Does anybody actually care about the erasure of the other universes?
Goku is obviously going to win and wish for them to come back.
Does anybody actually care about the erasure of the other universes?
Goku is obviously going to win and wish for them to come back.
Or Jiren will win and wish them all back. He is a hero of justice afterall.
Still interesting to see how it plays out. I bet all universes will eventually be merged into one.
I don't care. People get so emotional over u6 being gone like we don't know they will come back
Couldn't Zen-Oh basically up and tell him no considering the point of the tournament was to trim the multiversal fat?
Or they could let him wish the universes back and just erase them again.
Goku is going to wish back King Kai
Universe 6 was the highlight of this Tournament
> Master Roshi x Vegeta vs Frost x Magetta
> Freeza x Gohan vs Frost
> Hit vs Jiren
> Freeza vs Cabba
> Goku vs Caulifla x Kale
> Goku vs Kefla
> Gohan x Piccolo vs. Saonel x Pirina
So now what? All that's left that matters is the 3 Pride Troopers left.
I hope we get to the climax soon, because it's hard to care about anyone who isn't part of Universe 6 (gone), or the Magical Girls (gone), or the Pride Troopers
It still doesn't look like Goku can beat Jiren yet. Jiren is also a good guy and he might also wish for the universes to be restored.
It'd be a fun twist.
>Goku is obviously going to win and wish for them to come back.
Except the WHOLE point of the tournament is to shrink the amount of existing Universes.
As if Zeno and/or the Grand Priest will allow that
Also: the winning Universe gets to stay alive, but the Super Dragon Balls can only grant one wish (not sure how they'll decide who among the team gets the wish...most likely the MVP)
As far as we know, these are the wishes that anyone from Universe 7 plans to make:
> Wish for whatever his family wants, or for someone strong to fight
> Wish for Universe 6 back, so he can visit Planet Sadala
> "Control the gods"
Vegeta's makes the most sense, as it'll keep some fan favorites from being erased.
Freeza's wish is also very interesting. If he gets the wish, maybe he'll become a God of Destruction?
> Why didn't they recruit Gotenks
After rewatching Kai: Final Chapters, I know why...
Holy shit is that brat annoying. He'll literally sacrifice everything for showmanship.
And he'll ignore advice from his teammates because he is so full of himself. He makes Vegeta look modest in comparison.
you know what, people have taking it so far for granted that maybe fucking toei and tori won't actually go for it, cuz it's actually so predictible, even Vegeta downright spoils the wish.
Cap it, I'm thinking there won't be any wishing back, not in the tournament arc, I think it's gonna be a surprise.
That seems to be a common trait for fusions, looking at Vegito and Kefla same thing happens.
Maybe because the personality born of the fusees' is accustomed to the previous power levels, thus when it experiences the power boost of fusion, they get cocky as all hell?
Is gotenks dabbing?
The machinations of the Gods are just as thinly understood as the writing. They wanted to get rid of the universes with low mortal levels, whatever that means. Combining them into one universe would provide one universe with a high mortal level. It makes sense.
Then you have a six way battle royal to decide who the kais, kaoshins, and gods of destruction are. THERE TORIYAMA! I JUST GAVE YOU AN IDEA OF WHAT TO DO AFTER THIS STUPID ARC IS OVER.
Is Gohan balding ?
let the other universes stay erased
more impact that way
Leave Vegeta to me
Vegetto and Kefla weren't that bad in comparison.
Vegetto was like that because he needed to lure Buu into absorbing him, so he can save his friends.
Kefla is just naturally cocky because Caulifla is.
The most insufferable fusions are Gotenks and Gogeta
>Letting that much marketing material disappear
Let's be honest, they're all coming back, either in their original universes or as said, all into the winning 'verse.
After all, when was the last time a death of a frontline character in the entirety of DB was permanent?
>that form
can anyone stand against the D?
> low mortal levels
> combine them into one universe
> somehow makes one universe with a higher mortal level
> how do averages work?
Are you really this dumb???
>Vegetto was like that because he needed to lure Buu into absorbing him, so he can save his friends.
I never understood this plan, why didnt he just beat buu and wish everyone back.
Dr. Rota
No universes - no more tournaments. No more tournaments - no tanoshii.
Do you know how they determine mortal levels?
I deel like it'll tuen out to be something more along the lines of eishing for all the universes to exist with U7 or something, for future shenanigans
Likely scenario: Some idiot wins the tournament and wishes all the universes back
Ideal scenario: The same happens, except they're all divided into several super universes
Unlikely but more ideal scenario: Frieza's plan succeeds and he actually turns out to be a good ruler and brings all of the universes back without the shitty system they have in place or intergalactic real estate agents
He is not balding, he is developing brand new form - Super Saiyan Calvo.
Posting the leaks
what does the elephant do
Against both Buu and Zamasu, Vegito acted as though his opponent was a joke compared to him. Only difference between him and the other fusions, is that he can actually back up his cockiness.
Kefla thought that she was utterly unbeatable, even though Goku was at his absolute limit, and he had at least two (Vegeta and Freeza) teammates whose power was at least in the same ballpark as his.
But I agree that Gotenks and GT Gogeta were worse in this regard than either of them.
Toriyama is the fucking gook george lucas of course they're gonna revive all the universes
FFS the show's stakes are so low that they barely even want to kill the VILLAINS off
What's Saibaking's powerlevel?
The Dragon is unable to affect those that are stronger than him orsumshit.
That or because Buu was an actual demon and laughed at Dragon's power.
That or because Toriyama improvised the story on the fly, forgot about a shotload of things and you were never supposed to question shit like that
Kefla is much stronger than Vegeta and Frieza.
