just driving around. She's lying.
Also there is NO artist housing.
And there are no "mountanes" to live in. There is a park and you have to pay. And there is the side of the highway and the patrol will bust you.
>move to a hostel
You will get kicked out in 1 week.
Just saying
this is literally the oldest LA story there is. who gives a fuck?
I said it's fake STFU
Most women would rather an hero than settle down with a beta. Jumping on the Coal Train is one of the less tragic ends.
they didnt even say anything about sex
why is everyone here obsesed with niggers
I live in la amd this is true as fuck lol
>Most women would rather an hero than settle down with a beta
What? Most women settle with betas and die inside everyday. Same with these pathetic junky dikes
they do resemble creatures of the underworld, don't they user
>they look like heroin addicts who shower once every 2 weeks
I'm sure they shower more often than that.
Unless you mean with water.
Okay that's obviously a case of severe untreated depression
Driven to be attention whores. Not sure if I would conside that a life goal.
Even if it is, she had opportunities to settle down but thought all those guys were beneath her so she rejected them, she brought it all on herself with an inflated ego
obvs they are lying but it's also entirely possible to live like this in LA - you just suck at it.
niggers won't shoot up the school/workplace when tehy get cucked and left. you think a good white specimen will hook up with a homeless LA immigrant? betas only no doubt
I remember seeing girls growing up that always had to be the most-tattooed, craziest hair, and always the center of attention. I occasionally bump into them now and they are still up to the same shtick. It's all they got.
I guess new ones are still being churned out.
How many diseases do you think both of them have combined?
are those racoons
How many fathers were there for them growing up combined?
Would face fuck
The one on the left is still "figuring life out."
How long until she settles down?
Is this anything other then a YouTube prostitution add?
Women's rights were a mistake.
look up The Gift and thats basically dating in all of Commiefornias citites
>artificial red hair
>ring in nose
>shitty meme tats
>nigger dick
all that's missing is the death from being beaten and/or aids
No. There is no sex. You're just supposed to donate to their Patreon.
theyre both pretty cute
California was a mistake
Heck, she was engaged to be married to a beta provider, but then she decided death was preferable to giving up her dream of exclusive rights to Chad's Thundercock.
mainly spics and barely anyone slightly intelligent. you can lucky if you get a foreign girl like i did (german) but otherwise you’re fucked. a lot of stupid girls or sluts, literally white girls will pay to meet you if you’re instagram famous a lot will let you fuck too.
I'm in LA. Girls fuck on or before the first date and they never wanna hear from you again. Which "The Gift" do you mean? There's a lot of movies named that.
Isnt that bitch on the right the one that lives in her van?
Why do they look like post-op trannies ?
holy shit, i can barely last 1 minute listening to these slow talking vapid drug addicts ramble on about complete bullshit.
you can bet your ass it's coming. there's no saving these braindead whores.
>two years later
>little does he know he contracted almost every STD known to mankind
No you're a liar. See
If she has CF she's eligible for Medicare already
1:43, I can't watch any more of this drivel. The jumpcuts get on my nerves as well.
No they couldn't those tweakers are hiding a face that would shock even a hardened man beneath that make up.
These women are far to disgusting to make money in porn.
Only fresh young college girls can make it in porn these days.
March For Our Lives is a recruiting operation for Antifa.
Kids were being distributed anti-white, anti-cop propaganda at the event.
The deep state is now trying to swell its Alt-Left paramilitary group ranks with underage kids. SPREAD THIS INFO EVERYWHERE.
>What this means:
SES (Senior Executive Service): an army of no-background check required for the hire executives with access to ALL INTELLIGENCE, who nobody knows how much they make (and they are the most well paid federal employees there are), that the POTUS CANNOT FIRE.
This right here, those 10000 parasites are a very important part of the deep state.
Intro and link to info dumps:
More on SES:
Even more on SES:
Groups of deep statists create group to support Trump..
This two putas smell and I have seen that faces before. Their fenotipe its being whores and batshit locas pal coño.
Of course, by "beta" you mean a good man. This shit meme needs to die. You're literally calling niggers "alpha" and more valuable than men that would probably be good husbands and fathers. This makes you part of the problem.
What's Cf treatment like In US, I started o and Orkambi last August costs like 120k a year but feeling very good with it, haven't been in hospital since I started so I guess it's saves however much it costs to keep me in hospital for 2 weeks already
Victoria X Rave actually has a very nice face. would love to see her without the disfigurements
I've never seen this in real life. Is there really a score of pathetic men waiting to pay for an used up roastie? With money you can easily get a 19 year old. If your gonna get cucked anyway why not bang them in their prime?
>Of course, by "beta" you mean a good man.
Don't talk like a beta, kid. Protip
Fuck off nigger
I opened the video on youtube and the suggested videos on the right side made me severely depressed.
>implying this disgusting degenerate filth is good enough for me
Yikes user..... you must have not heard. I'm 5"8, and balding, at 27 with no degree or job. I'm way too good for both of these women, unironically.
a friend of mine married a 34yo mother of two at the age of 25.
Because a lot of beta simps are raised in single mother households, with no father figure and are doomed to be nothing more than a meal ticket for a used up whore all because they had the worst upbringing known to man.
t.used up roastie
Also yeah if she's smoking weed and taking Drugs with cf she's gonna be pretty fucked, smoking is really bad in itself but apparently some bacteria in weed can really fuck up the cf lungs
>speaking like they're drugged out
they're gonna hit that wall hard and fast
>The day of the wall
What were they?