He’s never gonna build a wal-

Monday morning, niggers.

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How embarrassing for you.

You just got knocked the fuck out.


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Not really a fence. But alas, this is bait.

I asked him to build a wall, not ceiling to floor vertical blinds on my fucking back porch.

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This seems strange. All semi-urbanized area that I have seen next to the border had some kind of fence. This one had fuck all before?

I know mutts are stupid and gross but building a giant cage? Isn't a bit too much?

This isn't the new design, this is the same stuff Obama was putting up.

Those are not the prototypes that Trump originally promised us.

That's the same shitty fencing that we already have. Looks like the omnibus bill wasn't 4D chess after all! Trumpfags = cucked again

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A wall is solid. This is literally a fence.

Im not an engineering major, but don't you need to create some sort of internal structure to pour the concrete over. Every blasted out building has rebar hanging out.

the wall comes second

Next to worthless, what a fucking joke.

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>pouring it over
This will make the wall top havy and weak at the base

trump is lying because he's desperate to avoid the blowback over sleeping on this disastrous omnicuck bill.
they can't build shit, they are just repainting some existing bullshit fencing which doesn't work. the pictures are staged and shared by trump's open-borders soros-loving dem appointee to dhs in order to make people think the wall is being built when it really isn't. so you'll all forget about it and go back to watching niggers run into each other.

>tfw all mexicans need to do is cross legally and overstay

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>Cement blocks lined up behind the fence
Is potus building 2 fences?

at least the fence will keep the fat mexicunts out

I dig my hole, you build a wall.

>Talks about a wall
>Posts photo of a fence

Individuals will always be able to scale any wall. This at least stops vehicles full of drugs/people.

cant the wetbacks just slip thru the bars?

Give arab a wall, he'll make a fence.

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Getting real tired of these excuses desu.

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LOL at you fags believing open borders whore Nielsen. She's lying, that Tweet was from San Diego on March 15th. They're not building ANYTHING after the omnibus.

Imagine a bunch of spics besieging the wall with siege towers and big ladders.

mhmm yeah drain the swap amirite guys lets bomb the fuck out of isis for israel

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And now Sup Forums will bear witness to the true power of a wizard.

The prediction is true.

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The skeleton structure goes on first and then those cement blocks lego into the structure to form the actual wall. Easier to replace damaged segments without needing to take a whole section down.

Literally a fence and Mexico didn't pay a cent for it LOL

A fence made out of solid steel slats.
You do know why right?
Its so animals can still cross, are you trying to be dense?

Stay mad

This. Omnibus bill was a massive cucking.

If you are stupid enough to build it so people can scale it in 9 seconds.

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>Its so animals can still cross

Kinda defeats the purpose then, doesn't it?

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>doesn’t even know how to reply to a post

Yeah. So? They gired mexicans fornthe job. Those mexicans are going to steal all the supplies and build another shanty town on the border.

Ha! That thumbnail looks like he has an AK-47


There's different ways of doing it. They'll probably tie it off, then use multiple forms and pour it in sections.

>the west is so soft they won't shoot invaders

You can still have an area for wildlife to cross at the bottom while having a wall at the top to make it harder to climb. Most of the prototypes were like this.

Still literally a fence. I'm not sure what you're arguing.

A literal fence, how the fuck can trumpfags be this laughable.

Meanwhile the actual wall money is going to Israel. lmao

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>doesn't understand tariffs

If this were steel reinforcement, the concrete would be integral with this installation. In addition, it would be a skeleton of rebar, not tube fencing

Right. Only shoot those we suspect may have a gun. Usually after they cooperate with police but drop their hands an inch after holding them in the air for half an hour.

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Criminally underrated

its #7 fag, the same one he talked about when he went own to view them.

>the one with the big round thing on the top is hard to get over, who would have thought these are professional climbers.

maybe they took it down before hand

>Stay mad
>Fence is based!!! it's been den a wall

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Anyone that's been to the border knows this is exactly what they had up before. lel

Why do you think it's being made with steel? Or did you honestly expect a concrete wall with NO supports? Even Trump isn't that stupid.