Do you guys like Goten? Is he more popular than Trunks?
Nah Goku is gonna wish that all the universes will be combined into 1 universe cuz muh fighting pals.
Mortal levels may be determined by civilisations, peace, number of sentient life forms, or any number of other measurements.
It need not be an average at all, or at least not a mean.
It's already implied to be Jiren's wish in the manga
He's always done that pose
>Is he more popular than Trunks?
No, not even close
I don't care about the other universes because all we've seen from them are 10 fighters and their gods.
U6 was different because it's like an alternate reality to U7. If you care about Future Trunks' timeline (which you do), there is some affection for U6.
so who are the two that get knocked out? I'm guessing pickle and 18?
Gohan and Piccolo
Nigga you should have seen him in the manga. That rat was unbearable.
>best boy gets to shine
fuck yes
Did The bugs and Shantsa seriously only last one episode? Holy shit this is pathetic. At least they got two U7 fags.
on a scale of 1-10 how much butthurt would there be if gohan gets taken out like do i need to make sure and come here satday night sunday for people live streaming them offing themselfs
>Risking it All! Vegeta's resolve
Takahashi is animating that episode. Something big is happening in that one. Is Vegeta seriously going to do it?
>Jiren does nothing until the tournament is about to end
>One minute left
>He blitzes everyone and revives them with his wish
cap this post
nigga the spoilers are fake
its not on any of the translators Twitter plus there aren't any scans. anybody could make up some fake shit quickly
Maybe so, what I was saying is that Goku (at least pre-UI), Vegeta and Freeza, as well as possibly Gohan, were all around the same immense power, and they were nowhere near as exhausted as Goku is/was.
We saw Vegeta fare better against Toppo than Goku roughly 40 hours before did, and Freeza managed to knock Goku out of Blue, while retaining his own Gold form.
I am not saying any of them are stonger than Kefla, who benefited not only from the Potara boost but also from Kale's seemingly limitless power reserves and Caulifla's ability to draw out her own power when desired, But they are around Goku's level, who let's not forget, beat her fair and square.
if he wants to catch up he has no choice. He doesn't have Goku's plot armor, though, so I can't see Jiren not knocking him out for literally no reason.
Spoilers from next arc.
I don't care, you're still gay
80% to 85% of [Character]fags here are just double falseflaggers intentionally stirring up shit, so probably not, you'll get about 3 really upset tears streaming down their cheeks as they mutter through gasping breath fuckos here.
Kefla is SSBKK Goku level. Neither Vegeta, Frieza, or Gohan are SSBKK level.
this would be nice
What the fuck is this?
my gratuities, doctor
>Jiren wins
>Universe 7 is 'erased'
>it turns out the universe was just being vanished from detection
>Universe 11, along with 1, 5, 8 and 12 are the ACTUAL universes erased
>the Tournament wasn't actually to determine who was the strongest, but who was the weakest
>the remaining weaker seven universes are each dispensed with one Super Dragonball a piece
>the reason was control
>after the Goku Black events requiring a timeline's erasure and a Zeno without a universe, Zeno and the Angels got concerned about mortals rising against the angels
>they brought about this Tournament to determine if this Goku was as dangerous as they feared, and pitted the universes against each other in feats of strength to cleanse the palate
>the winner would get erased with the other top four clearly stronger, and it was framed so that no one would hold back
>NOW, though, the Super Dragon Balls are seperated by seven universes, and tensions are higher, so the squabbles for the balls will be monitorable by the Angels so they can never be able to challenge them again
>this enrages Goku, not because of the context, but because they lied and erased all these potentially strong people to challenge
>he begins plans to defeat the angels and take back the Dragon Balls to reset the Universes
>he succeeds
>he wishes for all erased universes to return forever
>The Angels came from their own universe, Universe 13, a Universe so strong and so evil the Angels erased it to prevent its madness from spreading
>And Goku wished it back with the others
>now the Angels, all 12 Universes, and Goku have to rally against a Universe of Evil
>that they can't get rid of with a wish anymore
There. Next three sagas for you.
Yeah, that doesn't happen anymore.
U6 Turles attacking the saiyans, it seems.
Good day for a swell battle! and begin!
Only since you asked so nicely, user.
Why is Kale the one all fucked up and Cabba looks like he's been putting up a fight
Caulifla Black*
Goku had to use SSBKK against Toppo at the exhibition match just to get out of his grab, Vegeta threw him to the ground in Blue.
This alone isn't conclusive, of course, but it is indicative that Vegeta is stronger than Goku in Blue, and perhaps even to the low levels of KK, but cannot compare to KKx10/20
That actually sounds interesting.
No, that's this one.
don't make fun of that guy like that. that's just rude.
No romance until he surpasses vegeta's expectations.
Delete this disgusting filth
This match will get green and purple hot! now go!
Goku only went regular SSB against Toppo. GP stopped him before he could turn on Kiaoken
Kale can't go Super Saiyan during her period.
Cabba's just been standing around watching.
Cabba is a man.
I would honestly loe to see this happen, plus I don't want Jiren to be sidelined after this arc.
He needs to be a new rival to Goku.
>Episode spoilers out
>People still continue to wank those two
Fucking hell. Vegeta UI when?
How lewd!
kale wants more
This, and in the manga Gokuck gets btfo.
Toppo said Vegeta is the second strongest in u7. Freeza was equally matched with Blue Goku just before the tournament and Vgeta has just trained for one year in the time chamber. It's safe to say that Vegeta is stronger than Goku without kaioken.
I know you meant to say "Vegito UI", but neither of those things are happening this arc
>When was a death permanent
>King Kai