So who took it down the first time?


use them as special forces or in the army then...
oh wait.

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These pictures are old, OP is a fag.

Trumpfags will literally defend the repairing of our current fence.

It's a fence, If it's not solid then that's what it is.

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The people constructing this fence.

Are you saying they are going to pour concrete over it after it's erected? I hope you understand this is the exact same fencing America has been putting up for over a decade.

Opinion disregarded. An actual retard.


So they took down a fence to put up the same fence?

Ahhhh, gotcha. Well, Don conned us boys. We are going the way of South Africa.

So who keeps taking down the previous fences?

Seems like they're on the fence about this whole thing

He didn’t say that. He was speaking about the professionals who climb the wall during testing.

You've really devolved to this point? You can no longer make an argument without misrepresenting reality. It's an internal support for the wall, and we all know this. Yet you continue to either delude yourself or knowingly mislead others because you are incapable of arguing on the basis of fact. Truly pathetic.

Use your brain, faggot. They're repairing/replacing parts of it.

i always tought this was what was going to happen

but with the wizard theme this just got a new level of kek

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This. The wall was stupid to begin with, but Trump is still a faggot for not delivering. But most importantly he didn't get anything at all for his base and everything for Israel and Dems.

Why do so many retarded people find jobs working with CTR and Share blue?

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>You've really devolved to this point? You can no longer make an argument without misrepresenting reality. It's an internal support for the wall, and we all know this. Yet you continue to either delude yourself or knowingly mislead others because you are incapable of arguing on the basis of fact. Truly pathetic.

Stay mad, hope you enjoy all those nigger babies once Trump bans abortion.

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Fuck off, Carlos. You have to go back.

>Just imagine what I want you to so I don't have to answer.
No, answer me fuck face. Who took down the previous fence?

how come I can see through it?

You can't make a wall out of nothing, it has to be built piece by piece. And this is the first piece. Of course, you know this. You just pretend that it's a fence you you can keep ranting and raving about the blumpftards.

Damn, I knew Trump had an ace up his sleeve. I knew he would come through with the Wall.

Border crossings are already down 75%, the Wall is just a giant Fuck You to all the rapist Mexicans trying to steal our jobs! Don’t rest until 100% if Mexicans are gone, Don! Not good!

30 foot tall vertical blinds would do the job faggot

>build wall or take over mexico and make mexicans into farmers

Honestly, we don't even need a fucking wall, just make this country inhospitable to beaners. Target the MoneyGrams, stop the welfare and medical are, mass deportations, etc. Why spend billions on a wall, when we can have them self-deport out of fear.

>yfw trump builds all 6 prototype designs spread through the boarder just to mindfuck with people

Not true.

I'd rather have no wall and stop being a puppet state of Israel.

we voted for both

>No Top
>But i-it's not a f-fence trust me!!

Why are you so mad about reality? Trump cares more about Israel then this country's demographics.

Boomerism: The Post

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Ever been to a zoo?



>wall construction begins
>Ann Coulter rage queefs.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. That's how you build a wall, dipshit. I don't know about the rest of the US, but in my state the fence is made with wood. Even if it weren't a wall, I would still rather them make the fence stronger. It's one step in the right direction.

They did you can tell they are taking down the old urban sheet metal fencing and putting in the taller ones now.

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haha this. ISRAEL #1

>Wall is just another fence
>Ann is still right and the demographics will be fucked

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those prototypes NOT being built was part of his spending bill he signed the other day

So how many people will get stuck in this every year?

>implying niggers wouldn't be so desperate they all kill themselves and their babies with botched coat-hanger abortions in back alleys.

trump is a puppet of israel, he will never build the wall

>He unironically wants abortion banned

I can't wait for based nigpedes to be born

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its a 2000 mile long sign that says
>los intrusos serán fusilados

>A well-constructed fence doesn't work the same way as a wall
>I'm gay and I like to post cute little cartoons of girls